Christian Rap/ Hip Hop/ "Christian Hip Hop"?

Well Christ came so WE can be redeemed and cleansed by the blood, not hip hop. Jesus didn't die for Hip Hop, he died for us. So we have the oppurtunity to be redeemed.

But my point is, would God use something that is seen or potrayed as evil to glorify Himself with it?
Remember, the bible says To flee all appearance of evil. So if God says to flee things that even look like it may be evil, would he use something that is seen as evil..........that would contradict His word.

He said it was portrayed as such, he didn't say it was filthy. Real Hip Hop is NOT filthy it has been perverted by some rap artists unfortunately. The history of Hip Hop is not based on filth. But to answer your question, yes! All of us were filthy in our sin until Jesus redeemed us! He is the redeemer! Lecrae actually made that point after the sentence you bolded.
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Well Christ came so WE can be redeemed and cleansed by the blood, not hip hop. Jesus didn't die for Hip Hop, he died for us. So we have the oppurtunity to be redeemed.

But my point is, would God use something that is seen or protrayed as evil to glorify Himself with it?
Remember, the bible says To flee all appearance of evil. So if God says to flee things that even look like it may be evil, would he use something that is seen as evil..........that would contradict His word.

...and we have been redeemed so we can glorify Him, isn't that what Lecrae is doing? What the devil meant for evil God can make for good right? Is it possible for God to use hip hop through people to reach certain communities/listeners?
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That gave me pause as well, I don't agree with Lecrae on this..the hip hop culture is a sinful one. But I beleive he's trying to make it a good thing because his music can classify as that and he is glorifying God with his music. But it doesn't work that way.

Nearly all forms of expression have been perverted, do we not use those either? I think we are limiting God.
Well the word is the word. So if you don't agree...thats fine, you are entitled to not agreeing, but it still dont change the word. We are to have nothing to do with worldy traditions..

Is lecrae glorfying God how God wants to be glorfied or he is doing it how he THINKS God wants to be glorified???

I don't agree at all, but to address your point, what the devil meant for evil God can make for good right? Is it possible for God to use hip hop through people to reach certain communities/listeners?
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Well the word is the word. So if you don't agree...thats fine, you are entitled to not agreeing, but it still dont change the word. We are to have nothing to do with worldy traditions..

Is lecrae glorfying God how God wants to be glorfied or he is doing it how he THINKS God wants to be glorified???

What word are you talking about? I honor God's word so please don't do that, where in the Bible does it say musical expression (Hip Hop) is wrong? where? If you can honestly show me, then His Truth Stands Always! I don't argue with truth. So please tell me where.

...and are you saying Lecrae isn't glorifying God because his form of expression is not your personal taste OR is there a Biblical basis for that?
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Ok. Please dont get upset about this. this is a discussion. I dont know your personal life, I am not talking about your agreement with the word in you overall life, just in relation to this topic. So if I offended you, I do apologize.

The word I am talking about , which has been repeated in like 3 of my posts...

Be not conformed to the world.(Romans 12V2).. Is not taking rap from the world, being conformed to it?

When he said to flee the appreance of evil (1 Thessalonian 5) ...would God take something evil, when he said to flee all things that look evil, to bring glory to Himself

And before I got saved, I liked rap music. So it used to be a personal choice of mine, but when I got saved, I left worldiness behind me......So it nothing about personal taste..

What word are you talking about? I honor God's word so please don't do that, where in the Bible does it say musical expression (Hip Hop) is wrong? where? If you can honestly show me, then His Truth Stands Always! I don't argue with truth. So please tell me where.

...and are you saying Lecrae isn't glorifying God because his form of expression is not your personal taste OR is there a Biblical basis for that?
@Lela :lachen:

I was trying to give something that the older folks could relate too as well :lachen:

And by no means am I personally attacking you. This is a healthy discussion :yep:
I know I can get "excited" in my discussions....:look:

ETA: I dont really like Shirely Cesar that much..too much hollering...:lol::look:

Who you callin' 'older folk'..... :sekret:

:lachen: :lol: :lachen:
I'm not espousing that Lacrae's music is perverted or defiled, because I believe he is glorifying God with his music. He is a married father and a known radical for Christ. People get saved at his concerts. I've listened to his music and he definitely has an anointing, so I don't agree that his music is perverted. Folks who just don't like rap won't agree. There is no Scripture to support that his rapping is wrong.

