In 3 Weeks He's In Love......

Again ladies, thanks for the comments on the situation. Everything your telling me I already knew and been hearing from my friends but I just chose to ignore them willingly because he seemed "different" and I guess I had to hear the words from him. Another lesson learned.
This is going to be an extra long post!

Say YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! can always skip it if it's too long winded for you. :yep:

Regarding the Karma - I don't really see that he did anything wrong. In fact, he may have actually been entertaining the thought of a relationship with you at one point and maybe wasn't TRYING to mislead you on purpose. Perhaps he thought you were a great person but for whatever reason you weren't the right person for him. However, unless he came right out and said, I want a relationship, he hasn't done anything wrong (in my eyes). - I mean other than just being duh.

There is never a great time to ...."break up" :nono: with someone but in his defense since he probably didn't think you all were together he probably doesn't see it as breaking up or cheating or leading you on so he probably doesn't even realize he has anything to apologize for. So if you feel you need an apology (like if you REALLY want one) you probably will have to tell him because he probably has no clue like most clueless men.

Now, I'm not coming from a place of no experience.

I once fell for a man who talked about a relationship but never followed through. However, I realized that men actually don't take a long time to ponder what they want. They do or they don't. We probably do nothing but confuse an otherwise made up mind by acting like a girlfriend when we are not. Eventually, in short order, I had to let him go. He gave me that not ready for a relationship line but constantly called me, acted jealous if I dated others, wanted to come over and hang out, wanted to attend church services with me, took me out to dinner, picked me up and dropped me off at the airport when I went on trips to visit family, etc. He even told me he loved me once. He EVEN said he wanted to have a baby with me. :blush: HE was all kinds of WEIRD. Talk about leading a girl on! LOL :lachen:But, in the end I realized I had to look at his ACTIONS and mute his words 'cause he had me falling for him and that was not cute. :nono:

Eventually I coached myself. Everytime he said, I love you, I said "but where's the commitment". When he said let's go away for the weekend, I said "but where's the commitment". When he said, "you're a great woman", I said "but where's the commitment". I eventually came to realize that he wanted to have his cake and eat it too and that the "sweet nothings" were a means to "appease" me rather than sincereity. I wasn't going to do that anymore.

I determined that if I'm not a man's girlfriend, I'm not going to act like one. That means IF I choose to be his friend conversations will be had but will be limited to things that do not draw me in emotionally. I will treat him like EVERY other male friend. He gets no EXTRA benefits period! If I sense at all that he's playing with my mind, I'd cut him off immediately. :yep:

When I finally did cut him off can you believe he hooked up with some blonde cocaine addict a few weeks later. He committed to her and dated her for 6 months then he came back and told me, I found out she's on cocaine. :lachen:And he wanted to try to work things out with me. I was like BOY PUHLEASE!!!!!!!:lachen:
In addition, I am where that young lady is so pardon me for playing devil's advocate. :ohwell:

However, I don't see myself as a downgrade. :lachen:

When my fiance met me, he was "talking" to a young lady (very pretty girl) who lived in Canada. In fact, immediaetly after I met him she came down here from Canada for a week and stayed at his house. :perplexed Their plans had been in the works for a few months. We had JUST met and been on only onen maybe two dates and weren't even thinking about a relationship so I couldn't complain at all even though I was a bit jealous. :perplexed However, he had known this lady SIX years and lived up in Canada right with her and spent A LOT of time with her when he was in college but NEVER committed to her. He hung out at her house, ate her mama's food. :nono: She had been pining away after this man for six years.

Well when she came down he told her that he had met someone (me) that he was wanted to pursue a relationship with (no marriage talk yet but he had only known me for a few weeks at this time). She was devestated and she had just been accepted into a school 3 hours away from him in the US and had come down here to tell him the wonderful news and this is what she got in return. :sad:

Afterwards she wrote him this letter which he forwarded to me.

