We need some REAL hair in here. There's just too many, too many, too many Weaves.

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I say this with all the love I can muster in my heart.
What you're giving at this point are not really opinions, as much as they are defenses, gifs, and jabs at the OP, when none of the above are really necessary.
If you're saying that there's nothing wrong with weave and they're awesome, then okay. Duly noted.
But the point of a thread is to talk things out and to examine different angles...not to take one opinion as fact and then stop all discussion.
You don't have to leave if you want to join in the discussion. Keep in mind that no one is attacking YOUR use of weaves, or the use of weave/wigs by women who suffer from alopecia. Although I feel like putting in a weave is not going to help alopecia. But anyway, we're talking about the typical, everyday black woman.
And if you are just going to be salty and defensive, then maybe you should leave for your own good, as well as for the good of the thread. Nobody on the internet is worth getting your blood pressure up, and girl, it is clearly up.
Again, I say all of that with love, because I have nothing against you personally.

As for OP finding a way to inject "weave" into everything she says....:dead:.

I did post my opinion in the very beginning of the thread but it was weave bash time.
This is the point I'm making. If this was an honest discussion without all the "weave" jokes then fine. When I couldn't take this thread seriously anymore is when I started posting the gifs.
I have nothing against you either but I swear my blood pressure isn't up.
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I say this with all the love I can muster in my heart.
What you're giving at this point are not really opinions, as much as they are defenses, gifs, and jabs at the OP, when none of the above are really necessary.
If you're saying that there's nothing wrong with weave and they're awesome, then okay. Duly noted.
But the point of a thread is to talk things out and to examine different angles...not to take one opinion as fact and then stop all discussion.
You don't have to leave if you want to join in the discussion. Keep in mind that no one is attacking YOUR use of weaves, or the use of weave/wigs by women who suffer from alopecia. Although I feel like putting in a weave is not going to help alopecia. But anyway, we're talking about the typical, everyday black woman.
And if you are just going to be salty and defensive, then maybe you should leave for your own good, as well as for the good of the thread. Nobody on the internet is worth getting your blood pressure up, and girl, it is clearly up.
Again, I say all of that with love, because I have nothing against you personally.

As for OP finding a way to inject "weave" into everything she says....:dead:.

I couldn't have said it better myself. :grin:

Gurl you are weavy smart.
Men in Chicago don't seem to mind weaves, of course they will fawn all over a girl who has long hair. I don't think that wearing a weave is a deal breaker for a lot of men , if it is then that is pretty superficial, and why the heck would a man be all into my style anyway do I care how his hair is cut ?
Lawd, im laughing my cheeks off at some of these responses.

All i can say is that if you want to say something, make sure its something thats worth contributing to the discussion and ALSO whether ppl want to wear a weave or not for whatever reason is up to them but i can see why this song came about because so many black, white and mixed girls are rockin sum f'd up weaves in england its crazy!
It is Sunday aint it?

Sure is!

Lawd, im laughing my cheeks off at some of these responses.

All i can say is that if you want to say something, make sure its something thats worth contributing to the discussion and ALSO whether ppl want to wear a weave or not for whatever reason is up to them but i can see why this song came about because so many black, white and mixed girls are rockin sum f'd up weaves in england its crazy!

IA. I'm laughing too and also completely confused - can't tell one thread from the other anymore. But you know people had jacked up hair before weave became popular - if anything weave is helping a bit coz more people are wearing good weave.

Overall dual thread summary thus far - IF you have plenty of hair and wear weave, it's okay. But if you have hair damage or hair loss and literally need to camouflage just so you can go about your day then you're self hatin' scum and need to be called out as such and corrected for daring to think you were supposed to try and find a solution. I think that's about it.
IA. I'm laughing too and also completely confused - can't tell one thread from the other anymore. But you know people had jacked up hair before weave became popular - if anything weave is helping a bit coz more people are wearing good weave.

Overall dual thread summary thus far - IF you have plenty of hair and wear weave, it's okay. But if you have hair damage or hair loss and literally need to camouflage just so you can go about your day then you're self hatin' scum and need to be called out as such and corrected for daring to think you were supposed to try and find a solution. I think that's about it.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I seriously don't understand.
IA. I'm laughing too and also completely confused - can't tell one thread from the other anymore. But you know people had jacked up hair before weave became popular - if anything weave is helping a bit coz more people are wearing good weave.

Overall dual thread summary thus far - IF you have plenty of hair and wear weave, it's okay. But if you have hair damage or hair loss and literally need to camouflage just so you can go about your day then you're self hatin' scum and need to be called out as such and corrected for daring to think you were supposed to try and find a solution. I think that's about it.

But I don't think so.
Yes, people had jacked up hair before weave. But when weave came along, instead of finding ways to fix their own hair, people began just covering up the jackedupness with weave.
And now, they cannot go anywhere without their weave, which leads to people getting their lights cut off and not paying their car notes so they can have a fly weave.
So as far as I'm concerned, weave hasn't helped. It's just exacerbated the problem.

I'm not against wearing weave as long as people are taking care of the hair underneath. But most weave wearers that I've seen have no concern with their own hair, and are not trying to protect it or nurture it.

So I don't understand why all you LHCF ladies are getting up in arms. Clearly, you're taking care of the hair under the weave...if you weren't, you wouldn't be here.
But for people who aren't taking care of their hair, and who have badly damaged hair and scalps, weave is just not the answer.
No problem girl.

It was my weaving pleasure.


You have a gorgeous gorgeous head of hair. I was sitting here the other day with my mouth agape at your gorgeous curls.

But all jokes aside, I hope that you don't ever have to rely on a weave/wig on your journey...forget a hair journey...a life journey. There is a lovely young lady that I know that had beautiful hair...she's fighting alopecia right now. Turns out its hereditary. She's wearing a wig until she can nurture her hair back.

I'm just saying.

You have a gorgeous gorgeous head of hair. I was sitting here the other day with my mouth agape at your gorgeous curls.

But all jokes aside, I hope that you don't ever have to rely on a weave/wig on your journey...forget a hair journey...a life journey. There is a lovely young lady that I know that had beautiful hair...she's fighting alopecia right now. Turns out its hereditary. She's wearing a wig until she can nurture her hair back.

I'm just saying.

I don't know much about alopecia, I'm sorry to hear that story. And wish your friend the best..

You're right. I don't know much about weaves.. and I was just trying to have a discussion, that just turned into me having a bit of a laugh.

No gifs, no jokes. I sincerely apologize. I checked out your profile.. you got beautiful hair thats growing. Keep up your hair journey, and if weave is your protective style.. rock it girl.

Oh, and you have a banging body. No Homo :grin:
We really do need some REAL hair in here

I'm very conflicted about weaves since I have worn weave like styles here and there as a protective style myself. Although I wear my real hair the most and I never use straight hair....always tightly curly or kinky.

First of all most weaves (easily 85%) are blatantly obvious, shiny, poorly maintained disasters. The well done weaves we see regularly on LHCF represent the minority. Let's just be real.

Second, I find it really sad that the vast majority of weave wearers are women that have complexes about their hair and depend on it because their real hair is so badly damaged underneath, or rely on it for self-worth. Sometimes I walk around and wonder to myself why we're running away from such gorgeous hair? We have the most distinctive unique and beautiful hair texture in the world and 80% of us would rather sew in some asian type 1 hair then be caught dead with a kink:nono:

I began to understand men's perspectives when I got serious about dating this summer again. Men were always trying to reach for my scalp and run their hands through my hair....and I understood why...its an intimacy thing with them and they like to be able to do that. Plus my braids underneath are getting ridiculously huge and I need to retire extension PS's pretty soon anyhow:lol: although I dont really want to:look: lol

I honestly do think we need to come to a point where most of us wear or real hair with pride ad gain a fundamental education on how to care for our texture of hair. We really need to stop trying so hard to blend in with other ethnicities features and be okay with allowing our hair do what it was meant to do: stand out:yep:

weren't you upset recently because people were making fun at your expense..

ETA: just saw your apology... :)
I don't know much about alopecia, I'm sorry to hear that story. And wish your friend the best..

You're right. I don't know much about weaves.. and I was just trying to have a discussion, that just turned into me having a bit of a laugh.

No gifs, no jokes. I sincerely apologize. I checked out your profile.. you got beautiful hair thats growing. Keep up your hair journey, and if weave is your protective style.. rock it girl.

Oh, and you have a banging body. No Homo :grin:


Thanks Chocolatelove2010. I apologize to you as well.
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