Okay, i relaxed Wednesday and this is my progress pic.
It looks a bit longer, i was hoping for APL though. Maybe by October.

I also have been using my MN each night.
I got my sew in on Friday nite -- YAY! I'm so glad I don't have to wrestle w/my ng for a while! I used MN on Saturday and will be using BT today. Mandy, sorry the BT isn't working that well for you now. It did seem that you got great results from one of your growth aids. I'd love to get my hands on some MT too!
I got my sew in on Friday nite -- YAY! I'm so glad I don't have to wrestle w/my ng for a while! I used MN on Saturday and will be using BT today. Mandy, sorry the BT isn't working that well for you now. It did seem that you got great results from one of your growth aids. I'd love to get my hands on some MT too!
You when I really think about it, I think BT is working, it is the oiliness that I don't like. The last two weeks, my hair was in minibraids and I applied between the tracks. When I took them out yesterday, I noticed a very significant difference. My hair is growing.:drunk:
I'm still using mn -- used it yesterday (Thurs.) and I used another type of sulfur oil -- similar to BT but it's called Sulfur Solutions Hair Serum Complexx. It's good because it stops the itchies and it smells good.
I'm still using mn -- used it yesterday (Thurs.) and I used another type of sulfur oil -- similar to BT but it's called Sulfur Solutions Hair Serum Complexx. It's good because it stops the itchies and it smells good.
Good to know that you are still in this.
I have be faithfully using my BT, I just want to use it up. I think it is helping growth. but my hair is just way too oily. I have to wash it every morning. I have way too many people that are fascinated by my hair and want to touch it, that I can't have oily hair. My hands are always in my hair too:drunk:
Good to know that you are still in this.
I have be faithfully using my BT, I just want to use it up. I think it is helping growth. but my hair is just way too oily. I have to wash it every morning. I have way too many people that are fascinated by my hair and want to touch it, that I can't have oily hair. My hands are always in my hair too:drunk:

I have found that when I mix my mn -- usually 2 tubes I can add the BT to it as well as a few other eos and it helps to give it a creamy batter texture (eliminating the need to have to apply the BT directly to scalp, IMO). I do notice some separation of the oil from the mixture so I just mix it up or shake it up well before use.
Hi ladies!!!!!! I must admit i have slacked off using my MN. Moving back to school and other things have taken top priority. i bought some more MN so i'll be starting back up. i'm glad this thread was bumped!
I'm still on my MT. I slacked off a bit the end of August and was so upset about all the growth i let pass me by. I'm back on it now and love feeling the ripples from my newgrowth.
Checking in!!!!!!! I am still using my MN. i'm not sure if i want to continue after i finish these two tubes off though. We'll see when i get my next relaxer if i want to continue.
Hi Ladies, I know that it's been a while since I last checked in but that was only because I was really busy with my daughter starting back to school and all. Anyway I just wanted to say that I'm still using BT and MN mixture. I can truly say that I've seen great growth with these two growth aids. See pics below:

June 2008

September 2008
I brought out the good ol moegro last night and have the creepy crawlies! :grin:

I tried to use the moegro, but i could not stand the smell. I think there should be laws against peppermint in hair products. I wish i could take it though, imagine the growth i could get. . .