Secular musician, and also a Christian... Who thinks I'm going to hell?

What do you think about Christians singing "positive" secular music?

  • I don't care.

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • I think its ok as long as the message is positive and uncompromising.

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • I think that it is an abomination!!!!!

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • I think that it is ok but I wouldn't do it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My songs are real as they come, happy, sad, hurt, everything. I found a way to make my music reach people from all walks of life. And even after shows I find people asking me about my inspiration, and when I tell them Christ they are receptive.

U2 has sung several songs for G-d. Bono is a christian as are several other band members. I think it was the Edge that wanted to leave the group at one time because he became so religious. They have a strong social conscience which is living out their christianity, not shoving it down people's throats and looking the other direction when it comes to issues the Church can and should be involved in rather than taking a blind eye approach to.

But look at these lyrics. They have several meanings...all leading back to G-d Himself. I think he's honoring his mother who passed on, the Virgin Mary was bore the Christ child who "magnifies the L-rd," as both of these roles, all mothers and specifically the one who bore Jesus, as the magnifier of G-d, to the Supreme One. It's pretty deep.

Magnificent lyrics


I was born
I was born to be with you
In this space and time
After that and ever after I haven't had a clue
Only to break rhyme
This foolishness can leave a heart black and blue

Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar

I was born
I was born to sing for you
I didn’t have a choice but to lift you up

And sing whatever song you wanted me to
I give you back my voice
From the womb my first cry, it was a joyful noise…

Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar

Justified till we die, you and I will magnify
The Magnificent

Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love unites our hearts

Justified till we die, you and I will magnify
The Magnificent
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u guys r fun
oh Shimmie, thanks for checkin out the site...
and i don't know if its that i feel a conviction, i just really would like to know why Christians are so afraid of secular music... its something that I have never understood...
i think maybe i would like to feel a conviction about it, if that was correct, but i just don't...
maybe that makes me uber different, maybe that makes me separated from Christ... i don't really know?
i was hopin you ladies could give me some thoughts as i think about these things
and everyone... im an exaggerator lol i know i'm not going to hell that's just how i talk... i 4got nobody on here knows me lol
sometimes secular music can open the doors in the mind and lead someone into sin. we have to guard our ears. music plays a big part in folks' emotions.
This Christian is 'afraid' of secular music because there are things that I don't want my mind on. I want my mind on Christ and His love and His will. I do not want my mind on sex, derogatory language, rims, drugs and whatever else frivolous things people sing or rap about these days. That stuff gets down in my spirit and has me all messed up sometimes. I'd rather just guard my ears and eyes than have to deal with the consequences of not being obedient to my convictions. Besides there are so many different genres of Christian music for me to choose from. All of my musical needs are met.
u guys r fun
oh Shimmie, thanks for checkin out the site...
and i don't know if its that i feel a conviction, i just really would like to know why Christians are so afraid of secular music... its something that I have never understood...
i think maybe i would like to feel a conviction about it, if that was correct, but i just don't...
maybe that makes me uber different, maybe that makes me separated from Christ... i don't really know?
i was hopin you ladies could give me some thoughts as i think about these things
and everyone... im an exaggerator lol i know i'm not going to hell that's just how i talk... i 4got nobody on here knows me lol
:lol: You're kidding me, right?

Why would you 'think', assume, determine, or judge that Christians are "Afraid" of secular music.? Where does this misconception come from? It appears that you''re passing ummerited judgments upon those who have a different walk with the Lord.

I think we need to define what secular means to Christians, which is 'separate from God'.

The posts/threads you've read here are from True Believers who want nothing of this world to separate their spiritual growth or journey that God has them on. And although it may 'appear' staange, odd, over the top or even Not all of us are 'called' to join the world's mode of living. In the same manner that God called Abraham to come out from among his family and be separate unto God, it's the same for those whose hearts have been called away from the rudiments of this world.

While many of 'us' are in the secular arena, adjoining ourselves to secular activities and pass it off as being a 'light' unto those (in darkness) who see us, yet we are doing the same as they are doing. I'm in this secular arena, I know what's going on.

However, those who have chosen to be separate from it, are the very ones on their faces before God, night and day, interceding on our behalf, without hesitation or fail, just so secular 'involved' Christians like 'us' can still stand without falling into sin.

