What do guys say/ could they have done better to grab your attention

If you get me laughing, you probably got me :lol:. I also like it when a guy just makes a random comment about something. It throws me off guard, plus I feel it's more organic. I remember being on the subway next to this guy. I was sandwiched in between him and a dude that was sleeping. Subway guy just made a random comment about the sleeping guy to me and it was on and poppin'. Conversation/connection made! We talked for over 40 minutes (long trip)!

I don't respond well to lines, not because of the guy, but because some guys usually have the same steez that they use on every girl.

ITA with this.

Also, I will usually at least acknowledge someone who actually says something to me, assuming its not something stupid. Many women are doing the initiating these days, so alot of guys will just circle around you waiting for you to strike up a convo first..nope. I'll look at you and smile, but that's it..if you don't want to do anything from there, then we aren't a match anyway.
Today I was approached by a man who was missing a leg and riding in a wheelchair being pushed along by another woman, I'm assuming this was a family member or his home health aide. The guy did all the right things, approached me confidently, spoke with assurance and authority, made good eye contact, came to me rather than yelling at me to get my attention or calling me over to him, was very polite, etc.

He certainly caught my attention. :yep: