We're Good Friends?


New Member
Hey Ladies:

I really need your advice. I have been with my current guy for about 3 months. I met him over 7 months ago. He is from the east coast but had moved down south where I met him on a business trip so we just talked on the phone.

At the time we met, I was dating someone but I wasn't happy. The guy I was with didn't seem like he wanted a relationship but never admitted it. He used to go out to the clubs a lot with his friends without inviting me and his phone used to ring off the hook and he would just put it on silent. I knew he was talking to other girls. He was also really boring and I really wanted a change.

4 months ago, my new guy told me he would be moving closer for a job and he wanted to take things more seriously. He would be staying with his parents until he saved enough to get an apt here. He has a house but rented it out when he moved down south.

Everything kind of sped up. We went on weekend trips to visit his brother, he introduced me to his friends and family (mom and dad) all within one month of him coming to the east coast. We have so much in common, his parents and friends all really like me and we got along really great. We spent almost all our free time together. He even stayed with me for over a week in my apt and we used to go to work together. We worked about 10 blocks apart.

During our first trip, he told me that he would like for me to completely end my relationship because we were getting close and he thinks he may be falling in love with me. I didn't object because I was going to break up with my ex anyway.

So fast forward, everything was going really well until he told me that his 2 month contract ended with his job about 2 weeks ago so he has been looking for a new job. I didn't even know it was a contract job. He has been completly broke. He has unofficial child support, ex-wife support, ect that he was paying with his savings and now no job.

Things have gone down hill. We don't go out anymore. I pay most of the time. Even before he lost his job it was half/half. I lent him money to buy a car which he can't register because of no money. I had driven him around everywhere he wanted. He lives in NY and I live in NJ so I wracked up a big stack of tolls. Over $250 which I paid for. Now we have a convo yesterday where he kind of admits that he has been talking to another female on the phone and he tells me he doesn't want a relationship. He said he considers me a really good friend and he wants for us to stay the same but doesn't want the label of a relationship. Wow.
Wow indeed! He is some kinda jerk. I know it's easier said than done but stop dealing with him on that level asap. I would not deal with him at all. But again I know it's hard when you have feelings.
Consider it a blessing. It's only been 3 months, just think if you invested more time and he said this. I know it's hard, but it will be ok; remember it's a learning experience.
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Thanks you guys. We actually haven't officially split because
a) I still like him and maybe I should keep him but date other guys.
b) I haven't gotten my money back yet.

I don't want to break things off and all of a sudden my money is not coming back to me.

What do you think?

ETA: I should have clarified, "We don't go out anymore". We still see each other as in, I go to his place, hang with him and family and he comes to mine but we don't go out to dinner, movies ect becuase of his money problems. We still talk on the phone daily and he still tells me how much he likes me.
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WOW What a jerk. Reading through the lines it seems like he was moving near you and sort of used to you to help him feel the area out, etc. i.e. helping him with rides, lent money.

I'm just glad you only invested three months. But it was a valuable lesson, don't give up too much too soon and take things slowly, no matter how "good" things appear. It takes awhile to see a person's true colors.
Wow. Sounds like he has a lot going on :ohwell:
I agree w/ the other ladies about being thankful that it's only been 3 months and I recommend you start backing away now.
I was starting to feel used but things weren't this way when he was working. I feel like he may have too much time on his hands right now and that's why he is allegedly calling this other girl.
Reasons that he won me over

1) He accidentally pulled off my wig when he gave me a hug after our first date. I was so embarassed but he told me it was ok and I still looked pretty. He then gave me a head massage.LOL

2) He is the only guy that has seen me with 100% natural, I used to have some dark spots from a bad breakout. He told me he didn't care about them, and I was still pretty.

3) His the only guy whose family I have met and absolutely LOve.

4) He is so damn fine. LOL - and he likes to feed me with his spoon , corny but I think it's cute.

5) He is a really great dad and loves his son.

6) Pretty easy to get along with.
I was starting to feel used but things weren't this way when he was working. I feel like he may have too much time on his hands right now and that's why he is allegedly calling this other girl.

You said even before you he lost his job, you were going half on dates, riding him around, helping him get situated in the area, etc. I don't think he was being a :"malicious user"--but perhaps taking advantage of you being too nice. He's talking to this other girl because right now there is no challenge from you. You've really already played most of your hand, he knows that you will be "there" and he pulled out the friend card on you. I'm not trying to be facetious either.

