****Serious Growth Challengers****

I made a little (HUGE) change to my regi, so here it is

So i made the big Chop 27 days ago and i intend to have at least ear lenght by the end of the year, i think 3 inches is not too much to ask.

So after make a HUGE research in the board, i went to the Naturist Store and the drugstore, and got this :
Liquid chlorophyll
Flexseed oil capsules
Spirulina Powder(smells yuuuuuukie)
Spirulina Pills

So my compromise is :
1.- Take a Shake with my protein shake and Spirulina powder every morning
2.- 1000mg garlic pills three times a day
3.- 1 tbs of Clorofyll 2x per day (morning and night)
4.- 2 spirulina capsules 3x/day
5.- 2 Flexseeds capsules 3x/day

1.- 1 hour walking in the park
2.- 1 hour on my bike

1.- I'm on a South Beach diet is a lot of protein daily

Hair Regimen
1.- Co-wash Daily
2.- Dc every 2x/week (homemade Emergencia + Glycerin + Honey + EVOO + Coconut Oil + Pantene Pro-v Restoratives)
3.- Pre poo 3x/week (EVOO or Coconu Oil)
4.- Moisturize 2x/day (Homemade Spritz Water + Glycerin + EVOO + Coconut Oil + Folicure)

Here my begining pictures







Just an update, no more taking Spirulina Powder, that stuff tastes yuuuuuuuk!!! :sad:
I'm totally in as well. I'm on a personal no trimming challenge anyways for the year (only allowed 2x a year trim - every 6 mons).

I'm just sticking to my routine which works for me. Wash, DC w/ my conditioner + coconut oil, airdry/flat iron. I'm not too fussy with protective styles or styles of any nature, I like my hair one of two ways, long and straight. Less manipulation & less work. By the end of the year I expect my hair to be full APL, my longest ends will likely surpass this.
Here is my starting pic..I am a smidge past APL..

Come on ladies, post those pics. We have over 50 challengers but only a few pics..

Okay, I finally found that camera lead that was right in front of my face:ohwell: but I'm having problems uploading a picture on the thread. I did manage to put one up in my siggy though:yep:.

I'm still trying to find what works for me the best so I'm tweaking the reggie here and there but so far it goes a little something like:

shampoo, DC, rollerset, grease scalp once a week (main wash day)
pre-poo every other week
co-wash and air dry once a week (will be subsituting with pre-poos every week for fall/winter)
clarifying poo every 4-5 wks
Aphogee 2 step twice a year
light protein every other week
moisturize and seal every night (especially my ends)


nexxus therape - staple
nexxus humectress - staple
nexxus keraphix - staple
nexxus aloe rid - staple
nexxus humectress luxe leavein -staple
aphogee 2 step
aphogee 2 min reconstructor - staple
aphogee balancing conditioner - NRWF
keracare humecto - NRWF
african pride hair mayo - staple
dax super gro grease -staple
fantasia ic heat protectant - was my staple but looking to change
fantasia ic setting lotion - NRWF
soft n free moisurizing oil (mineral oil free) -staple
african royale 6 oil - staple
NRWF= not replacing when finished
I'm in too chica. I'm trying to be MBL (completely natural) by August 2011... currently if I BC'd I'd have about roughly 2.5 inches of new growth. So as you can see I'm on a mission. I don't really have a plan just to eat good, exercise, drink lots of water and take
my vits...

My hair is in a weave right now so I can't pix right now but i'll post when I take it out next month.
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Here is my weekly progress pic....

You really don't have to post a weekly progess pic..I was thinking we should post a pic mid way thru which would be around the end of October and then another one when the challenge is over at the end of December. That would be sufficent to show the progress.
I like that idea as well. Weekly progress pics would be too much for me to handle right now. Just tell me when in October and I'll have it up!
is is too late to join?
if not I am in. I am bunning like crazy and would like to see full mbl for Christmas!
Just checking in, I did a self texlax on the 6th so nxt one would be Nov-Dec I have been using JBCO for about 2wks now but I have not applied any to my scalp except for my temple area. I think I will start to since it is a growth aid. I have been bunning and doing my wkly wash I will be back to wigs for less manipulation. ITA that we should post pics midway
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I'm in
Goal: to cut off remainder of relaxed ends, by Dec
Current: 4 inches texturised, 3 -4 inches damaged, coloured and highlighted relaxed ends.
Regimen: If only i was that structured...in life!

Thanks *frisky*
I sneaked and check my length (even though I said I wasn't until the end of this month) and I already got 1 inch. I can't wait to see what I'll have by Halloween.
Sorry I'm so late in posting my starting pics. I just got a serious haircut (4-4.5 inches) on Sept. 16, so I probably won't grow 3 inches by the end of the year. I guess the most I can hope for is 2.5 inches.

Anyways, here are my starting pics...my hair is so short now! I was less than an inch away from APL before the cut. :ohwell:

Pic 1: pressed hair, back view
Pic 2: pressed hair, side view
Pic 3: natural, front view

ETA: My press was a week old when I took these photos. I don't know why I didn't take any when my hair was still looking sleek and bouncy! Sorry for the ratty hair.


