The BC face/look?? Can someone be honest and tell me what this is?

I don't say that for ppl going natural. Going natural and make a big chop are differents things to me. A person going natural is transitioning, no short hair at all. A person who BCed cut her hair from 0.5 to 3 inches.

Soooo when i say a person have the face to BC is because that person looks good in a vey very short hair. Cause i do think that not all the hairstyles looks good for all person. For example, for my face/head, bangs don't look good cause my face is like a circle.
I definitely don't have the face for a short cut - I have a larger than average head (which I love), big eyes, full cheeks.

That's my personal opinion.
it means that you look good with short hair. thats it.

I look ok with short hair, but I know I look better with long hair, because I have an angular face with a wide jaw, basically, if you look at madonna's face shape, I have a very similar face shape. I look best with hairstyles that cover my hueg jaw lol. So, cbl and longer, usually. I don't look a hot mess with short hair, but I know I just look better with longer. *shrugs* but I wanted natural hair so I said bump that. I can flatiron when I want to look pretty.

some people look like models right off the bat when they BC but I'm not one of them, lol.
I don't know what people mean when they say that other than maybe that you're attractive and your face can pull off anything. Not everyone looks great with short hair, just like not everyone looks great with long hair.

IMO, when someone has really delicate features, a lot of hair is just distracting (Halle Berry is an example.)

I personally think that i look better with some sort of bang but I haven't had bangs in almost 10 years. LOL. I have big eyes, a big forehead, a short neck and an overall big face. But tell you what, I'm still fly with short hair. Just as fly as I am with longer hair. :)

I have big eyes, a huge head, short stubby neck and round/ovalish face :nono:. I got so many compliments when I first bc'd though. I was fly without hair and I'm fly with it. Believe that. :look:
I think if you have the confidence, you can pull off whatever hair you wish. :love3:
...."You have the perfect face for BC/to go natural"...
People have said this to me too when I did the BC 4 years ago...I never understood the comment either...

What is the LOOK or face to BC/go natural?
-slim figure?
-slim/wide nose?
-light/dark/medium skin?
-a hair typing that is lower that 4a (3c and under?)
- a woman who wears the right makeup?
-slim/wide eyes?
-perfect shaped eye brows?
-slim/chubby face?
-brown/dk brown/green eyes?
- strong/less defined facial structure?

All of the above (just my personal opinion)

Does this sentence/line imply that there is one to NOT go natural?
Should the woman without these attributes stick to a perm or texturizer?
What do you think about women who may not be as pretty as RoundEyedGirl (sorry to pick on you honey)?...?...?
I believe anyone can 'go' natural, or a better way to put it, anyone can have natural hair. We were all initially born with short natural hair. And it grew out. Same with people who do the BC, it will grow back out. Short and long natural hair is beautiful. Women without the so-called attributes shouldn't just stick with perm or texturizers. That makes no sense whatsoever to subject the women who are deemed 'unattractive' to harsh chemicals. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is beauty and attractiveness in everyone. And having natural hair doesn't make someone look less attractive or less beautiful.
First, I do think that our perception of whether we look good with afro-textured hair is dictated by the media and the culture. It takes a lot of work to get oneself out of that mindframe that only certain people can carry off a 'natural' which is in effect our god-given texture, it's like saying, I would look better if my skin were lighter because with my features it would just make me look prettier.

However, as a first-generation African woman, I completely understand the context in which Black women of the diaspora operate in the States and Europe so I don't judge. Western society is harsh against especially black women who dare to go against the standard and we usually get the repercussions in the form of comments and laughs. I was at a party the other day and most of the black women had lacefronts, it was actually hilarious and I felt great in my afro. In my opinion, wigs and weaves look more realistic than those lacefronts (no offence to the gals who rock them).

With that being said, I do think that in the States, the obsession with hair is because Americans have more time to be obsessed with their body and hair care. Hair is most parts of the world women with long or big hair wear their hair out 'worn out' only on special occasions. But the thing is we tend to be obsessed with other peoples hair and not our own (meaning what's on your own head).

Hair hides a multitude of sins. And I think that's why Asian, Caucausian and Latina women hide behind their hair and many black women hide behind their lacefronts and weaves. The longer hair can get away with whatever perceived facial and body flaws. In the States, people do not want to see natural beauty or flaws everything has to be covered up and a front. I see black women who have their look down to a science, the perfect hair, long manicured nails, make-up on point, perfume, the gucci bag and clothes from Banana Republic, Lane Byrant or Ann Taylor but what I see also is the great cover up; damaged hair hidden underneath a wig, bad skin, damaged cuticles and short nails and slightly overweight.

Almond Eyes
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From the 4-something years I was on NP and the 10+ months I've been on LHCF... I have YET to see pictures of anyone with a TWA who looked outright bad. :ohwell:
I am impressed by this thread. Everyone had really great responses. What I'd like to add is anecdotal but may help some of you... or at least be food for thought.