Hey, somewhat off topic, I realize that you now have a girl-friend. I am not blind nor unaware of the facts. So if my being in contact with you as a friend is a problem, then please do me the courtesy of saying so. I am not trying to interfere or create any problems for you and the Mrs. Also, my apologies if I have come across as overly distant for the past few months. This was never my intention. The truth is that although I've been busy trying to make things happen for myself, I have also been busy trying to accept a lot of things. I realize that there is still a lot of hurt and confusion surrounding the events of my visitation and thereafter. I thought I had been able to make peace with the way things have played out, but every now and then there's that pang or that memory that randomly comes to mind and then I find myself once again, over analyzing and asking a lot of questions. I often wonder if I had said or done enough to convey to you how I felt and whether or not I tried hard enough. Did you truly feel or know that I loved you or did you and I simply give up and let our worst fears overcome us? Looking back, I don't regret sharing our thoughts, feelings and experiences, nor do I resent you. I understand more than anything else that we are human beings and that we are constantly evolving and growing and that nothing in life remains constant. I don't believe that it was ever your intensions to hurt me or to cause me to feel as though I was not worth fighting for but, the reality is that you have made me feel this way. And if I have hurt you in some way that I am unaware of , I apologize and hope you realize that this was not my intent. I really thought and felt that you were the guy that I would make that move for, exchange wedding vows with one day and create little miracles with. I really do believe that you are still that amazing guy that God had blessed me with the opportunity to meet. And for the record, I didn't need Eddie pointing that one out to me, lol. If anything, when I was at a low in my life and was beginning to give up on my dreams, you made me realize that someday, whether it be in the near or distant future, I do want to get married and start a family of my own (even if it may never be with you :p) so thanks for that. If I were a machine, life would be much more simpler but unfortuately, I do not equipped with buttons and therefore I don't know how to shut off my feelings or erase the past. I'm simply trying to find a more plausible and appropriate way to go back to being friends again and to give myself time to overcome some old feelings. With all this said, I hope that you can be patient with me. And for the record and as your friend, if you ever find that person you truly love, tell them. Stop trying to feel your way around to love. Just do it! Let go of all your inhibitions and be receptive to love. You are loveable. You are worthy of being loved and are more than capable of loving if you would just let yourself. I really do want to see you happy and healthy. You deserve to be ;)

Anyhow...I didn't mean to go off on this big spew. I just needed to get somemore things off of my plate. As you know, I'm a strong advocate of honesty and speaking what's on This is how I try to heal so that I can find peace and move forward with life. So if you need me to back off, just say so. There's no hard feelings :p

"And so I write numerically, from my heart to yours...143" ~ Musiq Soul child

With warmest regards,

Pea ;)

So, some of you probably recall that I posted some "discontent" with this letter when he forwarded it to me awhile back. I suppose he just wanted me to know what was going on but I was :ohwell: about the entire thing. :lachen:I didn't tell him not to talk to her at all though, I just told him to keep it clean and i also encouraged him that if they really did have unfinished business that he needed to get it over with and I even suggested her talk to her because she seemed SO sad. :nono:

Well he kept in contact with her but the more he was "nice" to her the more she felt "lead on" and she couldn't understand that after all the time they shared, he still wouldn't commit to her but he'd commit to me who he had only known a few weeks at the time.

I guess after he felt things were getting a little sketchy with their conversations he told her he needed to take a break and she apparently got upset (during one of their telephone calls and she hung up on him so) he finally sent her this email:

I do apologize for the pain and anger that I may have caused you, someone that has always been a good friend, a open ear and did care...I'm sorry in every way I can be, I'm sorry to you and I feel sorry as a person to have even done this to you without being able to explain why.

As I look to make myself the exact 180 of what I am now I'll never forget the pain I caused you. I do apologize, but I need you to understand I'm going to work hard at my relationship with (Adequate) who I know you've chatted with/contacted several times. I'm going to do my very best to be the person that earns her trust (which is hard to do if we keep talking) and have a relationship with her but that doesn't take away from the great person you are. This note carries many sorry's and apologies all meant very much!!

(deleted name)

And then she sent him this email:

I appreciate that you wrote this, but it's too little too late. This was the letter I was looking for years ago. I detect that there might be an ounce of sincerity but you're being "sorry" is a's obvious you're oblivious to the extent of your damage or maybe you don't see a problem. Maybe you just really suck at expressing whatever it is you have to say using words...but let me guess, you're much better at physically expressing yourself! Either way, don't think that I accept your shallow apology and expect me to ever forgive you. I'm glad you've finally decided on what you want. I hope you stick to it. (Adequate) most definately doesn't deserve **** so wipe your ****ty ass clean!

:lachen:I don't mean to laugh but I had to guffaw when I read that. I mean she was mad and I can laugh because I felt this to when the idiot I named above hooked up with the coke head.

Now, I posted all this stuff to show that you are not alone and this is how this stuff plays out a lot of times. :ohwell: One day you'll be the scorned and another day you'll be on the other side.

Believe me, most desirable men have someone who wants to be with them so if you meet a man that falls for you and you fall for him you can almost be certain that there is a woman (like you) who is heart broken over it.

The thing about it is you DO get over it. It may take one day at a time little by little but you DO recover!

And believe me, bashing HER might make you feel better but it's not really the answer. This young lady didn't bash me. I've talked to her several times and she's sweet as sugar cane. He had NO reason not to want to be with her other than just one of those crazy chemistry things that cannot be explained because she truly is a great person. I still chat with her on MSN from time to time about life and school and I'm currently trying to hook her up with my handsome guy friend in ATL. :lachen:

You DO deserve better and you WILL find better.

