Wanna see what 2 years worth of growth looks like? C'mon in!


Human being
Relaxed days: last relaxer was May 2010


Big chop! September 2010:


November 28, 2010

Christmas eve 2010:


April 2011


Easter 2011:

Christmas 2011: First ever twistout! I've been hooked ever since


March 30, 2012. I Got my hair colored and professionally straightened for the first time since my BC:



May 2, 2012. Texture shot on wet hair:




more pics in my fotki.
My reggie:

-Shampoo and deep condition once a week with Body blends sulfate free moisturizing shampoo and conditioners
-Satinique hair repair mask every 2-4 weeks as my protein (still moisturizing though because it's full of ceramides).
-Use mixed silk leave-in conditioner. My leave ins vary because I get a different one everytime I run out.
-Moisturize daily either with hair oils (such as coconut or olive) or with African pride daily moisturizer. I also buy a different one whenever I run out.
-Straighten at the salon once a month. Trim and color every 4 months or as needed.
nice progress! i love the color. i also love your hair in the twistout. that right there is the bidness!
Congrats Ms Diva. Its growing steadily, I can see the difference in just 3 months. Keep doing what you're doing. Or consider hiding it away completely for a little bit :).
oooh preeetty it looks so much thicker and i love the color! i want to do something like that with my hair but ive always been scared of color lol
oooh preeetty it looks so much thicker and i love the color! i want to do something like that with my hair but ive always been scared of color lol
niqu92 I was scared too but I took the plunge anyway. I knew what I was getting myself into and knew I could handle it. Live life with no regrets.
caribeandiva said:
:lachen:Mine's name is Bella. What about yours?

His name is Honey. Hes 7 months. How about yours?

he started off brown all over but he got lighter & lighter till only his ears are apricot.

i'm curly so i wanted a curly dog too. we both have to detangle lol
His name is Honey. Hes 7 months. How about yours?

he started off brown all over but he got lighter & lighter till only his ears are apricot.

i'm curly so i wanted a curly dog too. we both have to detangle lol
She actually belongs to my brother and his wife. I pet sit often. She's about 2 years old now. When they got her she was already this color. The pet store owner told them that she'd end up brown all over in a few months and she didn't. My whole family love her to bits! :love: and yes I love the fact that we're both curlies! :lol:

p.s. the 3rd pic is with another puppy they owned: a "teddy bear" mix.


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