Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!


Well-Known Member
Breaking my original personal challenge of joining no more challenges, but since so many of us were motivated by the original thread, how about we create a new one starting May 1 - just in time to start getting on track for beach bodies and looooooong hair blowing in the wind!
This is a thread to support the ladies who are trying to pursue both weight loss and hair growth. If you're in, just "thank" this post so we can keep a running list of who is involved so we can support each other!
If you want, please include in your first post:​

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):
Current hair length:
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:
Short-term hair goal:
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:
Long-term hair goal:
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?

Let's get it, ladies!
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I'll start with mine!

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 158 :nono:
Current hair length: Somewhere between SL and APL, completely uneven from the hack job I did after a setback... lol.
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 148 by the end of May
Short-term hair goal: More even APL by December 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 119 by October 2011
Long-term hair goal: Full U-shaped WL by January 2014
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I'd like to work-out a total of 3000 minutes by December 2011

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Try to eat as healthy as possible while still enjoying foods I want by choosing healthier alternatives. Continue drinking 11 - 12 glasses of water per day. Phasing out deep-fried/processed/"white" foods. Eat more fiber. Become more regular with exercise.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Keep my hair stretched (in protective styles as much as I can stand). Manipulate it only when necessary. Keep my ends moisturized and dusted when necessary.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a week!
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Its so funny this were my main two for the year along with skin but thats another story :perplexed:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 189
Current hair length: Longer than APL shorter than BSL :rolleyes:
Short-term weight loss goal: 20 down, 20 more to go :yep:
Short-term hair goal: BSL by Christmas possibly grazing MBL
Long-term weight loss goal: To lose my last 20 pounds then maintain the weightloss
Long-term hair goal: MBL, thick ends. (Not too thick :nono: )
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: A flatter tummy!

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Counting my calories and exercising! There is no magic formula.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? My simple hair regimen. By hair is a b!tch and likes to be left alone.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? When ever I remember :)

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): i'm too ashamed to admit:nono: but it is 200+ pounds
Current hair length: APL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: lose at least 40 pounds before school starts in late August
Short-term hair goal: Full APL by August 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 125-130 pounds (i'm 5'4
Long-term hair goal: MBL-WL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: completely get rid of my depression

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
I am currently fasting and doing cardio exercises each week between 4-5 days a week
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? i'm pretty satisfied with my hair routine right now. No changes needed:yep:

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
I will update at least once a day to hold myself accountable on what I ate that day and if I completed my exercise routine for the day :)

Let's get it ladies!:grin:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): Let me weight in the morning because I want to know exactly where I am starting...at least 230 :perplexed

Current hair length: About an inch from APL...trying to grow out layers.

Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: Down 15lbs by the end of May.

Short-term hair goal: Longest layer APL by the end of May.

Long-term weight loss goal: Down 50lbs by 31 Dec 11 (that 7 months).

Long-term hair goal: BSL May 2012

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I am going to be honest with this one. I will stop being lazy. I can be fully rested but talk myself out of going to the gym. "Tasha you dont need to go because you have a lot of reports due today..get the extra rest" or "Dang...I think my ankle is hurting" :rolleyes: I will come up with anything to get out of working out. I will be in the gym 0300 May 1st. I will also make sure I drink at least eight classes of water a day. Again, to be honest I have not had more than three bottles in at least two months. I will also make better choices as far as my meals are concerned especially while being overseas.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I am bun 95% of the time and will continue to do so.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a week on Sunday evenings for the board morning for me.

I will be back with my starting weight.

