What Christian music isn't sinful?


Well-Known Member
I'm writing something on why I don't think there is anything wrong with Christian rap which involves me googling people's reasoning against it. So, I was reading a post on a blog about how Christian rap is sinful and terrible and :blah: Then i read another site about how Christian rock is blatantly just of Satan (for almost the same reasons of rap, except I noticed rock wasn't called thug music) And on a whim googled 'ccm' + 'sinful' and came up with a ton of sites.

Now, I'm not surprised about people's thoughts on rap or rock, but, I had no idea about CCM?! I mean i never see the long comments on Chris Tomlin's music about how it is evil.

So ladies thoughts?

I mean how do you determine what type of Christian music is okay? I personally always went with it gave praises to God or was inline with the Bible, but, clearly I've been doing this wrong.

I'm kidding, sort of. But I'm just wondering what these people listen to. How do they praise? With Southern Gospel, Negro spirituals, hymns, Gregorian chants?

What are the Holy types of music?
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That is someone's opinion. Do you go to church? Ask your pastor what he/she thinks. Some folx are just convicted by certain things and just don't do them.
That is someone's opinion. Do you go to church? Ask your pastor what he/she thinks. Some folx are just convicted by certain things and just don't do them.

yes, i do. I'm pretty sure that my pastor would be in line with my thoughts actually.

As we all make up the body of Christ I was wondering what LHFC's thoughts were.

I understand conviction. But there is a difference between saying something is blatantly a sin and something you are convicted about.
I think that as long as the music isn't spewing lies or foolishness of any kind then its not sinful.
the same could be said about the prayer meetings where people blast Christian metal and splash paint everywhere... :look:
my praise will not be the same as my friend's praise and so on.

I think the real sin is when people in the Christian music industry participate the same shady business practices as the non Christians. :look:
Thats a whole other topic though
OH yeah...I remember hearing someone talking about the deep African drums in rock that prove it's "ob de deville." Oy VEYYYYY! Isn't Madame Butterfly also sinful? LOL.
^^ that reminds me I was watching some type of Brazilian martial arts and i showed my friend who is portugese. She was like :nono: that is sinful. She said the movements and the drums originated from African Spiritual worship.

Also, quite a few early Christians thought using instruments in praise were sinful.

I think that as long as the music isn't spewing lies or foolishness of any kind then its not sinful.
the same could be said about the prayer meetings where people blast Christian metal and splash paint everywhere... :look:
my praise will not be the same as my friend's praise and so on.

I think the real sin is when people in the Christian music industry participate the same shady business practices as the non Christians. :look:
Thats a whole other topic though

That was always my thought too. I've never heard of a prayer meeting like that! Well if it's bringing them closer to the Lord. I'd be too distracted to pray.

Oh I definitely agree with that
Yall KNOW how I am! LOL. Be careful in calling something sinful that is not. (I believe this is important becuase we wrongly condemn/bind people based on these things and confuse others).

By all means, if a certain type of Christian music reminds you too much of the secular music that you may have been deeply attached to then refrain from listening to it. But know that it is for your own personal sanctification and does not apply to everyone. BTW, I think there are a ton of things that are not "sinful" that each person may have to stay away from for the sake of our individual relationships with God.
I looove the Christian Rap!

These guys are talking about how God brought them out of situations, how God set them free, they quote relevant scripture over beats that are a mix of hip-hop, alternative, jazzy, etc.

All music comes from God. Men corrupt it. Christian rappers were given their talent to reach certain,asses by God. Everyone can't relate to the old school Christian music or gospel. When I see kids rapping about the Bible, and David, and John I get joy. I look at it as another way God's kingdom is expanding to people who may not have been saved had they not been able to relate to Christian rap music. My old church had some guys who were hard-core more gritty Christian rappers. God has taken what was something believed as devil music into something that completely glorifies him....

R&B, gospel (remember the Tonex fiasco?), rap, classical, can all be perverted. If you are so easily set astray by certain types of music, don't blame the music, work on yourself! Work on your Christian walk. Look within. I get so tired of ppl blaming everyone and everything else for their own shortcomings when it comes to their Christian walk!

Sent from my iPad 2 using LHCF....(thus the typos)
Music is an artform. Art is about expression. There is nothing inherently sinful about expression, but its WHAT you're expressing. If its expressing praises for God, it could be to metal, reggae, traditional gospel music or otherwise. There's no difference between a Christian B flat and a secular one. Some people are just staunch traditionalists and anything that is different, progressive or not invented during the centuries that the Bible was written in is evil according to them. Ask God for discernment, and anything that is blatantly contradictory to what the Word says should be left out.
I personally do not see anything wrong with Christian rap music and I like it because it's glorifying the Lord and getting the gospel out. I do sometimes feel self conscious when I have it too loud in my car and the person who hears it outside of my car assumes it's regular secular rap (not the message i'm trying to spread).
I looove the Christian Rap!

These guys are talking about how God brought them out of situations, how God set them free, they quote relevant scripture over beats that are a mix of hip-hop, alternative, jazzy, etc.

All music comes from God. Men corrupt it. Christian rappers were given their talent to reach certain,asses by God. Everyone can't relate to the old school Christian music or gospel. When I see kids rapping about the Bible, and David, and John I get joy. I look at it as another way God's kingdom is expanding to people who may not have been saved had they not been able to relate to Christian rap music. My old church had some guys who were hard-core more gritty Christian rappers. God has taken what was something believed as devil music into something that completely glorifies him....

R&B, gospel (remember the Tonex fiasco?), rap, classical, can all be perverted. If you are so easily set astray by certain types of music, don't blame the music, work on yourself! Work on your Christian walk. Look within. I get so tired of ppl blaming everyone and everything else for their own shortcomings when it comes to their Christian walk!

Sent from my iPad 2 using LHCF....(thus the typos)

ITA with your post. I am that person that loves Christian R&B and Rap.
I do not listen to or like them old negro spirituals, guess I cant relate. I listen to what I enjoy and I dont bash ppl on what they listen too.

Just bc they have an organ/piano and a tamberine (sp?) doesnt mean its better than what I listen. I guess it depends on the person you talk to. I doubt my greatgrand would relate to the Christian Rap but neither do I relate to her hymns.

Please take no offense in what what said.....if you didnt like my post. But I swear some ppl think that they are more Godly by the music they listen to (talking about different genres of Christian music). My church has made the 11am service more comtempory because of the younger ppl that attend, which I love. Lets me know that we are not forgotten.