"What did you do to your hair!?" (pics)

lol thank you. That's the thing she needs to work on is not being so blunt and inconsiderate about people's feelings. I remember looking through a jewlery magazine and we came to a page with some pieces that another co-worker had and she didn't like and felt it necessary to say "Yea (co-workers name) has that, that s*** is ugly." Just rude.

So the rudness had nothing to do with you, your hair or her whiteness? She's that way with everyone?

Unless its a compliment?

Well everyone like compliments, but when people state their comments so rudely it's just unnecessary. People can state their opinions, but it's rude if you don't know how to state to where it can come off without sounding so harsh.
So the rudness had nothing to do with you, your hair or her whiteness? She's that way with everyone?

I guess you can say if she doesn't like something, she will let you know. The reason I mentioned her whiteness was to just show how different the comments were when coming from her and coming from the black guys. It was just something I noticed.
All hair sends messages. Depends on the environment in which you work. If it doesn't apply, then don't consider it. Just giving you another view.

ITA. But that's just me and my observations. EVERY time I change my hair someone (mom, dad, DH, DD Co worker, guy in the hall) has to say something usually it's positive or mostly an observation of what is, because, yes I did indeed do something different to my hair.

Now I feel bad. Every-time one of my non AA coworkers blow dries her naturally curly hair straight, I tell her how much I like it better curly. But I DO like it better curly and I DO think she looks better with curly hair. OMG!!! Maybe she she's posting on some hair board about how her rude AA co-worker keeps criticizing her hair styles. :perplexed

So today I wore a new hairstyle to work and I guess it was a little to different because my white co-worker comes up to me looking all upside my head talking about "What did you do to your hair!?" and I'm just like "um stuff" she says "I like it the other way better, with all the curls and stuff" I'm just thinking to myself wow how rude to say that, but ok.

The only compliments I got were from two black guys. *shrugs shoulders*
One guy said " I like your hair." and my friend was like " Oh that's tight man, you did that?" It was different to hear the totally opposite comments.
I liked it because it was different, but people have their own opinions I just wished they wouldn't be so rude when expressing them.

*The hairstyle she likes is in my siggie*

Anyways, here are the pics:



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ITA. But that's just me and my observations. EVERY time I change my hair someone (mom, dad, DH, DD Co worker, guy in the hall) has to say something usually it's positive or mostly an observation of what is, because, yes I did indeed do something different to my hair.


Girl, my entire family hates my hair. And, I know it sends messages. I'm just responsible for it. Not everyone will like everything. You just roll with it.
Now I feel bad. Every-time one of my non AA coworkers blow dries her naturally curly hair straight, I tell her how much I like it better curly. But I DO like it better curly and I DO think she looks better with curly hair. OMG!!! Maybe she she's posting on some hair board about how her rude AA co-worker keeps criticizing her hair styles. :perplexed

lol, If I were her it would just make me feel self conscious about straightening my hair because you have stated so every single time that you like it the other way better. I just like people to feel good about themselves so next time i would just consider finding something nice to say about her hair like "your ends look so nice" so that maybe if she does feel self conscious it will make her feel better.
lol, If I were her it would just make me feel self conscious about straightening my hair because you have stated so every single time that you like it the other way better. I just like people to feel good about themselves so next time i would just consider finding something nice to say about her hair like "your ends look so nice" so that maybe if she does feel self conscious it will make her feel better.

Good point. I seriously thought that I was complimenting her curly hair (which looks so pretty) and she probably thinks I am insulting her straightened hair. :wallbash:

Apologizing may make it worse, so I think I'll compliment her curly hair and say nothing about her straightened hair. Or maybe I should stop commenting on her hair period and let her get some work done.
Well, everyone has their preferences. And you know people don't like change, lol.
That being said, your hair is cute both ways and I think the style you wore today was very classy, cute and creative.
I think they may just gave gotten used to your curly look or sometimes to our caucasian counterparts think that cornrows may look too "ethnic" but who cares!!! Man, that do is tight!!!! I was thinkin about something like this too!!! You look absolutely beauuuuuuutiful! So very pretty! In fact, what else you got?????? think of something else and post ok???? lol
don't worry about what she said about your hairstyle- especially if she's usually a sour grapes, your hairstyle is very well done and neat, nothing bad about it
you and your hair are lovely, if you like it, ignore the negativity
I think they may just gave gotten used to your curly look or sometimes to our caucasian counterparts think that cornrows may look too "ethnic" but who cares!!! Man, that do is tight!!!! I was thinkin about something like this too!!! You look absolutely beauuuuuuutiful! So very pretty! In fact, what else you got?????? think of something else and post ok???? lol

so funny, thank you you made my day :lachen:
That is a very pretty hairstyle; makes me wish I could cornrow, or do flat twists. I agree with nomoweavesfome; you need to show us some more of your styles! :yep:
Pretty hair girl, and the style is lovely! How did you achieve the curls at the ends of the canerows?
I love it....it totally compliments your face!! Can you give a play by play of what you did???? I'd like to try something like that.
Now I feel bad. Every-time one of my non AA coworkers blow dries her naturally curly hair straight, I tell her how much I like it better curly. But I DO like it better curly and I DO think she looks better with curly hair. OMG!!! Maybe she she's posting on some hair board about how her rude AA co-worker keeps criticizing her hair styles. :perplexed

I do, too. I don't find white people attractive with blond or straight hair. It makes them look "blah" and drab.
So today I wore a new hairstyle to work and I guess it was a little to different because my white co-worker comes up to me looking all upside my head talking about "What did you do to your hair!?" and I'm just like "um stuff" she says "I like it the other way better, with all the curls and stuff" I'm just thinking to myself wow how rude to say that, but ok.

The only compliments I got were from two black guys. *shrugs shoulders*
One guy said " I like your hair." and my friend was like " Oh that's tight man, you did that?" It was different to hear the totally opposite comments.
I liked it because it was different, but people have their own opinions I just wished they wouldn't be so rude when expressing them.

After reading all of this I was preparing myself for some horribly unbecoming hairstyle. However, this style looks beautiful! I love it the front and the back and you have a gorgeous head of hair. Re: the yt co-worker - What ever happened to: If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all?

"I like it the other way better" - Who appointed her the hair czar? Folk is crazy...:ohwell: