We need some REAL hair in here. There's just too many, too many, too many Weaves.

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SS, it may be time to take your own advice and not worry over things out of your control...in this case other people's opinions.

I just find it hilarious that on the first page, there is a thread about black women being the most beautiful women on earth but on the same first page, these same beautiful black women are downing other black women for their HAIR choices.

Sad. I'm good. Just posting MY opinions. I'm still rocking my waist length weaves. LMAO!
This thread was not created to attack women who wear weave, and I apologize if that's how it's come across to you.

Yeah, maybe a few jokes have been thrown here and there but it's not meant to sound malicious. Nobody is trying to hurt anybodys weave feelings.
This thread was not created to attack women who wear weave, and I apologize if that's how it's come across to you.

Yeah, maybe a few jokes have been thrown here and there but it's not meant to sound malicious. Nobody is trying to hurt anybodys weave feelings.

It's that kind of condescending BS that I bolded that makes you sound really insincere and ridiculous. Continue with your weave bashing sweetie. My feelings are not hurt at all. I'm laughing at you hence the gifs.
It's that kind of condescending BS that I bolded that makes you sound really insincere and ridiculous. Continue with your weave bashing sweetie. My feelings are not hurt at all. I'm laughing at you hence the gifs.

I tried to be nice. Anyhuuuuuuuuu I'm out of here now...

I have 99 problems, but a weave aint one.
In my opinion, whether you like or dislike weave is not the real issue here. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
The issue is when opinions become attacking and defensiveness.
Just because someone's opinion does not agree with yours does not mean they are dissing you. When you react negatively or unnecessarily harsh, you are the one causing discord not the post you are lamenting about.
I don't really think it was weave bashing...well some of the posts ("I don't like anything that isn't natural!!" --MMhmmm ok...) were a bit...funky, but I can see where CL is coming from - people who are not familiar with hair care and hair forums will most likely interpret a woman wearing a wig/weave as not loving her hair, but that's their fault, and their ignorance. Honestly, I can't get down with the "Well you know that when you do this, people think this..." debate, simply because I'm like, why the heck do I care what they think, especially when they are WRONG? On to the next. :)
It's that kind of condescending BS that I bolded that makes you sound really insincere and ridiculous. Continue with your weave bashing sweetie. My feelings are not hurt at all. I'm laughing at you hence the gifs.

i understand that you might be upset but i don't think she means it in the way that you are taking it. if you've seen her posts in general, she has a sense of humor about things so she's just playing around. there's no malicious intent there. everyone- we need to be chill right now. we need to be able to have a discussion without offending people or getting offended too easily
I don't really think it was weave bashing...well some of the posts ("I don't like anything that isn't natural!!" --MMhmmm ok...) were a bit...funky, but I can see where CL is coming from - people who are not familiar with hair care and hair forums will most likely interpret a woman wearing a wig/weave as not loving her hair, but that's their fault, and their ignorance. Honestly, I can't get down with the "Well you know that when you do this, people think this..." debate, simply because I'm like, why the heck do I care what they think, especially when they are WRONG? On to the next. :)

It was the generalizations that were made in this thread and the other threads on this same topic. Me wearing a weave does not mean I hate my hair, don't know how to take care of it, etc.

Three threads on why women wear weaves? Seriously? People posted their opinions and I posted mine. God I love this place.
i understand that you might be upset but i don't think she means it in the way that you are taking it. if you've seen her posts in general, she has a sense of humor about things so she's just playing around. there's no malicious intent there. everyone- we need to be chill right now. we need to be able to have a discussion without offending people or getting offended too easily

I don't mean this in a negative way but I don't want to get to know her e-personality. She posted the thread and I simply responded. There are some really cool people here and some real negative ones here.
Whooo, you ladies bring more drama than Springer sometimes :). Chaosbutterfly your gif made me happy, LMAO.

