Wanna join me on a challenge?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bublnbrnsuga
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It's a different one- here are the rules:
1.) No use of miracle growth aids ( no MTG, Neosporin, Surge, etc)
2.) No excessive use of vitamins to aid in growth, only a multi-vitamin once daily
3.) Minimal use of heat
4.) Dusting the ends monthly

This is basically it. We can report our progress every 3 months. Any takers?
Cool! How about a six month challenge?! This will give us ample time to see our hair grow w/o other growth aids and WITH dustings and with occassional heat use :)
I'd like to join. The next six months will be critical. I'll see you all in September with a 3 month progress update!
I'm in. I've been doing this challenge since I did the BC (but did no dusting).

What's this challenge called?
Cheleigh said:
I'm in. I've been doing this challenge since I did the BC (but did no dusting).

What's this challenge called?

Hmmm, the Simple Challenge?!
Okay- one more rule:
Take pictures for the start by this weekend and post them in an album, okay?
Bublnbrnsuga said:
It's a different one- here are the rules:
1.) No use of miracle growth aids ( no MTG, Neosporin, Surge, etc)
2.) No excessive use of vitamins to aid in growth, only a multi-vitamin once daily
3.) Minimal use of heat
4.) Dusting the ends monthly

This is basically it. We can report our progress every 3 months. Any takers?

LOL, I do this anyway...minus the dusting, gotta think about that one (Afraid to put scissors to my own hair)
Bublnbrnsuga said:
It's a different one- here are the rules:
1.) No use of miracle growth aids ( no MTG, Neosporin, Surge, etc)
2.) No excessive use of vitamins to aid in growth, only a multi-vitamin once daily
3.) Minimal use of heat
4.) Dusting the ends monthly

This is basically it. We can report our progress every 3 months. Any takers?

Okay, I'm in too.
Count me in :) I do this already... May have some issues taking pics (still waiting for the cable company to come fix my connection) So I wiill take the pics but may post them a little late....
I've always been on this challenge except I don't use heat at all and I dust my ends every 3-6 months.
i already planned on doing this. except for the dusting. i've had 2 trims in one month. about 4 for the whole summer so im taking a break from the scissors now. lol
Bublnbrnsuga said:
It's a different one- here are the rules:
1.) No use of miracle growth aids ( no MTG, Neosporin, Surge, etc)
2.) No excessive use of vitamins to aid in growth, only a multi-vitamin once daily
3.) Minimal use of heat
4.) Dusting the ends monthly

This is basically it. We can report our progress every 3 months. Any takers?

I'm in like Flynn!
I'd like to join the challenge as well!
hmmm I think Im in the hide your hair until christmas challenge too...so Ill post a picture prior to joining that! Im so smart!:grin:
I'm in too, I'm allergic to every growth vitamin and my scalp hates everything I put on it so I've been trying this for a while too
I've been on this challenge forever! I'm too lazy for MTG application and vits! The heat has been minimal since the start of my transition.