  • Pressed Haircut Sept-09 back.jpg
    Pressed Haircut Sept-09 back.jpg
    98.3 KB · Views: 6
  • Pressed Haircut Sept-09 side.JPG
    Pressed Haircut Sept-09 side.JPG
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  • September coils after haircut.jpg
    September coils after haircut.jpg
    67.3 KB · Views: 6
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Is it too late for me to jump in...I have 3 months to get some growth. I need a challenge like this for consistency. My reggie will consist of:
Eating Healthier & Exercising
Biotin, Flaxseed and BComplex daily
MN 5-7 days/wk
Wash & Sets
Protective Styling

Here are my starting shots...


Good grief, i totally forgot this challenge! Can i forego the update pics at the halfway point? I kinda wanna hide my hair until December when i get a relaxer so i dont want to post pics before then.

I will say though that since my relaxer on July 3rd, i have 2 inches of NG unstretched and 3 inches when stretched so if my growth keeps at this rate, i'll have 6 inches by December! 3 more inches would make me Full APL so fingers crossed for that. Unfortunately not all my hair grows at this rate, the nape and crown grow at about 1/2 inch per month but the middle has a schedule of its own! Anyway, here's my NG.

NG Unstretched

NG Stretched
I sneaked and check my length (even though I said I wasn't until the end of this month) and I already got 1 inch. I can't wait to see what I'll have by Halloween.

just checking in to see how is everyone doing. I did a length check and I have grown about an inch since my starting pic 6wks.

This is great! I can't wait to see pics at the end of the month.

I have gotten some growth too but not sure how much..it could be an inch or so. I am relaxing this week...
Checking in and bumping!!

It's been over an month since I posted my starting picture...a month and 20 days, to be exact.
I haven't really been following the regimen I posted originally...life's been getting in the way kind of. But I have been:
- Dcing once a week
- Oiling and massaging my scalp
- Taking biotin, garlic, chlorella, and spirulina
- Drinking about 40 oz of water a day (trying to get it up to 64 oz)
- And bunning everyday, except for a few Saturdays

It's been 7 weeks since my last relaxer, 7 weeks to go till my next one, and so far I am so not getting an inch a month. :lol:
I didn't take out any hair to measure it or anything, I just took a picture of my newgrowth to see. This is the picture:


Even with shrinkage, I'm 100% sure that there is nowhere near an inch there. Maybe a quarter of an inch.

So far, I'm failing the challenge. Badly. But you know, I feel pretty good. And my hair has been healthy.
I'm just going to keep on going with what I'm doing now, try to increase my water intake and exercise level (I only do it spasmodically) and hope for a growth spurt. :grin:

I hope everyone else is better off. :lol:
Checking in and bumping!!

It's been over an month since I posted my starting picture...a month and 20 days, to be exact.
I haven't really been following the regimen I posted originally...life's been getting in the way kind of. But I have been:
- Dcing once a week
- Oiling and massaging my scalp
- Taking biotin, garlic, chlorella, and spirulina
- Drinking about 40 oz of water a day (trying to get it up to 64 oz)
- And bunning everyday, except for a few Saturdays

It's been 7 weeks since my last relaxer, 7 weeks to go till my next one, and so far I am so not getting an inch a month. :lol:
I didn't take out any hair to measure it or anything, I just took a picture of my newgrowth to see. This is the picture:


Even with shrinkage, I'm 100% sure that there is nowhere near an inch there. Maybe a quarter of an inch.

So far, I'm failing the challenge. Badly. But you know, I feel pretty good. And my hair has been healthy.
I'm just going to keep on going with what I'm doing now, try to increase my water intake and exercise level (I only do it spasmodically) and hope for a growth spurt. :grin:

I hope everyone else is better off. :lol:

Girl any growth at all is good growth!!!!:grin: AWESOME!!!

I haven't did any measuring but I think I am failing too hahaha..I think I have at least an inch but probably no more than that. I slacked badly doing all the things I should of done but I will get back at it for the remaining 2 months. I will be happy to get another inch by December.
This was really just a fun challenge so any progress you ladies get it great.
I'm currently in a weave that I got at the end of September.
Planning on taking it down in December.
Hoping for 3 inches:weird:
Co-wash hair every 2 week (with baking soda once a month)
Dry shampoo weekly
Taking 750mg of MSM, 1000mcg of Biotin, daily multivit and minerals, Garlic 2mg/day, Spirulina 500mg (3 tablets of this) daily:orders:
Moisturize with glycerin, rosewater and peppermint oil spray.
Oils to scalp weekly (castor, Kemi, tea tree oil)

Hopefully, I can stick to this and retain length!
Things are going great. I am currently 6 weeks post and I am really considering going from an 8 week stretch to 11 or 12 weeks!! I am thinking that since I only bun my hair, it should be relatively easy for me to slick back my edges. Especially with my beloved Burt's Bees!!

So attached below are pictures of my signature bun style. YES!! I wear bangs, so I am not completely bunning, but I feel it looks cute, thus helping me stick to my challenge!

I try to deep condition twice and week. I also moisturized and seal twice a day (morning and night).

My best friend has been the Turbie Twist!
So I've got 2" of NG now. I need 1" more inch to make it back to the length I had in June. I am almost tempted to stretch for 24 weeks. I'm 16 weeks post now.