What I'm saying is Lacrae is attempting to qualify the hip hop culture (which includes everyone else, like JayZ, all dem other "conscious" folks like KRS One - who have their own "bible") as Godly -- simply because of the few people like him who ARE Godly and happen to rap. Oil and water... He seems to desire to change that culture, but that is what we are all charged with as believers in the Great Commission... to change the world and be set apart, not blend in. God bless him, because he is doing his part. What sets him apart is Jesus Christ, but there should be no compromise. That was my point.

Nearly all forms of expression have been perverted, do we not use those either? I think we are limiting God.
Ok. Please dont get upset about this. this is a discussion. I dont know your personal life, I am not talking about your agreement with the word in you overall life, just in relation to this topic. So if I offended you, I do apologize.

The word I am talking about , which has been repeated in like 3 of my posts...

Be not conformed to the world.(Romans 12V2).. Is not taking rap from the world, being conformed to it?

When he said to flee the appreance of evil (1 Thessalonian 5) ...would God take something evil, when he said to flee all things that look evil, to bring glory to Himself

And before I got saved, I liked rap music. So it used to be a personal choice of mine, but when I got saved, I left worldiness behind me......So it nothing about personal taste..

Those scriptures do not support that rapping to glorify our Heavenly father is wrong. So again, I disagree.
I'm not espousing that Lacrae's music is perverted or defiled, because I believe he is glorifying God with his music. He is a married father and a known radical for Christ. People get saved at his concerts. I've listened to his music and he definitely has an anointing, so I don't agree that his music is perverted. Folks who just don't like rap won't agree. There is no Scripture to support that his rapping is wrong.

What I'm saying is Lacrae is attempting to qualify the hip hop culture (which includes everyone else, like JayZ, all dem other "conscious" folks like KRS One - who have their own "bible") as Godly -- simply because of the few people like him who ARE Godly and happen to rap. Oil and water... He seems to desire to change that culture, but that is what we are all charged with as believers in the Great Commission... to change the world and be set apart, not blend in. God bless him, because he is doing his part. What sets him apart is Jesus Christ, but there should be no compromise. That was my point.

Ok, Gotcha! Great point indeed!
Laela... :love2: LoveisYou :love2: ... Alicialynn86 :love2:

'Sisters'... Can I tell you something?

I won't praise dance. I am a skilled, gifted Dancer, yet I will not praise dance. :nono:

To me, a Praise Dancer is set apart and when she's Dancing upon the Altar of God, it has to be worship of God and not the Dance.

I'm not a 'sultry' Dancer, not by any means (but I 'could' be :look: ). I know better.

It's just that I've been Dancing for so long by a certain 'training', that I'd never be able to effectively Dance in a Church setting. Dancers have to be very careful when they are in a Praise Dance. It's not about showing skills and rhythms. You have to literally 'erase' yourself, spirit, soul and body, so that the gift comes from the annointing and not the dance its self.

I'm not against Praise Dancing, not at all. But not everyone is 'called' nor should they do it. :nono: It's not about the Dance, it's about delivering a message through music and dance, a message that is of the Lord.

Hope I'm making sense.
Rap is simply spoken word. If the same gospel expression was done in a spoken word format how many of us would have any objection to the lyrics or delivery? It is just because it is called "rap" that there is an objection. Many R&B artist have their foundation in the church and often this type of delivery bleeds through to secular music. Should we remove the "soul" out of gospel because it has been polluted by the world? Where do we draw the line. Who are we to judge how someone should praise the Lord-remember David's wife? I would not be so bold as to judge someone's praise. It may not be for me for various reasons but only God can judge the heart. If dancing half naked in public is an acceptable form of praise I think rap can get a pass.
...and we have been redeemed so we can glorify Him, isn't that what Lecrae is doing? What the devil meant for evil God can make for good right? Is it possible for God to use hip hop through people to reach certain communities/listeners?