29 April 11 : 234 lbs
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Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):141
Current hair length:MBL
Short-term weight loss goal:135
Short-term hair goal:WL (almost there!)
Long-term weight loss goal:125-130
Long-term hair goal:HL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: super toned abs&arms

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I already exercise 5 days a week, i do pilates everyday&rotate between cycling,the eliptical,and sometimes running but im going to try to start running more cause i bought these new asics tht are supposed to be low impact on my knees so i cant wait to try em out:grin: i already eat healthy so theres nothing i will be changing in my diet.i was 150 2months ago:nono: but ive lost about 10pounds since then so im hoping i can hit 130 by late may/early june

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
im going to start self-texlaxing because i feel like my hair will be much healthier&thicker in doing so.

oh&i'll update every day or every other day with my exercise routine,what i ate,what i did w.my hair,etc.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 226.4 :(
Current hair length: a little past APL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: Lose 20 lbs by my 36th birthday, June 11.
Short-term hair goal: MBL by Christmas
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 175-180
Long-term hair goal: WL by 2013...OO-OOP!
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Drink 1/2 my weight in water daily, clean eating, minimum of 5 workouts per week, more veggies, get more sleep, less stress, run 10 sets of the 175 stairs I run during my workout (right now, I'm dead after 3!), get sexier for myself & my hubby, get healthier for myself and my family!

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? drink more water, eliminiate unhealthy fast food, more steamed and baked food, have 1 splurge breakfast, lunch and dinner per week, journal foods, workouts, feelings, goals, progress, not skip workouts.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? drink more water, eat healthier, protective style 80% of the time or more, no heat except for trim day and rare occasions, deep condition often.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least once a week!

Girl, sign my lil butt up. Lol I just wanna lose 10lbs and gain some muscle. I'm 5"7' and I weigh 146 last time I checked. I'm gonna get my sexy on today at the park. Lol run for about 30 mm to an hour. It REALLY does help my hair grow faster.. Idk why. My hair grows slower when I dont run.

Oh, my current length is cbl.. almost APL... I will post pics when I get home.

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Diva_Esq: You better quiet that "oo-oop" mess down!!!!

Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that if you have an insatiable sweet tooth like me, check out Chocolate-Covered Katie for healthier alternatives to dessert! I believe they are all either vegetarian or vegan and she has some good raw recipes as well. I've been bumming all of my dessert recipes from her, especially since she makes a lot of individual serving recipes for us single ladies. Just a suggestion :)

I just finished eating breakfast (I hate breakfast) of whole wheat banana pancakes topped with raspberries and blackberries.
My goal for breakfasts includes fruit, a whole grain, and protein and/or dairy (switching to almond milk since cow's milk doesn't always agree with me and I hate the taste)
For lunch and dinner, my goal is to eat a protein paired with a double vegetable serving (+ another whole grain at lunch, but not at dinner since I usually have a serving for dessert)
For snacks, I eat raw vegetables and fruit.
For dessert, I use one of Katie's recipes and modify them to include wheat flour instead of white, stevia in place of sugar, and dried fruit in place of chocolate chips
I still need to try and get in more dairy/calcium but I'm taking baby steps :)
Current weight: 156 lbs
Current hair length:MBL (not all the strands though)
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:150
Short-term hair goal:full MBL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:140-145 lbs (i look weird when I get thinner than that)
Long-term hair goal:WL
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? keep on going to the gym 3-4 times per week. incorporate 1 extra session of cardio. eat well and drink plenty of water
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? i'll keep up with the same regimen because it's working great

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
Please count my big butt in! :grin:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): argh, 191.4lbs
Current hair length: TWA
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 20lbs by Sept. 4 (B-Day)
Short-term hair goal: +2.5 inches by B-Day
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 150 lbs
Long-term hair goal: MBL stretched
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: to perfect my coke bottle! And get rid of the pooch...
What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Stop eating so much crap and get up and do something!
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? More water and exercise!
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Twice a month
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Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): I'm 5'7'' in height and weigh 260
Current hair length: grazing BSL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: Lose 25 lbs by my 46th birthday, June 09.
Short-term hair goal: MBL by Christmas
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 100
Long-term hair goal: WL by 2012 God willing
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Drink 4 liters of water daily, clean eating, minimum of 7 workouts per week, more veggies, get more sleep, less stress, walking because of bad knee using Bowflex walking machine and several good aerobic vids...I want to work up to this PX90 vid...but I'm far from it at this moment. I want to get fit before the whole menopause kicks in for me my hubby, the rest of my family!

