Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st goal

Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

Yay for you. APL is such a huge milestone.
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

WOW, your hair looks great. I love long hair pics!:yep::trophy:
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

Congrats! Your hair is growing nicely.
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

You are too cute. Congrats!
This is a nice thread and a REAL progress thread. That bun is awesome! You did a great job! It looks nice and full. No scraggly ends, etc. beautiful!

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Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

congrats thats great progress
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

your hair looks so great!! I know how it feels to reach a goal!!!
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

you and your hair are gorgeous!!
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

Congratulations on making apl..... :yay:
Re: Say it loud! I'm APL and I'm proud! *pics of natural journey, and i've hit 1st go

very nice and props on your ends too! :up: