Was I wrong for this...


New Member
I hooked two of my good friends up... so my friend called me last night crying saying that she broke up with him... She said that they were watching TV and on facebook... she said that he commented on one of his co workers pics saying that he liked the pic. She said that he told her that his co worker was a "10" and she was the only "10" he has ever met and knows. So she got mad and dumped him. I told her she was right... b/c if thats what he thinks that then what does that say about her and hes obviously saying that this girl is prettier than she is. Why should she be with someone that doesnt think she is a "10" or doesnt think the world of her? So then he called me today telling me the story and saying that she flipped out...

So what would you do in this situation?
Hmmm. First of all he should have never told her what he thinks of his co-worker. That is just disrespectful.

Second, I don't see how that's grounds for a break up. Just because he thinks she's a 10 doesn't mean he loves her, or wants to be with her. Seeing that is his co worker, he could have been hooked up her. So obviously he doesn't have a chance. I could see why she would be mad though.
Hmmmmm....she may have jumped the gun a little too fast on this one. Not sure if that was reason enough for a breakup but I would have definitely put him in his place. That was a disrespectful comment.

If I were you, I'd stay out of it...just to keep drama to a minimum or just keep it honest and tell him that you felt she did the right thing.
Hmmm. First of all he should have never told her what he thinks of his co-worker. That is just disrespectful.

Second, I don't see how that's grounds for a break up. Just because he thinks she's a 10 doesn't mean he loves her, or wants to be with her. Seeing that is his co worker, he could have been hooked up her. So obviously he doesn't have a chance. I could see why she would be mad though.

i totally agree

yes, it was tacky to comment on her co-worker's pic and i can see why her feelings would be hurt but i don't think that's reason enough to break up

so he doesn't think she's the finest woman in the world...how does that mean he doesn't think the world of her? he can still love her and cherish her and appreciate her

*sigh* another reason why i don't do social networking sites...
Wow, breaking up over a Facebook comment? That's a BIG overreaction.

It was silly of him to make that comment, but who knows exactly the whole story behind it, his relationship with the co-worker, if they have an inside joke, etc.

I mean, folks in general need to put on their big-boy/big-girl panties for a minute... if people think it's okay to just break up over silliness like this without first TALKING about the issue, no one is ever going to have any long-term relationships... cause y'all will be dealing with REAL issues, not mess like who's posting what on someone else's Facebook page.
right... I think there is more to the story than what they are both telling me, but my point was if you felt truly disrespected then she should let it go, i know my SO wouldnt say that to me... but on my drive home i decided to stay out of it... they have both been great friends to me... and if they break up i would like to keep both of them as friends...

Thats why in my own relationships we stopped the myspace/facebook pages... its too much drama. I also think it was more of what he said to her and not him commenting on the fb page.
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How old are these people?

I hooked two of my good friends up... so my friend called me last night crying saying that she broke up with him... She said that they were watching TV and on facebook... she said that he commented on one of his co workers pics saying that he liked the pic. She said that he told her that his co worker was a "10" and she was the only "10" he has ever met and knows. So she got mad and dumped him. I told her she was right... b/c if thats what he thinks that then what does that say about her and hes obviously saying that this girl is prettier than she is. Why should she be with someone that doesnt think she is a "10" or doesnt think the world of her? So then he called me today telling me the story and saying that she flipped out...

So what would you do in this situation?
^^^ They sound pretty young. He might think the other girl is a 10 but hes NOT with her. He's with your friend b/c he sees more than just her looks clearly. I think it's pretty silly that she broke up with him for that. Yes it was insensitive of him to say it though.
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Yeah I would've been mad too, but it's definitely not worth breaking up over...that's childish. I know she knows plenty of guys who are hotter than her man. That doesn't mean she's gonna leave him for them. She should've just cussed him out and left it alone.

At least she knows she can count on his brutal honesty! :look:
You know, my ex-bf (way before I met my DH) used to make little comments like this. I came to realize that he was passive-aggressive and cruel. I'm not saying the guy in this story is like that (or that it was grounds for a break-up), but his telling her that was insensitive at best.
Yea she overreacted a bit much...and it sounds like she asked was asking the ?'s that somehow lead him to say that...because females do that...

Was it a stupid comment...yea...Do I think she asked a ? that lead to that comment?...yea...Does she look silly?...Well yea...the easiest comeback woulda been to scroll over to her page and pick out her own 10...and asked "do you have any more 10's cause I plenty to show you myself!" and just moved on...it aint that much to get your panties in a bunch...feelings a little hurt...intially...but you'll get over it...ya'll and this FB...when people gonna learn?
This facebook thing is ruining lives I tell ya......:look:

Anyway, I think she overreacted. Unless he has mentioned this coworker before or they have had a history, I dont think it was worth ending the relationship over.
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You know, my ex-bf (way before I met my DH) used to make little comments like this. I came to realize that he was passive-aggressive and cruel. I'm not saying the guy in this story is like that (or that it was grounds for a break-up), but his telling her that was insensitive at best.

I have to agree with this. It's insensitive and immature. Never trust a man that will tell you there are other women out there prettier or smarter or nicer than you. Granted, you know this to be true but I don't think anyone needs a running commentary from the douche bag peanut gallery.
You know, my ex-bf (way before I met my DH) used to make little comments like this. I came to realize that he was passive-aggressive and cruel. I'm not saying the guy in this story is like that (or that it was grounds for a break-up), but his telling her that was insensitive at best.
I agree.. :yep:

Why would he tell her this? What was thee point? The comment itself wasn't the problem. It was the lack of consideration and respect on his part that I would have a problem with.
I hooked two of my good friends up... so my friend called me last night crying saying that she broke up with him... She said that they were watching TV and on facebook... she said that he commented on one of his co workers pics saying that he liked the pic. She said that he told her that his co worker was a "10" and she was the only "10" he has ever met and knows. So she got mad and dumped him. I told her she was right... b/c if thats what he thinks that then what does that say about her and hes obviously saying that this girl is prettier than she is. Why should she be with someone that doesnt think she is a "10" or doesnt think the world of her? So then he called me today telling me the story and saying that she flipped out...

So what would you do in this situation?

I would do nothing. If he ask, I would tell his arse that that was stupid of him and he deserved to be cursed out. This ish has me mad.
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I agree.. :yep:

Why would he tell her this? What was thee point? The comment itself wasn't the problem. It was the lack of consideration and respect on his part that I would have a problem with.

I co-sign as well. I could see not wanting to end something over one comment, but at the same time I can't think of an explanation of him making that comment to her that isn't malicious or at the least disrespectful.

I mean, he's spending time with her, but is commenting on another woman's FB pic telling her she looks good, then tells the woman he's supposed to be with that this woman is the most attractive woman he knows? Eh. :ohwell: Why isn't his mind on how great the woman in front of him is? Sometimes I think certain things aren't things that need to be talked out so much as things that reveal where his heart and mind are.

If she really felt like it was just an isolated comment and that he really thought the world of her, she probably could have let it slide. The fact that she broke it off might itself be indicative of the nature of the comment.
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