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goals? drink more water, eliminiate unhealthy fast food, more steamed and baked food.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? drink more water, eat healthier, protective style 85% of the time or more, no heat except for length checks 2 times and hair colored once this year, deep condition/protein balance often.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least once a week!

I haven't felt motivated to get back in shape for a while, I know the hardest part to train will be my mind I need all of the help I can get...Good luck ladies!!!
Current weight: 133 lbs

Current hair length: Scalp

Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:126 (that was my weight last year... I gained some winter weight :nono:)

Short-term hair goal:full SL

Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 126

Long-term hair goal: BSL. I think when hair gets too long you just end up looking like that woman in the ring.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?

Ermmm... I don't know. I'm very lazy in general. I'll try and check every 2 weeks.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): The wii told me 260 :spinning: I'm about 6 feet tall or so
Current hair length:I think about sl now
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: By my birthday Oct 13th 30-40 lbs
Short-term hair goal:I would like to make apl by January
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:70 lbs
Long-term hair goal:MBL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:Just working on myself :yep:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I already started on the diet. I started in-taking a lot of water. I don't drink soda but i m working on the sweet. Damn near slapped my friend for a piece of cake. She forgave me. I had to stop drinking coffee it was keeping me from sleeping. Plus i save money and starbucks no longer gets a substantial amount of my paycheck. I have started cooking and taking my lunch. The fitness is the hard part so I have to work on that thing where i'm not lazy and turn on the wii or go say hi to the treadmill and workout in the mornings. Oh yeah and love myself :love3:

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Just working on my regimen and not being lazy. Continue to ps and take care of my hair.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I will be lurking and check in about once a week:wiggle:
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): I'm 5'8 at 229 lbs
Current hair length: Hip length
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: -30 lbs (199 lbs)
Short-term hair goal: Tail bone length
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: -75 lbs (155 lbs)
Long-term hair goal: Classic length
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Get my PCOS under control.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
  • Low carb
  • Smoothies with veggies, fruits, and chlorella
  • Daily exercise
  • Stop eating late at night
  • Drink more water
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Be more consistent with wearing my scarf to bed. Other than that, continue with my current regimen

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? At least 2-3 times a week
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Good luck you guys! Everyone's goals sound very doable,so don't give up,especially when you get closer to your goal weight and it starts to become harder to lose. Just keep pushing your will power,and you can get there. I'll be cheering you guys on from the sidelines! I am a weight loss story fanatic! Lol!
well i just worked out on my treadmill,i did HIIT for 35min rotating between 7mph and 5.5 mph. i wouldve gone longer but my dad messed up my groove by calling me to tell me he misses me since hes gonna be outta town for 3months lol

for breakfast i had grapefruit
for lunch ill have salad&fruit
snack will be veggies (carrots)
dinner will be rice&beans,oxtail,&fried plantains:look:
snack will be grapefruit

kinda off topic, I looove grapefruit.Its one of the least desirable fruits due to its taste but not only does it have antioxidants&vitamins but it can help loose weight. One grapefruit is only 100-110 calories and it fills you up.Its also good for diabetics (such as myself) because its low in carbs. When i crave something sweet i usually sprinkle splenda on it to make it taste sweet.is so deelishus :grin:
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 200lbs ; 30.1%
Current hair length:SL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 190lbs or 29% My weight never seems to change that much no matter how many inches I lose :perplexed
Short-term hair goal: full SL
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 165 lbs or 22%
Long-term hair goal: WAIST LENGTH!!
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I really want to wear a bikini this summer and I think its possible.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I'll continue to do my Insanity workout, take vitamins, up the water intake, walk more and eating all the fresh veggies and fruits I can get.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Continue to workout and be patient with my hair.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I'm going to say once a week
I'm posting on my phone so I can't thank the post. But I want to join please. Thanks

