Vitamin Challenge: Switching Up???


New Member
Hi all of you beautiful ladies! I have question for you:

Is it preferable to switch up vitamins every other day or every other week? I noticed that many of you take certain vitamins on one day, then switch up and take another type of vitamin on alternate days or weeks.

Why do you do this? Is it preferable? Like, does your chemistry get "used to" a certain type of vitamin and it stops working? Or is it because some people's system cannot tolerate a certain type of mineral?

This is certainly fascinating and I'd like to learn more. I'm now in my 4th week of the vitamin challenge. I month! Yes!
I wondered about this too so I hope someone responds. I take PP Biotin and wondered if I should alternate periodically w/ Freeda Biotin. I also took a break for about a month from taking hair vits since I thought my system had gotten saturated w/them.
The reason that I am alternating is that I don't want to overload. I'm also not starting all of my vitamins at once. I just want to gradually get my body used to them so that I don't cause any adverse affects. At some point in the future, I may get to daily.
I wonder if this would be beneficial when taking EFA's. I have EPO and flax seed oil and I don't know if I should alternate or not.
i don't alternate at all. i've been taking the same ones for a couple of years now. every now and then i'll try another brand, but it replaces what i've been taking. i try not to do that often either. i'm really not convinced that the vitamins help my hair grow any faster. i do think they have improved the quality of it though.

hairlove, that is SO wise to introduce them gradually. that way if something doesn't agree with you, it's easy to identify. go head, girl!

soulchild, i don't know if i'd take both at the same time. i'd probably alternate every other day. if you have oily skin (like me), i'd skip the flax seed oil and do the EPO.
I am finding that the EPO and Cod Liver Oil is making my skin more beautiful and glowing, but my skin is also beginning to reflect light. It's not really OILY, per say, just glowing. It's weird. What I've tried to do is continue to drink a lot of water and take vitamin C with the biotin so that I don't break out. It's helping. That IS a good idea, Hairlove, to introduce vitamins gradually. Very smart. But I guess it's too late for that now. I haven't had any side effects, thank God, but I'll continue to monitor the progress, since it's only been 1 month.