The way I understand it, it's like taking something of the enemies origin, (ie. like halloween) and trying to glorify God with a halloween celebration. There is a spirit associated with hip-hop, it's satan's venue to promote idolatry, pride, and a number of other things. I think what makes music important in particular is that it is used to worship God. It's not a good idea to take what the world uses to worship God. For example, I went to a Diwali performance once and almost jumped in...until I remembered that it's probably associated with Hindu religion. I can't use the Diwali dance as an expression to worship God or as a mean to promote Christ. I do think clothes are important in the bible, but not just about clothes. But the clothes come along with something greater, it's a pakaged with the greater spiritual problem here...rock and roll, hip hop are the enemies domain. I think there is a real spirit over rock and roll and hip hop. I heard lecrae say it once in one of his interviews but I can't find it now, but now I remember him saying that people are always glorifying him when he meets them at his concerts and he finds himself constantly deflecting the attention to Jesus. I know many artitists have this problem, but particularly wordly aritists. Logically, in my mind it would seem there is nothing wrong with it. But from a spiritual POV, there is mucg more involved hear. I think its important not to lean on our own understanding and realize the implications of using something unclean as a means to fascilate something as intimate as worshipping the father.
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Well the word is the word. So if you don't agree...thats fine, you are entitled to not agreeing, but it still dont change the word. We are to have nothing to do with worldy traditions..

Is lecrae glorfying God how God wants to be glorfied or he is doing it how he THINKS God wants to be glorified???[/QUOTE]

I am learning more and more each day that I know nothing about what God wants!:lachen: I remember J. Moss saying this in an interview...why am I always watching youtube interviews :lachen:. But anyway, y'all know the J.Moss project. That album had some great songs on it! Anyway, if you don't know it...J.Moss has the ability to make some music that some may consider "borderline"...if you ever heard "That's what I'm livin for" you know what I am talking about. But he says God gave him a bunch of "corney songs" to put on the album, and not the cool smooth style he prefers. God blessed him immensely for his obedience.
All right now... this takes me back to the original question... is there a difference between RAP and HIP HOP..... apparently there is much confusion as they seem synonymous... the hip hop culture came from rap, as I understand it. Even with it's beginnings (thought to originate from W Africa) as being a "worldly tradition", are we saying Christians should not rap or use any form of music that sounds "worldly"? Dicapr mentioned the real question being "worship" and I now understand. Are we saying rap doesn't qualify as worship music?

Can one of you define worldly in terms of music.. not trying to be a "smart elect" (thanks to Poohbear for the term.. lol)... but seriously, what is "worldly music"?

My understanding of worship is that it's adoration and faithfulness (obedience) to a diety. It can come in any form, including music... praise, prayer, sacrifice (money, time, fasting), etc. Therefore we WORSHIP God simply by being obedient to His Word -- not only when we sing a song.
I understand, Shimmie... thanks for being so open and honest about this. I do see praise dance as a form of warship in the sanctuary....them being more like praise leaders, and not performers.... so the bolded is soooo true...

(Sorry I'm in a good mood :lol: TD Jakes pronounces it "warship")...

Anyway, yes, with all the kicking and spinning and splits and such, it's something that could easily distract church members or visitors who aren't um, as "focused" on God at the moment... lol So I can understand that this Gift is serious business and should be respected as such -- like with any role in church.. ushers, praise and worship leaders, Sunday school teachers, prayer leaders, choir members, etc. Whatever our role in the Kingdom, whatever our Gifts, that same seriousness should apply so that what we do for the Lord is not a burden but a joy!

@Laela... :love2: @LoveisYou :love2: ... @Alicialynn86 :love2:

'Sisters'... Can I tell you something?

I won't praise dance. I am a skilled, gifted Dancer, yet I will not praise dance. :nono:

To me, a Praise Dancer is set apart and when she's Dancing upon the Altar of God, it has to be worship of God and not the Dance.

I'm not a 'sultry' Dancer, not by any means (but I 'could' be :look: ). I know better.

It's just that I've been Dancing for so long by a certain 'training', that I'd never be able to effectively Dance in a Church setting. Dancers have to be very careful when they are in a Praise Dance. It's not about showing skills and rhythms. You have to literally 'erase' yourself, spirit, soul and body, so that the gift comes from the annointing and not the dance its self.

I'm not against Praise Dancing, not at all. But not everyone is 'called' nor should they do it. :nono: It's not about the Dance, it's about delivering a message through music and dance, a message that is of the Lord.

Hope I'm making sense.