What did you notice about your face after your BC ?

I realized when I wore t-shirts, I looked incredibly masculine from a distance. I also noticed that my eyes popped more, so I started wearing more mascara. More blush for my cheeks too!

Yes, the t-shirt thing. Especially since I'm a thick girl. LOL.

As for the positive: I would say - again - my smile. And second, I was a little surprised about how confident I felt. Right after my BC, I went to the store with my mom. I felt beautiful without really knowing why. I guess I just knew that I could still be me without the hair.
...Great thread...One thing a long-term transitioner can't relate to...The closest that I come to is wearing my hair back in cornrows...not exactly the same!!!
Yes, the t-shirt thing. Especially since I'm a thick girl. LOL.

As for the positive: I would say - again - my smile. And second, I was a little surprised about how confident I felt. Right after my BC, I went to the store with my mom. I felt beautiful without really knowing why. I guess I just knew that I could still be me without the hair.

im still confined to the four walls of my room :nono: i like my cut, dont get me wrong, it just takes some getting use to. any tips to a sort of .. confidence booster ?

Janet', how long have you been transitioning ? and why did you choose that route instead of BCing ?
I didn't have any scary moments after the BC... it was the best few years of my hair life.. :giggle: but I started to miss my hair and grew it out...

When I did the BC, I realized my eyes and cheekbones are my best facial features (they got the most compliments as well), so I learned to accentuate them, something I didn't do before. I think sometimes hair will do that...hide great features we never really give a second thought to.
im still confined to the four walls of my room :nono: i like my cut, dont get me wrong, it just takes some getting use to. any tips to a sort of .. confidence booster ?

Janet', how long have you been transitioning ? and why did you choose that route instead of BCing ?

I have been natural for about 5 years now. I transitioned for over 2 years and my reason was because I have always had SL and beyond hair, and I wanted to retain as much length as possible, so transitioning was my only option (as far as I was concerned). I figured that I would have the rest of my life to be natural, I would enjoy the growing out phase.
im still confined to the four walls of my room :nono: i like my cut, dont get me wrong, it just takes some getting use to. any tips to a sort of .. confidence booster ?

Janet', how long have you been transitioning ? and why did you choose that route instead of BCing ?

Fake it `til you make it. Some big earrings, a smile, and don't look over your shoulder every time someone walks past you (lol) like you stole something .... people will notice your confidence and then the compliments roll in. I know I was surprised that so many women kinda "looked up" to me. I had done something they - felt - they could never do. And I don't live in the most progressive community around so .... yeah.
I noticed how beautiful and clear my skin was. Like Bublin, I also realize that I need to lose weight because my head looks super small without hair.
It ain't cute! LOOOOL That is why my protective style is a full sew in weave and my hair has grown to neck length since my big chop in January.
I can see my grandfather in my face. His cheekbones were really prominent, and I never noticed I had the same feature until I cut all my hair off.

Oh yea, and I have a really big forehead. People have been telling me that my whole life, and I just didn't believe them until my forehead was all I had to look at in the mirror.:lachen:
Ive noticed my cheekbones, the hereditary moles are more prominent, and my eyes have dark cirlcles(I nvr noticed how dark my lids were).