Why? Because they are not being distracted with the world's activities which many of us do for a living. They're not distracted by moods and rhythms of vocals and instruments which sway the mind from God's focus. They're not 'hooping it up with the world, distracted from the nudge of the Holy Spirit to fall and pray. God readily has their attention and is able to have immediate and ongoing and uninterrupted access to their spirits without delays.

:nono::nono::nono: I'm reading something into each of your posts which appears that you have some growing up to do. No one has to agree with me on this. And I'm not trying to isolate you from wanting to be around us here. But it speaks clearly with your comments such as 'you find 'us' fun. That you see those who are sold out, as 'fearful' of the secular world. You can't be on the 'sidelines' musing at those who have a different walk with God, that excludes the secualar world you are adjoined to .

I'm in the secular world and almost 24/7. Music surrounds me almost every moment of the day. I'm in the Arts with Music and Dancing, it's been my life since I was a child. Music itsself has and will never leave me, my parents and grandparents kept me surrounded with music of all genres and I love it.

However, I do not dare to call any person of God 'fearful' because they have chosen not to partake in the secular aspects of this world. How dare anyone else call them fearful or afraid.

What these Godly women (and men) have is a fearful reverenge of the Lord. They obey His call upon their lives and make no apologies for it. These are the ones whom God calls to lay hands upon the sick and they 'see' results, not 'hope God heals'. These are the ones who labor in prayer, fasting, and abstinence of pleasures (such as Daniel), and when they pray, they 'hear' from God and not 'hope He's listening.

TDennis, I do not see you as a bad person, but I do see 'excuses' and your resistance to the fullness of God's call upon your life. Going to hell hasn't a thing to do with your reason for this thread.

I mean no harm nor disrespect of you, yet I find it so absurd that you would use the term 'afraid' of secular music. :nono: :nono: :nono:

I remember when my family knew that I was serious about my walk with God; meaning celibacy, no casual dating, no drinking, no clubbing, no foolishness, period. And my sister made the exact same comments which I've been reading in your posts.

Your singing is not going to 'redeem' you. If I'm calling this right, God has a plan to pull this rug out from under you to show you the true fear of secular music and the true love of why the others you call 'afraid', are not.

Bottomline: I think you came here to justify what God is calling you away from. There's something about where you are that God is calling you out from. He's either going to stir up the nest where you are no longer able to stay where you are OR He's going to cut the rope that you are so tightly clinging to and calling others 'afraid of'.

You see, it's a dangerous thing to say you are a Christian, and a 'light' and imspiration unto others, because God will always make us 'prove it.' Always. :yep:

He loves you just that much. :yep:
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This Christian is 'afraid' of secular music because there are things that I don't want my mind on. I want my mind on Christ and His love and His will. I do not want my mind on sex, derogatory language, rims, drugs and whatever else frivolous things people sing or rap about these days. That stuff gets down in my spirit and has me all messed up sometimes. I'd rather just guard my ears and eyes than have to deal with the consequences of not being obedient to my convictions. Besides there are so many different genres of Christian music for me to choose from. All of my musical needs are met.
You're not afraid, angel. God has set you apart as He did Abraham, to a higher calling.

I'm in the world with it's music and flaire and I know why God separates us from give us more of Him and less of the world's grief.
All of our experiences are subjective and personal. I know what she means. It might come out awkwardly, but we only know from those around us who gave us our experiences. The struggle comes with finding that level ground we can thrive on without the extreme swings of the pendulum. Often, we hurt those who hear our message because it was inplanted within us from pain. There's an incredulence that there are those living on that level ground who are not inflicting a sever dolor on us. It's sometimes hard to believe that others are sane. Time and experience...wisdom...that's what helps us to open our eyes and see. We sometimes speak as a child during this growth phase. It's only expelling the hurt. Those with sharper vision, they should be as a parent, hearing the hurtful words from the child...but thinking deeper than their surface and getting to the pain. It's not really on purpose. Finding the Jesus Way...individual.
I am in so much agreement with this.... we as Christians are to guide ALL of our gates:

Eye Gate- Ear Gate - Mouth Gate -

Whatever wou do, we should do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31

Music has the ability to affect our emotions and influence our actions. They call this a "slow fade"...

