Vitamin Challenge 2013

Finished my calcium/vit D chewable today but now I want a multi that includes a high amt of vit D so I don't have to take a separate supplement.
I'm checking in. Still taking my vitamins faithfully! I'll be doing my match reveal in the next day or so since I will be out if the country on March 30th.
I need to really find this maca root as well!!! Any specific brand??

Had to stop taking my RX prenatals...they were making me hella nauseated. No wonder I could barely keep food down while pregnant! Yuck! So I'll just resume taking my VitaFusion chewable gummy prenatals. Catching up on my chlorella. Have missed this for the past week. Been doing good with all my other vits. Began taking horsetail (silica) for hair, body, bone, and skin health 2 wks ago. Waiting on my bamboo extract (silica) to arrive, and will add collagen and CoQ-10 to my regimen soon.


I take the NOW Foods brand of maca root. I like it...I take 2 caps a day. I started them back in late January to help my libido, metabolism, hormones, and reproductive health get back on track after having my son first wk of December. I love maca root, and will take it indefinitely. Since taking it, all's good in the neighborhood, and in my body as a whole. :yep:
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I take the NOW Foods brand of maca root. I like it...I take 2 caps a day. I started them back in late January to help my libido, metabolism, hormones, and reproductive health get back on track after having my son first wk of December. I love maca root, and will take it indefinitely. Since taking it, all's good in the neighborhood, and in my body as a whole. :yep:[/QUOTE]

All the benefits that you and others have been listing is making maca root hard to resist. Especially about metabolism and hormones. My hormones are definitely outta wack lol. It sounds like this is what missing from my routine. And as far as the Rx prenatals...i got super sick so i had to stop mine too and ended up taking the Walmart brand.
Checking in. For the past few days I've swapped my Hair, Skin and Nails vitamins to a different brand as it was cheaper and it had almost all of the same minerals and vitamins but in a higher concentration.
I missed most vits Sat and all of Sun...the weekend was too hectic! But I'm happy to say, I'm on track today, already took my cal/vit D and viviscal.

Yass, hontey! I was SOLD like nobody's business after reading about maca root here and researching online. I had bad mood swings postpartum n I really felt bad for my SO cuz I was straight flipping on being tired from baby. I got on St. John's Wort for mood balance way back but didnt take during pregnancy of course. Resumed after birth, but saw no real difference. The maca REALLY helped, I mean I went from biting heads off postpartum to chillin n being calm and agreeable like I was before pregnancy. The nurse told DSO he could "get got" easily after birth but at the time I thought it was funny...until them hormones changed and the wrath of Hell came out.

Lmbo we all good now. Im so glad I found maca, and glad DSO was patient (and has a sister with 5 kids so he knew what to expect during and after pregnancy), cuz the pp hormones bout broke up a happy home...yep it was THAT BAD. But he still wants more babies at some point, so I guess I wasnt the absolute worst. :look:
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I slipped up and took my vitamins late today.... but at least I took them :) Running low on my multi. Gotta grab another bottle tomorrow (only 4 left).
Checking in for 18th & 19th. My momma know that I'm an advocate for some vitamins so she grabbed me some Spring Valley Magnesium w/ Chelated Zinc (Bone Health) so I've added that as of yesterday.

Then a co-worker gave me a stack of Sunday paper coupons & I liked to went crazy at my desk cutting!! I wound up finding coupons for Viviscal & Nature's bounty Hair/skin/nails so I wanted to check out the benefits of each to see if I'm willing to switch from my 5,000 mcg of Biotin to one of those. I've had pretty good results from my biotin but heard a lot about Viviscal. It must be expensive because the coupon is for $5.00 off!! LOL! I'll be out of biotin by the first week of April so I'll need to be getting something by the end of March. I also found one for One A Day multi (running out of that too) & Osteo bi-flex for joints & bones (I've had prior knee injuries & surgeries).

Gotta go back through this thread to get some input on these!!
Has anyone read or done research about msm causing depression? Is anyone a lil nervous about that? Just wondering

ladieluv2010 Hi! When taking anything including meds,it's good to monitor your body..I never had this happen to me with MSM (powder) however with MSM caps it would give me UTI,so I stick with powders & have no Negitive interactions...

Happy Hair Growing!