Vitamin/Supplements 2014

I wanna join. I'm taking alive women's gummy multivits. I'm also taking Biotin forte. (Basically a b complex with biotin as the major component.) Thinking about trying priteva. I've been on alive since around jan. 10th and just started biotin forte on feb. 17th.
I want in to I'm taking biotin 5000mg x2. Prenatal vitamins x1. Vitamin D 50,000 units this one is weekly/DR.Rx

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Checking In, current vitamins (I had to reup on some things)

MSM, 1,000 mg (not only for hair but great for joints and muscles)
Bamboo 300 mg
Future Biotics Hair, Skin, and Nails
Fish Oil

Once Potassium is gone (a few more left), I won't be repurchasing it, the MSM is a good replacment
Happy March Everyone!

Checking in for 3/1.

No days missed for February. :yahoo:

I've gained about an inch since January. I'm not mad at that. Six inches for the year would be amazing.
I think i missed half of February, i've been a bad sport. I will get back on track for the next three months because i want my relaxer results to be grand.
Checking in w/
Glucosamine w/MSM
GTF Chromium
Fish oil
I know its late but I want to join.

Hair, Skin, Nails by It Works!- I have over 1 and half inch of growth in one month.
Omega 3 fish oil
Checking in
Current vitamin
Alive woman's superior potency energy...this multivitamin has a hsn component so I decided why not its worth a try I relaxed yesturday at 13 weeks post with a lot of new growth so can't wait to see how much growth I get this time around
Hello my hair is looking better yes!!! Checking in
Same vit////D3,omega 3,prenatal and botin


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Hiiiiiii. I'm still hanging in there. I have not been taking them consistently. More so, like every other day but I'm going to get on it. Currently take: Biotin 2 (1 am) (1 pm)
Collagen 6 (3 am) (3 pm)
Hyalauric Acid 1 (am) 1(pm)
Visical 1 in the evening.
Checking on. I quit biotin forte a week or so ago bc of a breakout. I am still on my vita fusion gummy multi and just bought spring valley garlic tabs and ordered priteva. Will let ya'll know when I start the garlic and priteva!
Checking in for the past 2weeks. I have not missed a day and i've been meaning to add biotin for the past couple of months now but i will before this month ends
I'm here! Checking in! I'm going to have to revamp my Vit Reggie again.

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