sometimes secular music can open the doors in the mind and lead someone into sin. we have to guard our ears. music plays a big part in folks' emotions.
I am in so much agreement with this.... we as Christians are to guide ALL of our gates:

Eye Gate- Ear Gate - Mouth Gate -

Whatever wou do, we should do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31

Music has the ability to affect our emotions and influence our actions. They call this a "slow fade"...[/quote]

Please elaborate - this is an interesting term...
Hi, momi,

A slow fades in a nutshell is when Believer slowly adapts to worldly standards. A believer could start out with good intentions but their choices (what they allow into their Gates) influence their actions. It gets to the point where they get comfortable and don't see anything wrong with some things (like going to the club after church)...It doesn't necessarily mean the believer isn't righteous or not saved anymore, but they're moving away from God instead of closer, and are starting to justify "small" sins.. problem is, there's no such thing as a small sin.

That's why I think it's vital to constantly seek his forgiveness for bad thoughts, actions. Daily. Guarding our eyes, ears and mouth are vital, but it's our one-on-one relationship with God that's most important. That involves our hearts: "Above all else, guard your heart" Proverbs 4:23

We can pretend all we want with other people, but God knows our hearts. If we guard it, he'll keep it. He loves us that much.

There's this really nice song by Casting Crowns that captures this term very well:

They call this a "slow fade"...[/quote]

Please elaborate - this is an interesting term...
Thank you. This makes perfect sense.

Hi, momi,

A slow fades in a nutshell is when Believer slowly adapts to worldly standards. A believer could start out with good intentions but their choices (what they allow into their Gates) influence their actions. It gets to the point where they get comfortable and don't see anything wrong with some things (like going to the club after church)...It doesn't necessarily mean the believer isn't righteous or not saved anymore, but they're moving away from God instead of closer, and are starting to justify "small" sins.. problem is, there's no such thing as a small sin.

That's why I think it's vital to constantly seek his forgiveness for bad thoughts, actions. Daily. Guarding our eyes, ears and mouth are vital, but it's our one-on-one relationship with God that's most important. That involves our hearts: "Above all else, guard your heart" Proverbs 4:23

We can pretend all we want with other people, but God knows our hearts. If we guard it, he'll keep it. He loves us that much.

There's this really nice song by Casting Crowns that captures this term very well:
All things are lawful, not all things are helpful; All things are lawful, but I will not be brought under by the power of any.

I love Music too much, I enjoy it and I can learn new lyrics in 2 minutes tops. I stopped listening to secular simply because of this reason. Even songs I hear for just 5 minutes, I already know the lyrics.
It became an unnecessary and unuseful distraction. I stopped listening to secular music a few years ago. And right now I am checking out lyrics of every christian song and dropping off those that spew unbelief.

However my SO can hear the same song a hundred times and not know the lyrics no remember the tune. It doesnt affect him in anyway.
Things affect us differently, therefore we should take appropriate action as applicable.
All things are lawful, not all things are helpful; All things are lawful, but I will not be brought under by the power of any.

I love Music too much, I enjoy it and I can learn new lyrics in 2 minutes tops. I stopped listening to secular simply because of this reason. Even songs I hear for just 5 minutes, I already know the lyrics.
It became an unnecessary and unuseful distraction. I stopped listening to secular music a few years ago. And right now I am checking out lyrics of every christian song and dropping off those that spew unbelief.

However my SO can hear the same song a hundred times and not know the lyrics no remember the tune. It doesnt affect him in anyway.
Things affect us differently, therefore we should take appropriate action as applicable.

:blush:.....The same goes for me.

My gym plays ALL kinds of secular music (mainly hip hop) so I usually bring my headphones. I left them home one day in a hurry. Hit the treadmill for cardio and could spew out just about everything I heard in that 30min.

They were not playing old songs that I knew either. :nono:

This thread has made for great discussion and I have learned even more from you all. Thanks!
Somehow I need to grow up because I posted a a discussion topic...
This forum... is too serious for me...

<---- Somewhere growing up... as does everything on earth, at the same time...

I guess I like a 20-something Jesus and you guys like yours with a gray beard lol.
However you perceive Him, He died on the cross for your sins...
the rest is just... the rest