How old were you when...

I didn't realize it until I got older but my mom used to use a curly perm on my hair when I was younger maybe
4th grade. My hair was really thick so I can understand why but for the longest I thought I was natural . She would just leave it on a little while and she only did it 2 or 3 times a year. It didn't make my hair curly or straight and you couldn't tell the processed from my relaxed hair so I didn't really realize what it was until I got older. I later grew it out in HS and stayed natural until I went off to college. Now I"m napptural again and loving it!
I got a curly perm (Care Free Curls) lol at age mom was/is a hairdresser and refused to put a relaxer in it, she said I'd "break it off". It wasn't greazy tho, I made sure of that, lol.... then I got a Wave Nouveau, and rocked that for the rest of my high schood yrs, lol

I didn't put a lot of moisturizer in it cause this dude embarrassed me so bad by asking me if I was using the "Michael Jackson kit", cause my hair was long and shiny.....right in front of all my friends in high school. lol

I finally reversed it at age 19 and got a relaxer. Down hill for about 3 yrs while I got it fried, dyed and black gel'd to da side, lol

I got pregnant w/ my oldest son at age 21 then it just grew and grew (pre natal vitamins), I wasn't so harsh on my hair by then.

My daughter's 11 with a head full of beautiful hair, and of course she wants a perm or for me to straighten it with the hot comb, but I told her I'd straighten it for special occasions. If she wants a perm, she's gonna have to pay for the upkeep, I'm trying to instill healthy hair techniques, and show her that she can have beautiful hair in it's natural state!!!
My stylist at the time was adamant about me not getting a relaxer until at least 13, and that's when it happened, if I remember correctly. Or was I 12? I can't recall.
I got a curly perm (Care Free Curls) lol at age mom was/is a hairdresser and refused to put a relaxer in it, she said I'd "break it off". It wasn't greazy tho, I made sure of that, lol.... then I got a Wave Nouveau, and rocked that for the rest of my high schood yrs, lol

I didn't put a lot of moisturizer in it cause this dude embarrassed me so bad by asking me if I was using the "Michael Jackson kit", cause my hair was long and shiny.....right in front of all my friends in high school. lol

I finally reversed it at age 19 and got a relaxer. Down hill for about 3 yrs while I got it fried, dyed and black gel'd to da side, lol

I got pregnant w/ my oldest son at age 21 then it just grew and grew (pre natal vitamins), I wasn't so harsh on my hair by then.

My daughter's 11 with a head full of beautiful hair, and of course she wants a perm or for me to straighten it with the hot comb, but I told her I'd straighten it for special occasions. If she wants a perm, she's gonna have to pay for the upkeep, I'm trying to instill healthy hair techniques, and show her that she can have beautiful hair in it's natural state!!!
I often hear people saying this but doesn't that still reinforce the notion that natural hair is therefore not fit to be seen at special occasions. A lady I know made the comment a little while ago that as her daughter has good hair she would not relax it but will ensure that it is pressed for special occasions
I think I was about 8 when i got my first relaxer. On press day I remember cringing when my mother got to the nape and often burned the back of my neck as a result. Then one day my mom asking if I would prefer a "perm". It would keep my hair straight longer and I wouldnt have to deal with the hot comb torture. This solution made perfect sense to my 8 year old self so I eagerly agreed.
3 or 4...... and it wasn't for manageability...... more for tradition, something you just did......and my mom used to perm both of my little brothers hair too..... don't ask me why...

Ive never had a perm in the salon, it was always box perms... pulled root to tip with a fine tooth comb.... hardly ever with gloves.....

My family doesn't seem to know how harsh perms can be if used incorrectly..... and I didn't until finding this board.....

I cannot see myself perming my daughters hair as young as when I received one....
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