We have all been where you are standing. We just have to lean from our mistakes and acknowledge the part we play in leading ourselves on.
Again ladies, thanks for the comments on the situation. Everything your telling me I already knew and been hearing from my friends but I just chose to ignore them willingly because he seemed "different" and I guess I had to hear the words from him. Another lesson learned.

I read where you said other men came along but you were focused on that man and ignoring the others.

At what point into the relationship did you realize you wanted something more?

And is the fact that you didn't tell him how you truly felt the same crime he committed? or, do you think it's different?
I guess he just wasn't into you like that. You started feeling more for him and I supposed he just felt he was your friend. I think you sould have told him how you felt when you started "catching feelings". It is never safe to assume things where men is concerned. Next time let your feelings be known.
A guy (27 years old) that I was dating a couple of weeks ago totally cut me off. We was just talking, seeing each other, and hanging out, and then he said "Jessica you deserve better and I can't give you what you deserve." He also apologized and said he wasn't ready to focus on me, and that it wasn't me, it was all him. The week before this happened, he came at me telling me how attractive I was to him, how I'm easy to talk to, he loves my hair and my smile, he wanted to get to know me all over again (we've known each other since 2003 before he came at me this way), he wanted us to be open and honest with each other, and he was ready to date me. He even said he left his previous girlfriend for me. So I said OK and we dated for a week and he decided to end it. I was distraught and confused because I too thought it would turn into something greater like a committed relationship and I really liked this guy, but I'm understanding and getting over it day by day and trying to move on. However, my situation is slightly different... he didn't leave me for someone else. I believe he saw me as someone he would like to be with but wasn't ready for a relationship or wasn't interested in being in a relationship with me. He had a lot of other things going on in his life that he's trying to focus on, so maybe he couldn't give me what I deserved at time. But I was just cool with talking and hanging out. We talked about everything under the sun too and never had an argument. Plus, he knew from the get go that he wasn't getting any booty as well :lol:, so I know that probably had something to do with it also.

sky_blu, did you and this guy kiss and have sex? Is that why you felt like it was going somewhere? If so, you better think twice. Sex does not keep a man interested.
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I realize we are trying to make her feel better about the situation but we don't know this young lady. We don't know anything about her except she's young. Unless, the OP knows her personally, it's sort of presumptuous to say, well she is only with him for material things. It's also presumptuous to put her down or claim she's just a 20 (not an 80) to make ourselves feel better.

I've learned that sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are and try not to over-analyze.

Deal with the pain. KNOW that you are worth someone who is capable of returning the affection you want/desire.

Thoughts of yourself should be totally independant from thoughts of her.

Comparisons (and I may be wrong but that's what I read here) is not going to be healthy or productive, to me.

I don't think making the other girl out to be some type of monster or less of a woman is going to really fix the OP's problem.

It seems to me that she lied to herself or was not aware of her own desires because she went from not wanting a relationship to being appauled that he had found someone with which to have one.

I think once she (I don't mean to discuss you in 3rd person) gets a handle on what she really wants, she will be better able to find a person to fulfill those needs.

We are ---><---- here. It really doesn't help things to put the other girl down. I've been on both sides of the fence and know from both angles there's really no right or wrong when dealing with the someone's heart. Ppl are ppl, and with that comes free will to make a decision whether right or wrong adn regardless of who you may hurt.
And on that note I'm sorry that you're the one that ended up hurt from that person's decision, SB. All the best.
Men are surprisingly upfront about their intentions. OUR problem is that we often think that what they are saying is "for now" and that if we are sweet enough, sexy enough, good enough in bed, we can change them and MAKE them love us.[/quote]

VEry true statement. My ex-friend told me he wasn't ready for a relationship from day 1...I believed him & walked away. Then I stepped back in "hoping" he'd change his didn't happen and i got hurt.:sad:

Men really do make their intentions known in the's our choice after that. :rolleyes:
I read where you said other men came along but you were focused on that man and ignoring the others.

At what point into the relationship did you realize you wanted something more?

And is the fact that you didn't tell him how you truly felt the same crime he committed? or, do you think it's different?

I would say the last couple of months like Aug/Sept then he when he moved back and was like "this is what you wanted right?" and I said some stupid smart remark instead of saying "Yes!" LOL Looking back on our conversations I think he thought I really wasnt into as much as I knew I was because I never told him. I just assumed he should know. And I think me not telling is kind of on the same level because I should have told him sooner when he was opening up to me. And Poohbear, I definitely know sex doesnt keep a man but it was our conversations and how well we were together is what made me think we would be something more eventually. Im usually very assertive but I dont know why I chose to just fall back and act like I did. Oh well, whats done is done. He's moved on and if it was meant to be it would have been.
Men are surprisingly upfront about their intentions. OUR problem is that we often think that what they are saying is "for now" and that if we are sweet enough, sexy enough, good enough in bed, we can change them and MAKE them love us. - adequate

WOW! You ladies are dropping knowledge! *Taking Notes*

I agree!:yep:
I truly believe there is no rhyme or reason as to why a man or a woman chooses to fall in love with someone.