I am 5,7, 130 pounds (tall and slim... but I got a little thickness after I had my daughter heeeeyyy!! I digress.) I have a long face and a bigger than average head (think Tyra Banks on a bad day). FOREVER, I said "I would never go natural because my head is too big for me to have short hair or tightly coiled hair." What I was really saying is, "I feel insecure about the way I look and I'd rather hide behind long, straight, socially acceptable hair." Honest.

I BC'd in June. I was told by SEVERAL people, "You look good with your BC! It fits you. You have the face for it." Know what though? All that mattered was that when I looked in the mirror "I" liked what I saw. I became secure in who I am and how I look. If everyone in the world told me I was beautiful but I didn't see it, none of those compliments would ever matter.

My two cents.
Its not necessarily having the face for "natural hair"; it's having the face for "short hair" and NO, everyone does not have it. Just like with other hairstyles; everything doesn't suit everybody, but if the person rockin' the style likes it, that's all that matters.
For me it was a nice hairline and not a forehead like mine that can sell advertising space :) That was the only reason why I didn't BC.
I've gotten this a lot. When I shaved my head some folks even went as far to imply I should never let my hair grow back.

Now that I'm APL, I still get comments about how I have the face for it and how not everyone can pull 'the natural thing' off.
Some people do have big heads or faces that need hair to frame them. Or pointed heads and messed up hairlines. Some people have faces that get swallowed up by too much hair or get dragged down with long hair. Some people look better with kinks and some with silkyness. Some people can rock a Montel Williams and look gorgeous. I'm a proud member of the "not everyone can look good with everything" mindset!
I guess what's really sad in all this is the following: One must have a "BC face/look", but anybody can walk around with color damaged hair, old tangled & matted weaves, chewed up relaxed ends, quick weaves with one half of your head shaved off and society doesn't blink an eye...

I have BC'd twice and each time my husband loves my big ol shaved head with supa big lips and gigantic nose....I guess it's more about self esteem...Nothing is more beautiful than a woman that exudes confidence regardless of how much hair is on her head....

And that is my soap box moment for today....
i just saw that comment made in Browneyez BC thread and thought :perplexed

i, too, had the mind frame that i had to lose weight before i did the BC because it would look better on a thinner face.

i might not have the face for it, but i can act like i have the attitude for it.
I was told I have the face for short hair (and it was short). I thought thin faces would be best but mine is more plump, but not big. To me, if you have a big face and big features, shorter hair may not be the best option.
i did not have "the face" to go natural.
if anyone looked at me now , they'd never think id be able to pull off super short hair.
i have a giant nose, wide spaced droopy eyes, big forehead, did not wear much makeup at the time.

but when i BC'ed i got all those comments about having the face. when in all honesty before doing it i believed id look like fug so i was shocked when it actually looked decent .it looked better than it does now. (i swear only short or long hair looks good on me now, i hate the medium length,,,)
but anyhoo. you never know till/if you try it. and most ppl that ive seen bc look just fine.
Honestly I always just thought that if you cut off your hair, it drew attention to your face. So if your face was pretty, you had the face for short hair. And if it wasn't, well . . .
I think the debate is not about long hair vs. short hair, it's about whether afro-textured hair BC (TWA) suits a person or not. Many African women when I grew up had the TWA afros and yes there was no doubt some women were prettier than others but it can't be said that your own natural hair texture does not suit you. Now if your hair line is damaged and chewed up and your hair is balding then yes, perhaps a nice wig would be suitable but not because it is better than your own hair but because your hair looks unhealthy. My cousin godbless her soul was diagnosed with lupus and the side effects of the meds made her hair fall out and she was confident enough to let her bald patches and thinning hair show. Now I am too vain for that I would probably wear a lot of head wraps.

Almond Eyes
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I dont think a TWA or short BC would look good on me. Maybe if I lost weight b/c I have a full face, but not now.

And I would never willingly do it b/c I personally am not a big fan of short haircuts on women
Just like many ladies have already mentioned...I think about head size and shape. I have a huge head and very large features. And some of my facial features are a little strong so I think cutting my hair off to be natural would take away some of my femininity albeit only temporary.
It all depends on the cut, some people actually get their hair cut in a style when they bc and it looks fierce. There is a woman on youtube (don't remember her name) who got the natural version of the halle cut and it was HOT. For the most part, when people bc they just chop without a shape ect. sometimes it suits the person and sometimes it doesn't.
Honestly I always just thought that if you cut off your hair, it drew attention to your face. So if your face was pretty, you had the face for short hair. And if it wasn't, well . . .

My thoughts exactly.

As for natural hair/naturally suiting people - I don't think that the TWA was the most flattering hairstyle for Esther Rolle (may she RIP) and it don't get no more as nature intends than her style.
Natural hair is for everyone since that is what they're born with. So I don't understand when people say only some select people can "go" natural. On the other hand, every hairstyle or cut is not for everyone. Some face shapes are better suited to BC'ing to a TWA, meanwhile some look better with longer hair.