Vitamin Challengers: What’s your starting status?


New Member
I thought it would be a good idea if we indicate our hair growth and health at the beginning of the challenge to compare with the ending 4 months from now. So, for all of you vitamin challengers (or anyone else who wants to chart progress), please indicate the following:

Overall Hair Health: Dry, Moisturized, Healthy, Bad ends, Good ends, Even, Uneven, Breakage etc.
Hair Length: Overall Length of hair
New growth Length: For transitioners like me
What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge: More moisturized hair, longer hair, thicker hair, less shedding etc.

Also, it might be a good idea to take some "before" pictures to compare with 4 months from now if you're already taking them.

Am I missing anything?
Great idea hairlove. I'll start....

-Currently grows only 1/4 inch a month
-Hair is currently pretty healthy except for slightly dry ends
-Hair is currently 5 inches at the nape and 5.5 inches in the front
-By the end of the challenge, I hope to retain 2 inches of growth and have more moisturized hair

Hopefully will take some before and after pics!

hey hairlove

overall condition is healthy and moisturized
last measurement on 9/13/03 was 23 inches
hope to achieve about an inch past bottom of bra strap length by end of challenge.

will post before pictures by end of weekend.
Overall Hair Health: So far it is soft, moisturized, & has sheen. Ends are not split, but there are a few single-strand knots.
Hair Length: 7.5 inches
Vitamin challenge: Curious to see if my hair will continue to grow this fast
Pictures: I just got a digital camera, so pics are coming soon!
Overall Hair Health: Pretty Healthy but with some mild breakage and mild shedding. Very shiny but a little brittle.

Hair Length: My hair is squarely armpit length most of the way around. Some pieces in front of my ears are shorter - like chin to shoulder length and I have a bang that I'll keep for at least a while.

What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge: I'm hoping to increase my growth rate from somewhere between an a quarter inch/month and a half inch a month to a full inch every month with the increase in Biotin and the consistent addition of hair vitamins with a hefty dose of aminos. I'm also hoping with the addition of the EFA's, to soften my hair from the inside out and increase the elasticity. Additionally, I'm hoping to build off the thickness I've already obtained by upping my B5 and maybe get some skin benefits as well.
Overall Hair Health: Fairly healthy with little shine but soft (yet strong) a little brittle in places.

Hair Length: My hair is collarbone in the front and 1 inch from bra strap in the back with some nose bridge length bangs in the front (from ear to ear) that originated as breakage last year but I am beginning to love.

What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge: I would like to increase my growth rate from 1/4- 1/2 inch a month to 3/4-1 inch a month. Also would like to increase thickness.

My vitamins: 5000mcgs biotin, 1000mcg B5 and 1 Flinstones chewable daily multi vitamin w/ iron
i measured one of my twist at 11 inches. Its easier for me to measure my hair still twisted then not since I'm natural.
If I can figure out my scanner
I'll try to post before and after pics.
Here's mine...

Overall Hair Health: Other than the breakage sections, it's been staying pretty moisturized. I have minimal shedding and virtually no split ends. I do have a temple area that is thinner than I'd like. Additionally, some breakage in the nape area.

Hair Length: My hair is about 2 inches below bra strap

New growth Length: My new growth is about 4.5 inches

What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge: I'm hoping to achieve a better growth rate and stronger, healthier hair. I also hope to increase my hair "life."
My hair seems to be very healthy, shiny, thick and now very moisturized with no split ends. Because of what I've learned on this board, I have reduced my shedding down to normal.

I intend to maintain the health of my hair, adding more strength, elasticity and increased growth rate.
Overall Hair Health: Hmmm, not that good.
New growth kind of blends in with my underprocessed hair. Shedding when I remove my braids but nothing to worry about.

Hair Length: About shoulder length when pulled out.

New growth Length: My new growth can't really tell, will check when braids are removed.

What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge:
I want to grow out my relaxer as fast as possible and am excited to see what my natural hair really looks like.

Pics will come in about 2-3 weeks.
Re: Vitamin Challengers: What’s your starting status?

Moisturized, good ends, even (began clipping them monthly), no breakage (full of elasticity), some tangles (relaxed sections, yet under control

2) HAIR LENGTH: Above mid shoulder blade
I'm planning to clip monthly until I get a lil past shoulder length--> This is the length that I initially wanted during my last cut.

3) NEW GROWTH LENGTH: About 4" stretched, 1-2" factoring shrinkage.

4) WHAT R U HOPING TO ACHIEVE: A) Faster growth rate; B) Stronger strands; C) Increased elasticity; D) Thicker strands; E) Decreased shedding (I'm nearing my shedding phase). The sooner I get to natural shoulder length, THE BETTER. I can't wait to cut these relaxed ends completely off!

5) PICS: As u all know, I'm very pic happy
! I'll create a "Vitamin Challenge" folder w/before pics sometime today
. v
I haven't mastered the picture taking yet. I would like to though in the future. I love seeing the hair progress from everyone else's pics and one of these days, you'll see mine.
Hey Ladies!
October is the 1st anniversary of my commitment to my hair. I'm proud to say my hair is in healthy condition and about 4 1/2 inches longer then it was last year.
Overall Hair Health: Moisturized all the way to the ends. I can't find one split! No frizzes. WOOHOO! Its thick all the way to the ends. Average shedding, Nothing alarming.

Hair Length: About 4 inches past my shoulders. I will take pics when I get a relaxer in a week or 2. (wish i had thought of this a year ago

New growth Length: 1 inch

What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge: More moisturized hair, longer hair, thicker hair, faster growth. Just even more fabulous hair. It would happen without the vits,(God willing)but I just want to see if this would give me an edge.

It's don't "need" to post pictures. It was asuggestion for you personally to compare! No need to share them if you don't want to.
Re: Vitamin Challengers: What’s your starting status? *DELETED*

Post deleted by FLAME
Overall hair health: Moisturized, no breaking,
minimun shedding slightly uneven
Overall hair length: a little past chin maybe 2 inches past uneven longer on the sides
Hair Goal: longer hair
I'm in.

Actually I've been doing this on my own since August.

Overall Hair Health: I think it's pretty healthy, but I'm still struggling with breakage/shedding.

Hair length: Bangs- below eyes. Sides- starting below ears and lengthening below chin. Back- nape of neck.

What are you hoping to achieve with the challenge: ah, to be honest. I'm too afraid to set a given goal. (natural chicken at heart). I just want to see how long/fast my hair will grow with constant care.

good luck guys!!!
Overall Hair Health:
Overall “somewhat” healthy, with relaxed ends which seem as if they are thinning and lightening a little, still unsure will observe over challenge period
Need to be careful of line of demarcation breakage

Hair Length: Overall Length of hair Nape length overall (unstretched) with unwanted layered bangs due to line of demarcation breakage

New growth Length: around 6 inches unstretched (est)
What you’re hoping to achieve with the challenge:
More moisturized hair, (softened new growth)
longer hair,
thicker hair,
stronger hair
No breakage
Have yet to determine my current growth rate, want to increase whatever it is
How's it goin' 5 months later?
I didn't post originally but I did jump on the bandwagon and I would say I'm doing pretty well. It seems to really have gotten a boost from the amino acid complex and/or the cod liver oil and/or GNC HSN I started taking in Feb actually (and maybe the B-complex I started in December is kicking in too)! The PP Biotin I started back then didn't do anything (I'll be buy Freeda brand later), and I haven't taken chlorella consistently.

I will do Biotin again only when most other things have run out.
I stopped taking MSM for a while after the challenge. When I tried to start again, my face became full of pimples, so I'm still not taking it.