What am I going to do with my hair when I get old?

I can't wait until I have a bunch of gray. Henna will make those look like reddish brown highlights. Other than that I have no idea what'll be in to hairwise. It changes...
I think women tend to go shorter and natural as they get older. Hair thins as you age (less estrogen), thus the desire to go shorter so the hair appears fuller. And people do tend to simplify their lives as they get older, thus the desire to move from relaxed to natural hair. It does make me wonder why I'm going to such lengths (no pun intended) to have long, healthy, full hair if I'm only going to cut it off and go natural later! :ohwell:
There is this old lady at my church with salt and pepper BSL hair. It is soo beautiful and she is so old but so fly. Well she should be about 70 or so...
My grandmother will be 68 this Feb. and she has shoulder length relaxed hair. She tries and go to the salon about every two months to get a touch up. Her hair is salt and pepper (with an extra side of salt), but she isn't afraid to go and get a color rinse. Her hair is thick, healthy, and grows super fast (I've always wished that I had gotten her hair gene... I LOVE her hair). She used to sit on her hair because it was so long, but since the 90's, she's kept it cut to as short as a halley berry cut, to a shoulder length bob. I used to always try to get her to let it grow out again, but she says that its easier to manage short hair at her age. If she goes without cutting it and let it grow, she wears it pinned, in a hair comb or a hair clip up off her neck until she can get it cut. Her sister is 75 i think, and her hair is the same as my grandma's except she chooses to wear it longer (between APL and BSL)

When I'm an oldie but goodie, I think i'll want as long as I can manage it... and maybe relaxed... and i think i'll embrace my grays. I've always thought older people with a full head of white hair were beautiful... In the new issue of Oprah Magazine, she has a article spread featuring older women with gorgeous gray hair.... although, the only black women in the spread both have ear length relaxed hair:ohwell:
Both of my grandmothers, one is 79 and the other is 84 both have at least MBL hair and wear the prettiest updo's and buns. The 79 y/o (mi abuelita) hair only started graying when she was in her late 60's, no dye and she loves her lil hair bows on a low ponytail or bun. My 84 y/o grandmother, bless her heart, is in last stages of colon cancer right now but still wants to make sure her hair (very thin now due to the illness and radiation etc) still looks nice in an updo or some kind of turban. I can only hope that when I get to be their age I have the same amount of grace and beauty that only comes with maturity and years of experience.
I'm gonna be a big ol' hippie with long silver dreads living on my organic farm/winery

...and probably start toking up... :spinning:

Who care's when you're 80 right?
I guess I'm the only one who plans to fabulous at 80? I'm gonna keep my long hair (I mean not down to my but)....but I am thinking probably like armpit length....probably go with a Lyn Whitfield look...sport my henna highlights...and then sport my bun to "spice" it up! I'll be hip and sophisticated!:grin:
Both of my grandmothers, one is 79 and the other is 84 both have at least MBL hair and wear the prettiest updo's and buns. The 79 y/o (mi abuelita) hair only started graying when she was in her late 60's, no dye and she loves her lil hair bows on a low ponytail or bun. My 84 y/o grandmother, bless her heart, is in last stages of colon cancer right now but still wants to make sure her hair (very thin now due to the illness and radiation etc) still looks nice in an updo or some kind of turban. I can only hope that when I get to be their age I have the same amount of grace and beauty that only comes with maturity and years of experience.

Yeah....I like the idea of still caring so much about your appearance at any age. Sorry about your grandmother.
I think women tend to go shorter and natural as they get older. Hair thins as you age (less estrogen), thus the desire to go shorter so the hair appears fuller. And people do tend to simplify their lives as they get older, thus the desire to move from relaxed to natural hair. It does make me wonder why I'm going to such lengths (no pun intended) to have long, healthy, full hair if I'm only going to cut it off and go natural later! :ohwell:

Yeah, I thought about that. If my hair thins out, then yeah I a probably will go shorter.
It's hard to say. I think if my hair is still in good shape and I am able to keep it up properly than I'll hold on to the length but if I get tired of it or it thins then I'll sport a short fro.