There's so much involved that it would be impossible to pinpoint WHY a man or woman would choose one person over another.

What I have learned about human nature is that generally when someone says I'm not ready for a relationship, that means, the right person has not come along yet.

When I got my divorce I used this line ALL day long on dates and with men who I really didn't have an interest. At the time I thought the REASON I didn't have an interest was because I wasn't ready but in fact when my SO came along...I was totally willing to commit when I hadn't even entertained the thought before.

I think it's this way for many men. They will tell a woman that they aren't ready for a relationship - not really even understanding themselves why.

But, suddenly when "the one" appears you are ready and willing to do for that person what you weren't for the person previous.

This does not mean that there is anything wrong with you at all. It's just one of those things that will never be explainable. It doesn't take away from you as a person or as a lady. It's just one of those "luck of the draw" situations.

The best thing you can do for yourself in the future is not to make yourself available to men who are emotionally unavailable. Infact, I wouldn't waste my time on any man who said they weren't ready for a relationship. I would believe them and keep it moving.

The thing about men is that as much as we fuss about them, we RARELY listen to them. Generally, they tell us the most important things about them in the first several conversations. Men are surprisingly upfront about their intentions. OUR problem is that we often think that what they are saying is "for now" and that if we are sweet enough, sexy enough, good enough in bed, we can change them and MAKE them love us.

GREAT post!!!!!
I have received advice on this forum from ladies telling me that its OK to date more than guy - don't put all your eggs in one basket.
I think thats what you did and its what he didn't.
OP let me say that I was in the same boat as you. I really like someone and I was hurt when he mad eit clear he wasn't into me. I kept thinking and wondering, whats wrong with me? And I felt like a fool.We were dating for about 7/8 months and he never showed any signs that he wanted it to be serious. He imed me the other day and since then I havent been able to stop thinking about him. I know you're hurt, but you know what?

these men are doing us a favor!!!

Some men start a long tem relationship with a woman they really dont want to be with (my friend for example) and in the end all it leads to is years of frustration and someone gets hurt, usually the girl.:ohwell:

it's messed up they lead us on, but I rather be led on for months than to be led on for years.

keep ya head up and know that we deserve better and will find better!

Adequate your posts made me feel better, I was starting to really beat myself up about that guy who wasn't interested.
I realize we are trying to make her feel better about the situation but we don't know this young lady. We don't know anything about her except she's young. Unless, the OP knows her personally, it's sort of presumptuous to say, well she is only with him for material things. It's also presumptuous to put her down or claim she's just a 20 (not an 80) to make ourselves feel better.

I've learned that sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are and try not to over-analyze.

Deal with the pain. KNOW that you are worth someone who is capable of returning the affection you want/desire.

Thoughts of yourself should be totally independant from thoughts of her.

Comparisons (and I may be wrong but that's what I read here) is not going to be healthy or productive, to me.

I don't think making the other girl out to be some type of monster or less of a woman is going to really fix the OP's problem.

It seems to me that she lied to herself or was not aware of her own desires because she went from not wanting a relationship to being appauled that he had found someone with which to have one.

I think once she (I don't mean to discuss you in 3rd person) gets a handle on what she really wants, she will be better able to find a person to fulfill those needs.

I completely agree with you. From what I'm reading, the new girl is not at fault at all. She may be 19 with no job but we don't know what type of person she is on the inside and what she is doing to try to reach her goals. We don't have nearly enough information to call this girl a 20 or a downgrade.
Finally solution: I stopped calling him, he did me a favor, and I let it go :drunk: I still get a little ticked when I think about it but que sera que sera. Lesson learned and it was good for what it was worth. I think I kind of overreacted but I felt hurt that he didnt tell me from the beginning and kept me strung along all this time. But its almost a new year and life is too short to dwell on it. Thanks again for you input. :look:
Thanks for updating us. Glad you're feeling better. The best is yet to come - BELIEVE THAT:)
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Finally solution: I stopped calling him, he did me a favor, and I let it go :drunk: I still get a little ticked when I think about it but que sera que sera. Lesson learned and it was good for what it was worth. I think I kind of overreacted but I felt hurt that he didnt tell me from the beginning and kept me strung along all this time. But its almost a new year and life is too short to dwell on it. Thanks again for you input. :look:

I'm glad! It is a shock at first but once that wears off you are who you are - a wise, strong woman. Some women would spend the next 10 yrs stalking him.
Girl clap your hands together and slide them up and down. Say out loud" Lesson Learned"

this is part of life and dating is what you did. You will go through several like that to meet the right one. Just keep your intensions true to yourself and who you are dating, and keep your options open till you've had the commitment talk.

But please once you get into the relationship part do not date for years.