I would play him long-handed and see other guys, but don't go off on him about what he's not doing right now----- just act like you don't really care at all that he's seeing someone because you too weren't committed in the first place like that. Don't call him, let him call and pursue you so if he gets his crap straightened out maybe then you can get serious. I think him saying he wants to be friends, he's trying to play down the whirlwind of the first three months and back off of it. He might not have felt like that initiallly but now he probably wants to slow things down, so let him.
You said even before you he lost his job, you were going half on dates, riding him around, helping him get situated in the area, etc. I don't think he was being a :"malicious user"--but perhaps taking advantage of you being too nice. He's talking to this other girl because right now there is no challenge from you. You've really already played most of your hand, he knows that you will be "there" and he pulled out the friend card on you. I'm not trying to be facetious either.

I would play him long-handed and see other guys, but don't go off on him about what he's not doing right now----- just act like you don't really care at all that he's seeing someone because you too weren't committed in the first place like that. Don't call him, let him call and pursue you so if he gets his crap straightened out maybe then you can get serious. I think him saying he wants to be friends, he's trying to play down the whirlwind of the first three months and back off of it. He might not have felt like that initiallly but now he probably wants to slow things down, so let him.
Thanks for the advice. It really helped. This was what I had planned to do but just needed affirmation. Dating other people will be good for me. I already have someone who wants to take me out tonight and someone else tomorrow. Lol maybe I should give one of them a shot. I had been brushing them off for months because of this guy.
really? wow. I actually started to accept this as the norm since I make more money than most guys I meet.

Ooh girl, NO!!!

I never even attempt to reach for my purse when the bill comes.

Even when I was in college and dudes were really broke then, we'd just go somewhere cheap and the guy would pay. KFC, Burger King, whatever... he paid.

I probably make more money now than some people that I've dated, and I still expect them to pay and they expect to pay as well.

I NEVA EVA EVA went half... in my opinion, this "half" stuff is one big reason why so many women will later complain about dealing with men who don't know how to take care of financial responsibilities in a relationship/marriage. Why should they?

The more that women keep "covering" for them (whether it's mama, girlfriend, wife, etc.), the easier it is for them not to step up and handle business. Don't set a precedent...
Damn you might be right. Only problem now is finding a financial stable man that is not taken. I'm sure they are out there but it's tough especially right now. I feel fortunate that I am gainfully employed and my skills are in high demand.
Damn you might be right. Only problem now is finding a financial stable man that is not taken. I'm sure they are out there but it's tough especially right now. I feel fortunate that I am gainfully employed and my skills are in high demand.

They're out there. :yep: And even if they are making less money than you right now, the good ones will still be willing to pay for dates... the dates just might be at Friday's instead of Chez Pierre or whatever! :)

Let them treat you like the lady that you are!

(And I feel ya on being thankful about being gainfully employed... times are tough out here!)
i'm not likeing how this guy is treating you, imo being stressed and going thru alot is not a good reason to be talking to other girls the only real reason to be talking to other girls is because you like other girls :ohwell: i know it must be hard but i would let him go and explore other options
What Bunny said.

You're a woman, he's a man, no matter how much he makes you should NOT go half or pay for dates. It just lowers the bar and your standards from jump--where is the incentive for a man to go "full" on a date when he gets accustomed to you paying half? Don't start none won't be none. Even if he makes less than you, a man that wants to be a man WILL be one, so allow him too. Women are caregivers and nurturers by nature so its hard for us to learn to receive. It might not be cavier but appreciate what he can do within his means. If you start off splitting, you will be splitting bills married 20 years from now. YOU are the woman--you hold the power and control.

My dh made A LOT less than I did when I met him but he never balked at paying for dates even if they were tacky chain restaurants.:lol:

Good luck girl :yep: and yes go out on that date with the guy you've been brushing off."Chillin" at someone's house is NOT a date!
Hey Ladies:

I really need your advice. I have been with my current guy for about 3 months. I met him over 7 months ago. He is from the east coast but had moved down south where I met him on a business trip so we just talked on the phone.

At the time we met, I was dating someone but I wasn't happy. The guy I was with didn't seem like he wanted a relationship but never admitted it. He used to go out to the clubs a lot with his friends without inviting me and his phone used to ring off the hook and he would just put it on silent. I knew he was talking to other girls. He was also really boring and I really wanted a change.

4 months ago, my new guy told me he would be moving closer for a job and he wanted to take things more seriously. He would be staying with his parents until he saved enough to get an apt here. He has a house but rented it out when he moved down south.

Everything kind of sped up. We went on weekend trips to visit his brother, he introduced me to his friends and family (mom and dad) all within one month of him coming to the east coast. We have so much in common, his parents and friends all really like me and we got along really great. We spent almost all our free time together. He even stayed with me for over a week in my apt and we used to go to work together. We worked about 10 blocks apart.

During our first trip, he told me that he would like for me to completely end my relationship because we were getting close and he thinks he may be falling in love with me. I didn't object because I was going to break up with my ex anyway.

So fast forward, everything was going really well until he told me that his 2 month contract ended with his job about 2 weeks ago so he has been looking for a new job. I didn't even know it was a contract job. He has been completly broke. He has unofficial child support, ex-wife support, ect that he was paying with his savings and now no job.

Things have gone down hill. We don't go out anymore. I pay most of the time. Even before he lost his job it was half/half. I lent him money to buy a car which he can't register because of no money. I had driven him around everywhere he wanted. He lives in NY and I live in NJ so I wracked up a big stack of tolls. Over $250 which I paid for. Now we have a convo yesterday where he kind of admits that he has been talking to another female on the phone and he tells me he doesn't want a relationship. He said he considers me a really good friend and he wants for us to stay the same but doesn't want the label of a relationship. Wow.

That last sentence is really all I have to read. I'm so sorry that he's a big jerk, but he has made it clear that he doesn't want a relationship with you - at least at this point. If I were you, I would cut him off immediately. But I'm the cold hearted type :perplexed

No use investing more time, money and energy into this man when he just sees you as friends. Consider your money lost forever.
I'm going to add my two cents. In my opinion i think that you should cut this guy off immediately because first of all he was not honest with you from the beginning about his Job situation strike 1. If a guy moves so quickly in the dating phase he's probably very immature and does not know how to discern between infatuation/lust and actual love strike 2. AND Now to top it off he's talking to other girls and calling you just a good friend strike 3 Kick him to the curb, take your losses and move on (which is easier said than done ) :( Save yourself the prolonged heartbreak. I've been there down that too many times myself. I hope everything works out for you.
I'd advise you to cut your losses and leave him alone. There's a saying about not loaning money you need or can't afford to do without or something...it'll come back to you in another form. I'd just leave him alone.
Ooh girl, NO!!!

I never even attempt to reach for my purse when the bill comes.

Even when I was in college and dudes were really broke then, we'd just go somewhere cheap and the guy would pay. KFC, Burger King, whatever... he paid.

I probably make more money now than some people that I've dated, and I still expect them to pay and they expect to pay as well.

I NEVA EVA EVA went half... in my opinion, this "half" stuff is one big reason why so many women will later complain about dealing with men who don't know how to take care of financial responsibilities in a relationship/marriage. Why should they?

The more that women keep "covering" for them (whether it's mama, girlfriend, wife, etc.), the easier it is for them not to step up and handle business. Don't set a precedent...

You and me are >>>>>>>>here<<<<<<<<<....I never pay half on a date...if I am in a long term relationship I treat OCCASIONALLY but half??? umm no. If I want to pay for my own food I will go out by myself or with my friends.
You and me are >>>>>>>>here<<<<<<<<<....I never pay half on a date...if I am in a long term relationship I treat OCCASIONALLY but half??? umm no. If I want to pay for my own food I will go out by myself or with my friends.

Sure, long term relationships are different, and there's usually an understanding there by that time. In my last relationship, the guy's hours were cut back at work because of the economy, so we used a lot of coupons, bought groceries and cooked inside and maybe when we went out, we went to cheaper places, but it was NEVER half on everything.

I'll treat occassionally too... occassionally, and ONLY in a long-term relationship! But from jump? And then to get the point where I'm paying for nearly everything? Oh no no no!
Ooh girl, NO!!!

I NEVA EVA EVA went half... in my opinion, this "half" stuff is one big reason why so many women will later complain about dealing with men who don't know how to take care of financial responsibilities in a relationship/marriage. Why should they?

The more that women keep "covering" for them (whether it's mama, girlfriend, wife, etc.), the easier it is for them not to step up and handle business. Don't set a precedent...

Preach! Needs repeating!!
What a jerk!!:nono:

I'm sorry you had to go through that OP. I would move on. I wouldn't be friends. He's very dishonest and I wouldn't trust him.