What did you notice about your face after your BC ?


New Member
lmao. odd subject, but crap .. i didnt know ...
there'd be so much FACE after my bc HAHA,
i noticed that i have huge cheeks like .. i could
smuggle an immigrant into the country via these
cheeks lol. but i noticed how pretty my eyes are too.

what about you ?
lmao. odd subject, but crap .. i didnt know ...
there'd be so much FACE after my bc HAHA,
i noticed that i have huge cheeks like .. i could
smuggle an immigrant into the country via these
cheeks lol. but i noticed how pretty my eyes are too.

what about you ?

The bold lines are too funny, but echo my own observation. But I knew this coz I shaved my head as a teen at a time when your looks are so important to you and discovered the huge face/head I had. Ironic coz you'd think absence of hair would mean smaller head but not for me. LOL

I also look a lot older with short hair.
i thought id have a big head when my hair was sewn-up, but it was just all the hair underneath it that gave me the illusion. the NG was POPPIN' :lachen:
lmao. odd subject, but crap .. i didnt know ...
there'd be so much FACE after my bc HAHA,
i noticed that i have huge cheeks like .. i could
smuggle an immigrant into the country via these
cheeks lol. but i noticed how pretty my eyes are too.

what about you ?

I noticed my cheeks are fat and it made my acne pop ever so lovely. I probably should've transitioned more.
Yeah, the cheek thing! So, I started using blush to contour more (which I hate contouring); it was a necessary evil. Now that my hair has grown some, I have a nice balance again....no need to contour.

But for a minute, there, it was chipmunk city......I am not cute with just 2" of hair. I looked very butch.

Great thread OP!
Cheeks, cheeks, and more cheeks. Plus a huge helping of brown EYES. I didn't have the money to go out and buy every flattering hair accessory made available to the TWA stage - lol - so I relied on my smile quite a bit. That's when I really started paying attention to keeping my teeth white and stay away from the coffee.
My cheeks have always been big, and appeared so when my hair was longer, but with no distractions?! LOL. They become more obvious.
I realized when I wore t-shirts, I looked incredibly masculine from a distance. I also noticed that my eyes popped more, so I started wearing more mascara. More blush for my cheeks too!
exactly ! i easily hid my big cheeks behind my long hair. lol, i cant remember a day when i wore my hair to the back. i was religiously against pony-tails and any other hair style that wouldnt allow my hair in my face. lmao now .. my face is NAKED = cheeks galore
The bold lines are too funny, but echo my own observation. But I knew this coz I shaved my head as a teen at a time when your looks are so important to you and discovered the huge face/head I had. Ironic coz you'd think absence of hair would mean smaller head but not for me. LOL

I also look a lot older with short hair.

Isn't this the truth, OMG, I have very few pics of me with my BC but the few that I do I look OLD in them :nono: I ripped most of them up, must find the rest.
Well, I guess I have u guys' opposite problem- I noticed my cheeks more. But in a good way! I learned that I have beautiful high cheekbones :grin: For years, I thought they were just big lol.

Isn't this the truth, OMG, I have very few pics of me with my BC but the few that I do I look OLD in them :nono: I ripped most of them up, must find the rest.

Don't rip the rest. :spank: There's nothing as wonderful as hearing when you're older that you look younger now than you did back then. I don't even rip photos of me in which I look horrible. I actually keep them as inspiration to keep doing what I'm doing--if I like me now, or as an esteem booster on days I may feel horrible and unhappy with how I am. (I could be worse!)
My face doesn't look different to me at all...I have noticed that I catch a ton of people staring at me now. I sort of thought that my fro was flickted in the back or something, or maybe my hair was just looking weird to them, until this guy stopped me on the street just to tell me that I was beautiful, and a student photographer stopped me to tell me that she'd love to photograph me :blush:

I don't ever remember all the stares from back when I was relaxed and had hair in my face all the time,and the only time people outside of friends and family and classmates mentioned my looks was when guys tried to 'holla'...which, speaking of, doesn't happen much anymore. I get approached more--not often 'holla'd' at, which is nice. I guess BCing let my features show more than ever :ohwell:
I didn't really notice anything new, but I did suddenly remember that I like my face! :) I don't find myself breathtakingly gorgeous by any means, and I see my facial flaws probably more than anyone else, but overall I like my face and somewhere along the line I had forgotten that. With the lack of hair (I hate how I look with super short hair BTW) I noticed the things I like about my face a lot more than I had before. :smirk:
My face doesn't look different to me at all...I have noticed that I catch a ton of people staring at me now. I sort of thought that my fro was flickted in the back or something, or maybe my hair was just looking weird to them, until this guy stopped me on the street just to tell me that I was beautiful, and a student photographer stopped me to tell me that she'd love to photograph me :blush:

I don't ever remember all the stares from back when I was relaxed and had hair in my face all the time,and the only time people outside of friends and family and classmates mentioned my looks was when guys tried to 'holla'...which, speaking of, doesn't happen much anymore. I get approached more--not often 'holla'd' at, which is nice. I guess BCing let my features show more than ever :ohwell:

i see the same. the approach of guy and the types of guys that approach me are totally different now. before it was always guys trying "bag", you know the type. the ones with the skinny jeans and some neon print. but now it's guys with a cool, mellow vibe. BCing brings the right attention in every arena. i love this new look
I found I do have cheekbones. My eyes are a lot more striking being so dark than I realized. My lips are so very, very important for looking feminine at the TWA stage and I'm so thankful they are so full and defined.

I have a long neck and well chiseled collarbones (you could cut cheese on them). I was ashamed of them before, but love them now. I need to take pictures in a way that shows them off rather than hides them.

I'm also glad I love feminine clothes and I'm not a t-shirt/jeans person. I would look a tad hard if I was about now.

This time around I better appreciate all the changes with having a TWA. I think THAT is what is making the true difference.
When i shaved my hair to less than an inch a few years ago.....

1. I noticed how long and elegant my neck was.
2. I know i have a long face but the cut accentuated it.
3. My actual head is not as big as i thought it was - lol
4. I decided to lose and did lose about a stone in weight. My head seemed to look very small in comparison to my body (i'm 5'11"). I also wanted to look on point ie body good, make-up good, clothes good because i couldn't use my hair to be feminine.
5. I felt so free from styling and worrying about my hair.
This is what I'm worried about. This is what os stopping me from bc'ing. My eyes are not so white. I have a big nose, big lips and a big face and my teeth are not as white as I would like them to be.
Great thread! I'm also worried about BCing because I've got a big forehead. I need hair to fall on my face, even now I never wear ponytails. I also want to lose a bit of weight so that when I eventually BC my face has more definition.
I starting losing the weight when i had mentally decided to BC - that was about 3 weeks before i did it.

I have a big forhead too and going natural in itself doesn't really allow for fringes like relaxed hair (well not the way i would like them). My forehead didn't look any 'worse' when i shaved off all my hair.

But i won't bc again? Its longterm grow out for me. I like lots of hair.
Well I always knew I had big cheeks... even before my BC:look:

But it wasn't until my BC that I realized how big my head (especially my forehead) was:perplexed
I always knew I had a big forehead...but my tiny fro seemed to emphasized it more, so I tried to make a fro fringe to soften the dome.
I have a huge forehead...hell I have an eighthead. and because my eyebrows are blonde enough to be see-through, it makes my eighthead look even bigger. So I know that I have to emphasize my eyes and color in my brows. I still wear my hair back in a puff, because it looks kinda regal to me like:


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wait wait wait ! i dont want to scare girls from BCing & all im mostly hearing the negative. come on girls lets not do that, BCing was the BEST thing ive ever done.