We need some REAL hair in here. There's just too many, too many, too many Weaves.

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LOL, you would really break up with a man because he objected to your use of weaves?
I can definitely understand not wanting to be with someone because he objects to natural hair, because that's something that comes from your body.
But I can't see kicking a dude out because he said, "Baby, I hate your weaves. I want you to start wearing your own hair." :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
^^^^Right. I like for my hair to be touched. Its something so erotic about that. There's a joke within my SO's family about his cousin not wanting no one to touch her hair. I wouldn't want to touch no hard curls/mile high hairstyle anyway. sheesh.....
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What man do ya'll know that actually do run their hands through your hair? I wish one would...even if I were wearing my real hair.

I haven't gotten a complaint about wearing weaves since I've been wearing them...and even if I did I'd still continue to do so.

My hair thrives while in weaves. It's pretty much the only protective style that's been working for me. I don't have the time or patience to deal with my hair right now, but I'd still like to reach my ideal hair goal hopefully by next year. Once I do, I most likely will still be wearing the weaves because it works for my lifestyle.

MY bf does....my male friends like to do it..I've even had strangers asked to do it. I thought it was a pretty common thing among men. And I LOVE for my bf to do it.....but I just like to have my hair played in in general.

And I respect my bf's opinion just like he respects mine. If he wanted to grow his hair out and start wearing braid extensions like I've seen many guys do because their hair isn't long enough, he would get a big NO from me. So, he doesn't like weave and I don't wear them most of the time....sometimes I will do a half wig for a quick PS but I do value what he thinks because at the end of the day, I want him to be attracted to me and if weaves aren't his thing then I won't force it.
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Men say they want a girl who doesn't wear makeup....then they compliment you on yours. Half the time they don't even know you're wearing it (or at least they don't in my case).

Men say they hate weave, but none of the guys I have dated know that 90% of the actresses/models they worship wear weave.

Men don't know what the hayle they want.

Stole the words right outta my post!!!
A guy can tell me what he likes all he wants, but it's what I like/want at the end of the day. I'm VERY stubborn. If a guy doesn't like my weave, that's his problem.
MY bf does....my male friends like to do it..I've even had strangers asked to do it. I thought it was a pretty common thing among men. And I LOVE for my bf to do it.....but I just like to have my hair played in in general.

And I respect my bf's opinion just like he respects mine. If he wanted to grow his hair out and start wearing braid extensions like I've seen many guys do because their hair isn't long enough, he would get a big NO from me. So, he doesn't like weave and I don't wear them most of the time....sometimes I will do a half wig for a quick PS but I do value what he thinks because at the end of the day, I want him to be attracted to me and if weaves aren't his thing then I won't force it.

I know nothing about that. To me, there are other way's to rock my socks then to have every Tom, Dick and Harry run there dirty ragged nails through my hair. Hell, I'd rather not touch my own hair as much as possible...hence my using weaves as a protective style. I'm not sure of what all men like. I don't think anyone is on here unless their hiding a little something underneath their skirts.

I have yet to have any problems with men concerning my weaves or my real hair whatsoever, so I'm confused as why women on here are so adamant about being against other women wearing them.

I'm sorry...but i'll be d@mn if I let a man dictate what I wear or how I style my hair, period. If I like it then it stay's. Either he'll learn to love it or just like another poster said...he can kick rocks.
Interesting perspectives! I am for 1 on the fence about weaves. I plan to try and wear braids 4- 6 month to get over my BSL hump! I am however,dreading my decision.I have blacks as well as other races now asking if this is all my hair.I get offended because I think "dang imagine if they see the ladies on the forum!" I told a friend I was getting braids for about 6 mos and she said"Dang but you don't even need it!"...Of course I am thinking-'who says I need it-it's a choice! I use to be a weave-head-I can't lie,Milky way was my Best-friend!;but, now I feel a need to prove that not all of us wear weave because we are bald! Why is it that when a white woman wears weave it's not a problem-yet we don't except it from one another! You know what I say? "to each it;s own! It is not for anyone else to judge!
How you meant me is how I will stay if you don't like it then walk away;

I am one who will compromise but something so small I feel like it is minor. Mr. loves my fake and real hair. He meant me with WL hair with a fake ponytail on. I don't see the big whoopty about it, making a mountain out of an ant hill (not even a mud hole) :nono:

What one has on their head doesn't affect the majority, so I keep to myself or respectfully converse.

Some women on this site have lost sight of respect when it comes to expressing their objections, likes or dislike.

There is NO right or wrong way! we make our own..

This is why some people leave the site and never to return, too much NEGATIVIty :nono:
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Who said a man was dictating how to wear ones hair? Some of yall going to the extremes :rofl: And if my SO was a sorry *** man like someone posted I wouldn't be with him :look: . Im simply saying people should value their SO's opinion from time to time :look: What's wrong with that? :confused: If I was a wig/weave wearer and I knew my SO wasnt a huge fan, Id meet him half way by not wearing them ALL the time.
What man do ya'll know that actually do run their hands through your hair? I wish one would...even if I were wearing my real hair.


I'm very curious to know this as well. As far as I'm concerned, you can 'run your hands' through natural 3c on up hair anyway without it getting stuck. lmbo the only time a man can do that is if you're relaxed or you're a natural that straightens. Gimme a break.
Who said a man was dictating how to wear ones hair? Some of yall going to the extremes :rofl: And if my SO was a sorry *** man like someone posted I wouldn't be with him :look: . Im simply saying people should value their SO's opinion from time to time :look: What's wrong with that? :confused: If I was a wig/weave wearer and I knew my SO wasnt a huge fan, Id meet him half way by not wearing them ALL the time.

I don't think I've ever dated someone that was so much against it, or at least they never expressed that they did. They understood why I was wearing it. I will say though that I've noticed the look of pure joy and admiration whenever I'd wear my own. lol

If I were in a serious relationship, I dont think I'd mind taking their opinion in consideration. I did that with an ex that loved the way I looked with my hair in a bun.
Who said a man was dictating how to wear ones hair? Some of yall going to the extremes :rofl: And if my SO was a sorry *** man like someone posted I wouldn't be with him :look: . Im simply saying people should value their SO's opinion from time to time :look: What's wrong with that? :confused: If I was a wig/weave wearer and I knew my SO wasnt a huge fan, Id meet him half way by not wearing them ALL the time.

Compromise is good in all aspects of a relationship it is how you keep the balance.
when people say "run your fingers through my/her hair", i think they also mean just being able to play with the hair in general. i didn't let guys touch my hair until i was natural actually and i'm all kinked up. they like to feel the coils and curls just like we do (even relaxed ladies have said that they love feeling their new growth) but then again most of the guys that i hang with are really open-minded. they like natural hair and were so happy when i went natural. i think it's interesting that some women on here find that "playing in the hair" thing to be weird though. a lot of black men around me talk about how they love playing in a woman's hair. maybe the reason why some women haven't experienced it is because black men are conditioned to think that they can't do that with a black woman? people tend to think that black women don't like for their hair to be touched. a lot of black men i know wouldn't touch a black girl's hair but when they dated a white girl etc. would touch their hair so it's probably that

and i don't think anyone on here is saying "don't wear weaves". at the end of the day, we should be able to have discussions about different things without getting offended by every opinion that people have. everyone should just do what's best for them
Well all I can say is thank god Ive never ran into a man that was more concerned about my hair than I was. *KanyeShrugX2*

I know this isnt about a man dictating how we wear our hair. The way I AM interpreting some of these posts is mostly about men. This thread could have went a whole different way. Like poor hair care, protective styling, insecurities, etc. But instead some how men got involved. We really could have delved deep into some serious issues besides men.

I dont think anyone is getting offended I just think people are getting sick of the "we gotta stop wearing weave threads"

I think this is the big difference between BHM and LHCF. One if pro weave and one is pro hair care. Cant we all just meet in the middle and teach other proper hair care AND proper weave care/techniques?
I don't think its truly about hair, I think they just don't like the idea of fake anything on women; hair being the most prominent.

I wear halfwigs sometimes as a protective style but I didn't take offense to the song. I never take offense to weave jokes because for me, halfwigs are a means to an end. Once I reach my goal length: to heck with them, too expensive anyway.
Ok...but Beyonce with her fake hair, fake tits, and fake nose gets a pass from men? give me an em-effin break.

You know what men like...and I can assure you that it's probably less that 10% about what grows out of (or is sewn into) our heads.
Run his fingers through my hair or just playing in my hair. I don't want anybody touching my hair, unless he wants to grab it while coloring and he can do that with my weave in. :look:
No big deal here in NY, USA. Black men love weaves up in here. If it's straight and silky, they don't care.
I've always admired women who could rock a good looking weave, and part of me wishes that I could do it, but alas I have never been able to do the weave thing. I just have a general issue with "falsies". I'm never against enhancing the features you have, but the fake hair, the fake skin (aka tons of make up), the fake stomach, the fake lashes, the fake nails, and the extra 4 fake inches of height are just too much for me. I can doll up really nice without all the extras. From personal experience, all of that pretty wrapping ends up being pretty disappointing when you realize it's not real :nono:. Luckily as a woman, I know how to spot a frog disguised as a princess from a mile away :lachen:.

But I also look at it the other way. If I'm dating a guy and I find out that he's really 5'6" instead of 5'10", wearing a hair piece to hide his bald spot, is wearing a girdle to hide his gut, and that his beard/mustache combo is really a stick-on, we are going to have an issue :bat:.

I'm not shallow. You're just a walking lie :pinocchio .
It's a double standard. If a guy was doing all of that, I would think he was a homosexual. Just because I go get a french manicure doesn't meant that I expect the same from him. And men may not lie about their appearance but lie about other things as well. Namely income. :look:
I've always admired women who could rock a good looking weave, and part of me wishes that I could do it, but alas I have never been able to do the weave thing. I just have a general issue with "falsies". I'm never against enhancing the features you have, but the fake hair, the fake skin (aka tons of make up), the fake stomach, the fake lashes, the fake nails, and the extra 4 fake inches of height are just too much for me. I can doll up really nice without all the extras. From personal experience, all of that pretty wrapping ends up being pretty disappointing when you realize it's not real :nono:. Luckily as a woman, I know how to spot a frog disguised as a princess from a mile away :lachen:.

But I also look at it the other way. If I'm dating a guy and I find out that he's really 5'6" instead of 5'10", wearing a hair piece to hide his bald spot, is wearing a girdle to hide his gut, and that his beard/mustache combo is really a stick-on, we are going to have an issue :bat:.

I'm not shallow. You're just a walking lie :pinocchio .

How you meant me is how I will stay if you don't like it then walk away;

I am one who will compromise but something so small I feel like it is minor. Mr. loves my fake and real hair. He meant me with WL hair with a fake ponytail on. I don't see the big whoopty about it, making a mountain out of an ant hill (not even a mud hole) :nono:

What one has on their head doesn't affect the majority, so I keep to myself or respectfully converse.

Some women on this site have lost sight of respect when it comes to expressing their objections, likes or dislike.

There is NO right or wrong way! we make our own..

This is why some people leave the site and never to return, too much NEGATIVIty

Personally, I don't like anything fake! Fake hair, fake butt, fake skin, fake people, ....So I agree with their point.
It's a double standard. If a guy was doing all of that, I would think he was a homosexual. Just because I go get a french manicure doesn't meant that I expect the same from him. And men may not lie about their appearance but lie about other things as well. Namely income. :look:
That's true men will lie about their income, or the job they don't have, the car they don't own, and not living with their mama, etc. And that still deserves one of these :bat:. I'm just not one to give false hopes. I let someone know right off the bat what to expect from me. I'm also not one to look all dolled up when we first start dating, and then turn into a total bum once I've got you hooked. I hate when people do that crap :wallbash:.
I tell folks I have a weave all of the time. I do not care. lol

ETA: Folks become bums all of the time once they get comfy in their relationship. People start to gain weight, not be on top of their appearance, etc.
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