I *THINK* I want to go natural ...

I kinda started off the way you did, *thinking* I wanted to go natural but not really being sure. So when I decided to try, I didn't think of it as "I'm going natural period point blank"...I just told myself that I was going to hold out on getting a relaxer as long as I could, and if I wanted to relax at any time, then I would be okay with that. I guess I didn't make "being natural" my end goal (I frequently play mindgames with myself like this) And I used that time of not getting a relaxer to really think about whether I wanted to be natural...the more and more new growth I got, the more I loved it and decided that I would continue to transition (Then I just cut it off...lol)

So maybe if you just see where the no relaxer phase takes you and use that time to figure out if this is what you really want, then that could help you make a decision. Good luck though.

This is similar to how I ended up being natural. I always had problems with scalp irritation. It was feeling really bad one time and it was close to time for a relaxer. And I said, wait this is stupid, why am I going to put chemicals on my scalp while it already feels so bad? So I said, I would hold off on relaxing for a while. Then I was like, why not see if I can just hold off forever and stop getting relaxers?
I decided to go natural because I'm just tired of relaxers. I never really had scalp issues like many women who decide to go natural do. When I first started my HHJ about 2 and a half years ago, I was getting my hair done at the salon. I ALWAYS left upset by the way my hair was handled. About a year into my HHJ I decided to become a self-relaxer. My results were never consistent. Sometimes I had slightly underprocessed hair, sometimes it was just right. The very last time, I underprocessed my hair so much people asked me if I was natural. The last time was the final straw for me. I didn't like the way "they" did my hair, and I didn't like the way "I" did my hair either. I've experienced a lot of breakage due to my unintentional textlax. I just don't want to take those chances anymore.

I like what another poster mentioned. Once I BC (haven't decided when yet) I'm going to force myself to maintain my natural hair for at least a year before I go back to relaxers.
I`ve been thinking the same, I`m really afraid to BC, so think that I too would be a long-term transitioner. Hopefully you and I can make some decisions on the matter soon, haha.
i think i've decided... i'm gonna try transitioning or @ least not getting a relaxer for a year... i did it for 6 mos, so we'll see... i'm gonna do roller sets & lightly flat iron my roots (only when they're too unruly)... i'm about 1/3 texlaxed due to the relaxer i switched to so i'm used to dealing w/2 or 3 different textures... wish me luck guys...
Jas123 -- Good luck to you!

And thank you so much to everyone for your feedback, I`ve decided to bite the bullet and go without a relaxer for 1 year. If I hate it, maybe I`ll transition to texlaxed, but if I love it, I`m almost certain I would be a long term transitioner.

I`m really excited for this journey and can`t wait to share it with you all. :)
Jas123 -- Good luck to you!

And thank you so much to everyone for your feedback, I`ve decided to bite the bullet and go without a relaxer for 1 year. If I hate it, maybe I`ll transition to texlaxed, but if I love it, I`m almost certain I would be a long term transitioner.

I`m really excited for this journey and can`t wait to share it with you all. :)

Some people don't like long transitions, but I honestly think if I had bc'd I probably wouldve freaked out and went back to relaxing. Gradually growing it out gave me a chance to slowly get used to the idea and care of natural hair. Good luck!
Set goals and stick with them :yep:
I told myself I wouldn't relax for a year, so that I could have natural waves for an event...by the time the event was over, I decided to go natural!
I texlaxed for a long time and loved it...then I slowly decided to go natural and began a whole new journey...but go natural FOR YOU. Have convictions about why you're doing it, so that you have a confident answer for those who ask questions!!:grin: