I think I'll need to continue until December. I am in the braids C&G challenge. Got box braids on July 11th. I am replacing individual braids as needed, and still washing and DC'ing twice per week. I use BeeMine nitely, and I can't wait to see my hair in december.

I'll just stay on in the challenge until December 25th. I think my christmas gift will be to finally see how beautiful my hair has become.:yep:

OMG what are you using??
whats your regime??

my regi is very confusing for me lol

I co washed at least twice a week Deep Conditon Twice a week and washed every 3 days. i used Megatek and Bee mine Every other day. I Would Sometimes use Mn just To get Rid of it But it Cleared up my Dandruff really good so i would use it Occasionally.Thats about it.
I didnt use them Every Day Either((Im LAZY)) but i try to.
Here are my progress pictures.
I started this challenge with the hope that by end of July I would be able to do something with my TWA. Well I was able to get my TWA cornrowed without extensions. So, mission accomplished:grin:

Day after the BC--&--2 months after the BC


2 months after the BC--&--4 months after the BC(Current Length)

4 months after BCing, I finally can get my hair cornrowed :cloud9:,(Its not the best, but its possible) it feels really good.
I will definitely continue with this challenge.
i would not be putting up progress pics because i suffered a set back when i relaxed i had some breakage that caused my progress to be dwindle all because of my stubborn hair stylist i lost the 2 inch progess i had :rolleyes:
Here are my progress pictures.
I started this challenge with the hope that by end of July I would be able to do something with my TWA. Well I was able to get my TWA cornrowed without extensions. So, mission accomplished:grin:

Day after the BC--&--2 months after the BC


2 months after the BC--&--4 months after the BC(Current Length)

4 months after BCing, I finally can get my hair cornrowed :cloud9:,(Its not the best, but its possible) it feels really good.
I will definitely continue with this challenge.
Hoping the pics are not too large.
i would not be putting up progress pics because i suffered a set back when i relaxed i had some breakage that caused my progress to be dwindle all because of my stubborn hair stylist i lost the 2 inch progess i had :rolleyes:
I am so sorry to hear that. Be encouraged, your progress will be back in know time.:grin:
hey sweetie,

how is your hair going? After reading your thread the other day and relating to it so much I wanted to ask how it was going?
Thank you so much. I am really trying to overcome my frustrations and adjusting to my TWA. Progress wise I am doing well. You can see my progress a couple of posts up. I am trying to do different things with my hair to see if mentally I can overcome my frustrations. I have decided to give it time and see how I do. I have not really decided how much time though. I just figure if the time comes for me to not be natural anymore, I will know it deep down. So I am leaving it at that. My frustrations probably will never go away until my hair is where I want it to be healthy and length wise, whether natural or relaxed.
Thank you for checking on me..I so appreciate that:blowkiss:
Mandy I think that you have great progress. I wanted to be able to post a starting pic and a current pic all in one post but for some reason I can't seem to do it. It keeps telling me that I can't use my signature pic twice. Oh well anywho my current sig pic is where I am right now. I have some photos in my photobucket acct. I'm really new at all this techical digital stuff.

I will be using BT tonite after I finish cowashing, shampoo & Deep Conditioning. Won't use MN until tomorrow.
Hey all!!!!!!!!! I have a question. I'm not relaxing until the 6th of August and I wanted to wait to post progress pics then. Would that be okay? If not, then i'll post at the end of this month.
Thank you so much. I am really trying to overcome my frustrations and adjusting to my TWA. Progress wise I am doing well. You can see my progress a couple of posts up. I am trying to do different things with my hair to see if mentally I can overcome my frustrations. I have decided to give it time and see how I do. I have not really decided how much time though. I just figure if the time comes for me to not be natural anymore, I will know it deep down. So I am leaving it at that. My frustrations probably will never go away until my hair is where I want it to be healthy and length wise, whether natural or relaxed.
Thank you for checking on me..I so appreciate that:blowkiss:

glad to hear that you are giving it some time. I decided to do the same thing. I am a little on the inpatient side and my dh always gets on to me about that. I am trying to be more consistent with everything hair related. I have got to find staple products and stick to them. With everything that comes out, it seems that it could work for me but then when I try it and a no go. I am on a mission to find what works for me and stick with it. This bandwagon stuff is getting too darn
I would definitely love continuing this challenge.

I too would like to continue this challenge. I'm going to Family Dollar tomorrow so that I can get some more MN. I will need to get some more EVOO and try to find some other carrier and essential oils to add to it.

I think that I've had some good progress but sometimes it is hard to tell.


I too would like to continue this challenge. I'm going to Family Dollar tomorrow so that I can get some more MN. I will need to get some more EVOO and try to find some other carrier and essential oils to add to it.

I think that I've had some good progress but sometimes it is hard to tell.


Nice progress. Your hair looks very healthy too:grin:
Hello ladies sorry I have been away moving into a new place. Have been using Bee Mine everyday. Have a wonderful evening you all. Happy hair growing ! :grin:
can i join this? since yall are continuing this, when is the new end date?

i have my MN all ready! i mixed it with coconut oil, Wild Growth oil, Sulfer 8, and peppermint oil. i made 2 seperate mango butter jars full :grin:

can i join this? since yall are continuing this, when is the new end date?

i have my MN all ready! i mixed it with coconut oil, Wild Growth oil, Sulfer 8, and peppermint oil. i made 2 seperate mango butter jars full :grin:

You sure can girl....We will be going for another 3 months, I think thats a good period of time to see results.
Welcome to the challenge:grin:
can i join this? since yall are continuing this, when is the new end date?

i have my MN all ready! i mixed it with coconut oil, Wild Growth oil, Sulfer 8, and peppermint oil. i made 2 seperate mango butter jars full :grin:


Wow that looks Yummy:lick:
a Nice and Thick creamy Texture!
Here are my progress pictures.
I started this challenge with the hope that by end of July I would be able to do something with my TWA. Well I was able to get my TWA cornrowed without extensions. So, mission accomplished:grin:

Day after the BC--&--2 months after the BC


2 months after the BC--&--4 months after the BC(Current Length)

4 months after BCing, I finally can get my hair cornrowed :cloud9:,(Its not the best, but its possible) it feels really good.

I will definitely continue with this challenge.

Mandy you hair Looks Great!
Conrows Look Good too!
You are getting Great Growth Congrats!
I used BT last nite -- will use MN mix tonite. The ng is getting really difficult to work with. I've been doing cwing and d/cing to try and manage it but i will be getting my hair braided up either sew-in or cornrowed under a wig.