My only addition: I think folks (SOME, not ALL) are taking the whole fake, fake, fake thing way too far. Whether you like it or not to some women weaves are nothing more than a hairstyle choice. Somebody mentioned Gaga (here or the other thread, can't tell them apart anymore) and while we all don't walk out without pants some of us are just as inventive and imaginative with our hair, body, clothes, makeup. We don't wear anything to trick or trap anyone, we're having fun with our bodies and celebrating them. It's not like we're Tyler Perry in disguise slapping on weaves and makeup to try and snatch up an unsuspecting brother. :)
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It was the generalizations that were made in this thread and the other threads on this same topic. Me wearing a weave does not mean I hate my hair, don't know how to take care of it, etc.

Three threads on why women wear weaves? Seriously? People posted their opinions and I posted mine. God I love this place.

Well that is the thing - when they said that they most likely weren't referring to you!! I saw the other threads too and most people were talking about ppl IRL outside the hair forums. The first post about weaves I even asked the poster why she would post something like that in here where the generalization would not apply. LOL and I also asked why weaves were the hot topic this weekend, and I have never even worn a weave, but yes it is quite strange...
Whooo, you ladies bring more drama than Springer sometimes :). Chaosbutterfly your gif made me happy, LMAO.

My only addition: I think folks (SOME, not ALL) are taking the whole fake, fake, fake thing way too far. Whether you like it or not to some women weaves are nothing more than a hairstyle choice. Somebody mentioned Gaga (here or the other thread, can't tell them apart anymore) and while we all don't walk out without pants some of us are just as inventive and imaginative with our hair, body, clothes, makeup. We don't wear anything to trick or trap anyone, we're having fun with our bodies and celebrating them. It's not like we're Tyler Perry in disguise slapping on weaves and makeup to try and snatch up an unsuspecting brother. :)

And I'm the one who mentioned Gaga in the other thread, lol! Like I said WHAT HAPPENED WITH WIGS AND WEAVES THIS WEEKEND?!?!?
I think we've digressed a bit...

Yes this a Weave topic, if you're catching feelings on behalf of your weave.. then exit. Fa'real. I've said 100 times already, I have nothing against those who wear it. I'd just like to hear ALL types of opinions on the matter. It'd be boring if everybody came in here, and praised weaves. I wanna hear both sides. If you can't take the negative things people wanna say about weaves.. then weave yourself out. (This is for anybody who hates this thread and does not wish to participate in the discussion)

Back to the topic.

This video is interesting ------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRK-KeO0yUM

It's called - To Weave or Not to Weave.

And I'm the one who mentioned Gaga in the other thread, lol! Like I said WHAT HAPPENED WITH WIGS AND WEAVES THIS WEEKEND?!?!?

I don't know girl, LMAO. I think sometimes the stars align and spell "WEAVE" in the night sky and someone decides "Yes Masters, that's what I will discuss on LHCF"

Just kidding, lol. Laughter is the best medicine. I think it's funny two topics with somewhat different intentions but fairly similar titles were started within moments of each other so obviously we're all looking around like "Awww shucks, what started this? Who we mad at now? Do I gotta get my shovel?"

At least it's starting to ease up now :)
I think we've digressed a bit...

Yes this a Weave topic, if you're catching feelings on behalf of your weave.. then exit. Fa'real. I've said 100 times already, I have nothing against those who wear it. I'd just like to hear ALL types of opinions on the matter. It'd be boring if everybody came in here, and praised weaves. I wanna hear both sides. If you can't take the negative things people wanna say about weaves.. then weave yourself out. (This is for anybody who hates this thread and does not wish to participate in the discussion)

Back to the topic.

This video is interesting ------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRK-KeO0yUM

It's called - To Weave or Not to Weave.

ot: chocolatelove your hair is gorgeous!:yep:
I think we've digressed a bit...
Well to answer your question I dont like to wear weaves. I only wore 1 weave, a quick weave, and it itched soooooo bad I was sicking letter openers in there to scratch my scalp. I used to wear a wig that looked like a curly fro but I didnt really like it either b/c it looked like a wig.

That is my wig/weave history.

Do I dislike weaves on others? Nope. I just dont like weaves that I can tell is a weave. If I can glance at a weave and I can TELL its fake, then its a horrible weave. Im VERY easy to fool when it comes to weaves so yeah, if I can tell its a weave, its bad. I can spot most LF so ummm......yeah :look:

Wearing weaves aintm y thang, but I certainly dont kock those whose thang it is ESPECIALLY if it works for them. *shrug*
I think we've digressed a bit...

Yes this a Weave topic, if you're catching feelings on behalf of your weave.. then exit. Fa'real. I've said 100 times already, I have nothing against those who wear it. I'd just like to hear ALL types of opinions on the matter. It'd be boring if everybody came in here, and praised weaves. I wanna hear both sides. If you can't take the negative things people wanna say about weaves.. then weave yourself out. (This is for anybody who hates this thread and does not wish to participate in the discussion)

Back to the topic.

This video is interesting ------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRK-KeO0yUM

It's called - To Weave or Not to Weave.

Contradicting yourself. You want to hear all sides, I gave you my opinion but I'm supposed to weave myself out huh?

Why be negative?
I think we've digressed a bit...

Yes this a Weave topic, if you're catching feelings on behalf of your weave.. then exit. Fa'real. I've said 100 times already, I have nothing against those who wear it. I'd just like to hear ALL types of opinions on the matter. It'd be boring if everybody came in here, and praised weaves. I wanna hear both sides. If you can't take the negative things people wanna say about weaves.. then weave yourself out. (This is for anybody who hates this thread and does not wish to participate in the discussion)

Back to the topic.

This video is interesting ------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRK-KeO0yUM

It's called - To Weave or Not to Weave.

Eh...I watched the video, but I was already giving the side eye when dude referred to the natural part of the hair as "coarse and dry." I mean I can see men wanting the weave to look neat (the thread sticking out?! wth?), but I just don't think it's that serious....I have bought wigs right in front of my bf and put them on in front of him too. He knows I have hair, lol!
...well some of the posts ("I don't like anything that isn't natural!!" --MMhmmm ok...) were a bit...funky,

Some people really do like to be as natural as possible.... i dont see how that was funky. Theres a whole natural living section on the boards.


The whole hair snob thing is a valid debate, but it not unheard of for people to go for the natural thing......

That said I am promptly exiting the thread.
Some people really do like to be as natural as possible.... i dont see how that was funky. Theres a whole natural living section on the boards.


The whole hair snob thing is a valid debate, but it not unheard of for people to go for the natural thing......

That said I am promptly exiting the thread.

I wasn't referring to natural living - there were some posts in the thread (I honestly can't remember who said it b/c I don't really care) that gave the connotation like they were "above" wearing a wig or weave. And that's fine, but to me that's funky, especially when they were referring to wigs/weaves on other people and not just their personal preference for their hair. That's all, no biggie.
Contradicting yourself. You want to hear all sides, I gave you my opinion but I'm supposed to weave myself out huh?

Why be negative?

I say this with all the love I can muster in my heart.
What you're giving at this point are not really opinions, as much as they are defenses, gifs, and jabs at the OP, when none of the above are really necessary.
If you're saying that there's nothing wrong with weave and they're awesome, then okay. Duly noted.
But the point of a thread is to talk things out and to examine different angles...not to take one opinion as fact and then stop all discussion.
You don't have to leave if you want to join in the discussion. Keep in mind that no one is attacking YOUR use of weaves, or the use of weave/wigs by women who suffer from alopecia. Although I feel like putting in a weave is not going to help alopecia. But anyway, we're talking about the typical, everyday black woman.
And if you are just going to be salty and defensive, then maybe you should leave for your own good, as well as for the good of the thread. Nobody on the internet is worth getting your blood pressure up, and girl, it is clearly up.
Again, I say all of that with love, because I have nothing against you personally.

As for OP finding a way to inject "weave" into everything she says....:dead:.
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