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 183
Current hair length: BSL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 150 lbs (July 15)
Short-term hair goal: MBL (July 15)
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 130 lbs
Long-term hair goal: TBL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: consistent with workouts

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
Food log
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? consistent with vitamins and supplements

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Weekly
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 224, I don't check for BMI

Current hair length: CL in the front, SL in the back

Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 25-30 lbs by Sept.

Short-term hair goal: Not really pushing for hair length, its been growing at a good rate - for me so, full SL by August/ September is fine for me

Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 170 by Dec 2011

Long-term hair goal: Aiming for APL, might be able to get there by Dec

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Just drop the pounds I gained in the last 2

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Start exercising, monitor my eating habits, cut out all junk food for the first 2 months to give myself a running head strart .

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Nothing, I'm happy with what its doing currently.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Check in once every week, weigh-in monthly.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 203lbs :sad:
Current hair length: SL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 180 by August 2011
Short-term hair goal: APL by December 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 165... SOON lol
Long-term hair goal:MBL 2013
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I just want to be healthy!

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will continue counting calories and working out 4 days/ week
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Protective styles and stretching relaxers

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Umm.. every two weeks
Yaaay for this thread!!! Just what I need to start the summer off right! My 2 loves- fitness and hair growth :) Ok, here are my stats *gulp*:look:

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): (I love ya'll, but not that much yet :lachen:) BMI = 27.1 :perplexed
Current hair length: 1.25" from APL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: Sep 2011- 150 lbs; Reduce body fat by 10-12 points
Short-term hair goal: Sep 2011- Full APL; Dec 2011- Grazing BSB
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: Maintain goal weight; Maintain healthy eating habits
Long-term hair goal: Dec 2012- grazing WL :grin:
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: N/A

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Continue working out 5x per week (50 minutes each session), but incorporate weight training/sculpting at each workout (instead of every other workout).

Continue keeping electronic food diary.

Also, I WILL NOT rush this weight loss. I have given myself more than enough time to get down to 150 lbs (4 months from now :grin:), so I can continue to incorporate the healthy eating and fitness habits I've incoporated into my life over the last 2 years.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Continue PSing 95% of the time; maintain moisture-protein balance; research new PSs so I don't get bored.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Weight loss- weekly or bi-monthly; Hair- monthly
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Count me in! I so need it.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 30%...
Current hair length: 3-4 from BSL
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 24 by September 2011
Short-term hair goal: BSB by September 2011
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 120 or 20% bmi by 2012
Long-term hair goal: Full MBL/brushing WL by 2013. Full SL curly by end of 2013
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: better eating habits and no more yoyo dieting or exercising

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
Eating healthy, drinking more water, exercise more and eating less refined foods. Also do more proper cooking.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
Wear twists,stretched styles longer, comb less, moisturize more, and trim on a proper schedule.
How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable?
Every 2 weeks or so with picture updates every 4-6 months.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): COLOR="Teal"]173 Taken (23 Apr)[/COLOR]
Current hair length: Short APL Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: -15lbs (158) Short-term hair goal: Long APL Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: -48lbs (125)Long-term hair goal: MBL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Run a half marathon / Increase my speed to 8min mile (Currently at 10:20m) / Increase my weekly distance to 25m a week

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Continue to count cals (aim for 1500 - 1600 daily) / Lace up and go! / Use runkeepers' tools to try and increase my speed / START back weightlifting / AVOID getting caught up with scams and quick fixes

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I just started with the protective styling so I will continue that and daily moisturizing. I will also start taking Nioxim and see how that goes.

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I want to update this every Saturday with weightloss...possibly monthly with hair...so around the first of each month for the hair.

How exciting! :spinning: