We Have Been Bamboozled!

My Friend

New Member
I've had to travel twice this month. That gave me 8 hours to observe the many heads of hair coming and going at the airport. After doing my preparing to fly ritual, I relaxed knowing I was about to enjoy 2 full hours of hair porn :lick:

After about 30 minutes of giving people passes for reason like new mom, in a hurry, late for flight, couldnt afford it, could afford too much of it, etc. It finally dawned on me....

................WE HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!!!!!

Most of the "lighter"skinned women had length but the blondes were fried and dyed to death. The brunettes damage was less noticable but it was there. I counted many bunny tails and hair that was thinning edges.

The women that had nl or sl hair, I soon realized it didnt look like it was by choice but that due to color and chemical damage, rubbing up against clothes, not wearing a silk scarf to bed, and all the stuff we do here, their hair never grew any longer either :nono:

I even took a ride on the moving walkway to get up close (sorry, if it felt like I was spooning you :look:) to see dem ends.

I did see a lot of blond extensions and boy or boy, they must all go to Brittney Spears stylist :perplexed

Before I thought all of their hair looked magical and something I could only have via Remy. Now, I realized that if they are not a member of LHC their hair is just as damaged as some AA who don't use proper techniques.

:up: :up: :up:

It was a revelation for me when I realized it too. All these people drooling over WWs hair and it usually is a thin, over processed heat damaged mess. Their addiction to straight hair and peroxide leaves it tore up.

My Mom was telling me about a coworker who has extensions that need to be redone. Her natural is NL but the extensions take her to APL. And it's causing her hair to thin BC the extensions are too heavy :nono: My mom is a teacher and whenever she gets a weave or wig, the kids are quick to mention something, but don't say anything about the hot mess on this girls head.

My revelation was when I was getting weaved up in an African braid shop and there were WW to the left right and rear of me :lachen:
I've always drooled over Indian women's hair...so thick...so shiny...so long. Beautiful. But I still prefer my hair. I do like long, blonde, curly hair, however, but that's where I stop.
You just figured it out too? Lol My eyes have been opened. Just last week I saw one chick with an obvious phony pony. I mean she didn't try to find it one bit. All or her own hair stuck out about two inches from where she made her ponytail and the fake hair just hanged there all the way down her back. Must not have had friends who would tell her she looked crazy. Her hair was bleached to high heaven too... to some shade of platinum blonde. Just a mess and a half!
Since I started paying more attention to hair, I've noticed a lot of ladies are stuck at APL to BSL. People need to stop messing with chemicals when they don't know how to care for their hair afterward.
I guess the grass really isn't greener on the other side of the fence. Even though I never wanted "their" hair, I always thought that they had an easier time at preventing damage.
I been noticed that. It don't matter what race it is if you don't take care of it you will not keep it. If you notice in the earlier years the women always wore their hair up in buns. They never wore their hair down.
I been noticed that. It don't matter what race it is if you don't take care of it you will not keep it. If you notice in the earlier years the women always wore their hair up in buns. They never wore their hair down.

Yeah, I sometimes hang out at longhaircommunity and they do the same stuff we do - DC, use various oils, wear hair up - in protective styles - a lot.
I wouldn't say we have been bamboozled. Too many have unrealistic expectations about other races and their hair. we need to stop trying to fit into their hair categories and worry about our own hair. Not all mixed women have long hair and not all white/ hispanics have long hair.:rolleyes: :nono: It's just a perception I hear all the time. If you are 100% black, you can't have long hair mentality.:rolleyes: It's like people are stuck with the School Daze mentality.
I already knew that other races can have severely damaged hair that doesn't "grow". BW main issue is retaining the length. I have seen plenty of white ladies with destroyed ends who obviously use chemicals just rubbing aganist their cotton shirts. If you want to retain length, cut those ends off, and get that hair up.

On the other hand I have never seen Asians with severely damaged hair. Mostly just BW and WW.
I wouldn't say we have been bamboozled. Too many have unrealistic expectations about other races and their hair. we need to stop trying to fit into their hair categories and worry about our own hair. Not all mixed women have long hair and not all white/ hispanics have long hair.:rolleyes: :nono: It's just a perception I hear all the time. If you are 100% black, you can't have long hair mentality.:rolleyes: It's like people are stuck with the School Daze mentality.

Speak on it, Wise Woman, speak on it:realitycheck:
I had to read the comments to figure out what this was about.

Hair problems cross many cultures. I try not to overthink it.
I already knew that other races can have severely damaged hair that doesn't "grow". BW main issue is retaining the length. I have seen plenty of white ladies with destroyed ends who obviously use chemicals just rubbing aganist their cotton shirts. If you want to retain length, cut those ends off, and get that hair up.

On the other hand I have never seen Asians with severely damaged hair. Mostly just BW and WW.

Maybe their diet is key. If they try to imitate American culture, they can look busted!:lol: There have been Asian women trying to imitate the hip hop culture. In NYC, I've seen some with damaged, bleached blonde hair. I've also seen some with hair that looked like a weed whacker got to them.:lachen: Traditional Asian hair care is a single braid going down the back, if the movies I've seen are correct. It is the same with Indian women. Protective styles helped them retain all the length they grown. Just an observation and my opinion. :look:
I think many people believe the hype.

I was people watching in Manhattan city a few weeks ago and noticed that most women, of all races, keep their hair APL or shorter. It could be just a preference; however, I even noticed it at work. Most of my colleagues have had their had at the same length for several years. Some even have gone shorter or the years.
Maybe their diet is key. If they try to imitate American culture, they can look busted!:lol: There have been Asian women trying to imitate the hip hop culture. In NYC, I've seen some with damaged, bleached blonde hair. I've also seen some with hair that looked like a weed whacker got to them.:lachen: Traditional Asian hair care is a single braid going down the back, if the movies I've seen are correct. It is the same with Indian women. Protective styles helped them retain all the length they grown. Just an observation and my opinion. :look:

You are right, anyone can have long hair they wear it in a protective style 80% of the time. I see all the damage done with hair bleaching and color that I would never color my hair... Most of the Asians here and there are very very few have thick healthy looking hair. I rarely if ever seen Indian people here but the times I have their hair is usually in a braid and these are older woman. The biggest issue is learning how to take care of your hair and learning what you are putting in it. A lot of BW don't even condition their hair after a relaxer they just slap grease on it and go.:perplexed
Girl thank you so much for this thread... its hard to get black folks to stop putting white women's hair on a pedastel.

The optimum condition usually happens before the age of 22 when they're not doing much to their hair. Its often downhill after that. I see some gorgeous heads among the non black teens in my church youth group but women my age and older, coworkers, etc, long healthy hair is definitely not the standard... fried and died, split ends, heat damage, you name it abounds. Some of my white coworkers take hair advice from me believe it it not lol.
Omg thank you!!! I had a long discussion with my mom about this. I was telling her I really don't see why people of other races have such damaged, ratty hair since EVERY.DAMN.PRODUCT on the shelves is made for THEM! I can understand for kinkier hair it's a little harder because the ingredients are atrocious but for "them"? Um no. You have fifty thousand companies making products to keep you looking good. And you still look like you got attacked by rabid moose!! It's mind blowing to see how lifeless their hair really is when you take the blinders off

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Just like it's quite common to see relaxer damage among our peeps, it's quite common to see this bleached blonde epidemic among them. I have 2 female coworkers, 1 ww and 1 mexican. The ww has talking crap about the mexicans hair because it looks a mess as she tried to lift the color from black to blonde, and it's some kind of light orange and very, very broken off. The ww's hair is naturally blonde but she lifts it to an even lighter, invisible like blonde, I dunno what to call it but it's lighter than platinum blonde! While her hair is about bsa, if she cut off those horrible ends she would probably be at shoulder length.

Seeing her head of hair every day I have realized that they can do all this crap to their hair and still retain length. While I used to just see the length on them, now I can see the damage too. Our hair can't hold that much damage and retain length, theirs can, and they hold onto it all!

I also ride the subway with mostly Asians in the morning and I have not seen 1 bad head of hair yet. They also don't do much with it other than put it into a ponytail, just sayin.
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Omg thank you!!! I had a long discussion with my mom about this. I was telling her I really don't see why people of other races have such damaged, ratty hair since EVERY.DAMN.PRODUCT on the shelves is made for THEM! I can understand for kinkier hair it's a little harder because the ingredients are atrocious but for "them"? Um no. You have fifty thousand companies making products to keep you looking good. And you still look like you got attacked by rabid moose!! It's mind blowing to see how lifeless their hair really is when you take the blinders off

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That might be part of the problem. They do too much. When we do too much we look bad too.
I've had to travel twice this month. That gave me 8 hours to observe the many heads of hair coming and going at the airport. After doing my preparing to fly ritual, I relaxed knowing I was about to enjoy 2 full hours of hair porn :lick:

After about 30 minutes of giving people passes for reason like new mom, in a hurry, late for flight, couldnt afford it, could afford too much of it, etc. It finally dawned on me....

................WE HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!!!!!

Most of the "lighter"skinned women had length but the blondes were fried and dyed to death. The brunettes damage was less noticable but it was there. I counted many bunny tails and hair that was thinning edges.

The women that had nl or sl hair, I soon realized it didnt look like it was by choice but that due to color and chemical damage, rubbing up against clothes, not wearing a silk scarf to bed, and all the stuff we do here, their hair never grew any longer either :nono:

I even took a ride on the moving walkway to get up close (sorry, if it felt like I was spooning you :look:) to see dem ends.

I did see a lot of blond extensions and boy or boy, they must all go to Brittney Spears stylist :perplexed

Before I thought all of their hair looked magical and something I could only have via Remy. Now, I realized that if they are not a member of LHC their hair is just as damaged as some AA who don't use proper techniques.

Waymennit....what??!:lachen::lachen::lachen: But that is true...their hair is just as bad as ours. But there's no emphasis put on their raggedy looking hair like it is for us...so they feel they can get away with it.:nono:
I have noticed this too. White women hair can look jacked up especially the young ones who flat iron and/or bleach their hair too much. What's worse is then it seems their hair thins really bad even more so than ours. That is why a lot of them after the age of 30 just cut it short or boblength imo.
That's a funny story! I'm gonna do that the next time I'm at the mall. :giggle: she said 'spooning' :giggle:

Looking back, it was never WW's hair that I thought of as ideal. It was Hispanic hair. I grew up on the West Coast and most Hispanic girls I knew/saw had long FULL hair. With wave or curls and lots of length. It wasn't stick straight like Asian hair or stringy and pathetic like the white girls I went to high school with. I guess that's my personal ideal of the perfect head of hair.
I've actually talked to our other sisters about this: I remarked to my daughter once, "where were all these curly products the first 5 times I tried to go natural, it would have been easier had they been there back in the day." The lady next to me said, "you said it!" She was trying to convince her daughter not to continue to flat iron and she said they have enough serums and flat iron sprays and straightening blow dry creams to flat iron America!!

Also, another friend says that she knows that relaxers and Japanese hair straightening systems are not healthy, but she does not care. She said that you all would be shocked how much our other sisters do their hair: extensions, weaves, straightening. It was very enlightening.
I was never under any delusions when it came to hair of "that" texture. I coveted my mom and sisters hair growing up because it always had swing but aside from that there wasn't much else going on. Now one thing that I still feel is that there hair grows way faster than Afro textured hair. My sister can cut her hair to her chin and before I get a good two inches of growth she is back to BSL.
omg i realized this last week at school! my professor was giving a boring lecture so i wasnt paying attention and i started really looking at all the white chicks hair. the girl in front of me was shorter than APL with dry damaged ends, the chick beside her had WL hair but it was SUPER greasy and the ends were horrific, and some chick all the way in the front had a PHONY PONY i was like:blush::shocked:

it wasnt until then i noticed that none of the white chicks had nice hair, the only people that did were the indian&middle-eastern chicks
pattyr5 said:
I was never under any delusions when it came to hair of "that" texture. I coveted my mom and sisters hair growing up because it always had swing but aside from that there wasn't much else going on. Now one thing that I still feel is that there hair grows way faster than Afro textured hair. My sister can cut her hair to her chin and before I get a good two inches of growth she is back to BSL.

pattyr5 Are your mom and sis white?
Yea I've always noticed this once I started going to private school. My school was predominantly Jewish, so the girls at my school were notorious for torturing their hair with flat irons, that horrid Japanese straightening treatment, and eventually with BKTs and color. A lot of Jewish people have coarse, dry, frizzy, curly hair a lot similar to Black people and so with all that abuse it would make sense why a lot of the girls had jacked up hair. It's really simple; the more chemicals/abuse you do to your hair, the more jacked up it's gonna be. I agree with everyone else that the prettiest hair I see on people tends to be on Indian/Asian/Middle Eastern women or Hispanic women who don't color/relax/fry their hair with flat irons/blow dryers. One of my good friends is Argentinean and her hair is BEAUTIFUL because she is one of the few Hispanic girls I know who doesn't fry their hair with a blow dryer or color it all the time.