Vitamin Challenge 2013

I thought that I checked in already for the end of last week but I guess I didn't. Checking in fot the 20-21, 22-24. I forgot on Friday but I actually wound up taking extra on Saturday. I wound up using my coupon for the Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin & Nails since CVS was having the BOGO 50% on them. So I got 2 bottles for almost the price of one. I have about 1 week's worth left of the Walgreens' Multi that I was taking & this will replace that one. I will continue to take my other 5,000 mcg of Biotin as well with the H,S & N vitamins too.
I'm thinking about buying some maca powder to put in my morning smoothies. I'm going to see it adding one capsule changes the taste of the smoothie significantly. If it doesn't, maca powder here I come!
Bought fish oil capsules yesterday so adding those to the list:

Fish oil
Check-in for yesterday!!
Marine collagen & Cod liver oil has made a nice difference in my eye lashes..

Happy Hair Growing!
I normally wait a few days at a time to post in here but these Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin, & Nails taste like swamp water (Not that I know what that tastes like but I'm using my imagination so work with me!) & on top of that they say I gotta take 3 a day! :cry2::cry2: I liked to lost my protein shake & baby carrots trying to get them vitamins down on top of all the rest I take. :nono:
I've been taking my vitamins. Bought some different greens/fruits/nuts for my green smoothies this past weekend when I went grocery shopping. Plan on starting back making them.
I normally wait a few days at a time to post in here but these Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin, & Nails taste like swamp water (Not that I know what that tastes like but I'm using my imagination so work with me!) & on top of that they say I gotta take 3 a day! :cry2::cry2: I liked to lost my protein shake & baby carrots trying to get them vitamins down on top of all the rest I take. :nono:

Thanks for that review!!! I know what I WON'T be buying. Do they taste bad enough that you want to return them? I had to return fish oil capsules that were just too big.
Thanks for that review!!! I know what I WON'T be buying. Do they taste bad enough that you want to return them? I had to return fish oil capsules that were just too big.

I'll try to stick it out for about a week to see if I can eventually get used to the taste. I'm usually pretty good on taking pills, even the vitamins that actually taste like vitamins but these sonofaguns here are strong!! I'll try them with something that has a stronger taste like orange juice or lemonade or something because water didn't even taste right. Maybe one a day to start off with then build up to the 3 a day.
for those who've been at this for a couple of months, do any of you see a noticable difference in length, texture or health of hair?
Geesh Luise londonfog...and I surely have those nature's bounty hsn vits sitting right up in my ebay watch list to buy. Guess I'll find smthn else! Thanks for the review! OAN Ive been taking my vits daily and drinking green and herbal tea daily. Gonna ressume my DE soon.
naija24, heck yes i saw a HUGE difference. I had to use a whole jar of relaxer on my ng for a 5 month tu when i used to only need 3/4 a jar. My ng was too thick to effectively deal with, but i managed to get er done. But due to all the growth i have to stop going 5 mos between tu's, and cut it back to 4. ETA I could barely part and separate my hair to base my scalp and coat the previously texlaxed hair with vaseline down to the took over an hour to just base the edges, 4 parts and coat the hair. I was just smdh. But thankful for the growth n thickness nonetheless.
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Jewell, I've started taking biotin again because i'm starting to experience ridiculous and constant anxiety over having hair this short. I want a bob by June or idk what i'm gonna do.
Geesh Luise @londonfog...and I surely have those nature's bounty hsn vits sitting right up in my ebay watch list to buy. Guess I'll find smthn else! Thanks for the review! OAN Ive been taking my vits daily and drinking green and herbal tea daily. Gonna ressume my DE soon.

I'm so sorry to dash everyone's dreams of Nature's Bounty HSN & maybe I'm going overboard but I think I have a pretty high tolerance for some nasty vitamins. I asked my son to smell them & he got mad at me after he smelled them! He felt like he was set up! :lachen:

I've definitely been there before with a twa where my hair was way too short for comfort, and I was anxious to grow it out, even just a little to regain some familiarity with my hair. I thinl taking biotin is a great idea. I have taken it for over 10 yrs. Just please be sure to drink lots of water and if on a high dose, like over 2,000 mg, take a b complex vit too, as biotin in high doses can cause painful, cystic acne in some ppl. I'e never gotten the acne from biotin, and I take 2,000 mg biotin by itself, but I'm likely getting more than that with all my vits like prenatals combined. HHG!


Girl I have high tolerance for huge pills and nasty meds and vits too. I might just try them anyway and see if I can muster the smell and taste. You had me straight :lachen: about your son! Sounds like a reaction my SO would have!
Checking in for the 26th & 27th.

I was able to get two of the Nature's Bounty HSN down this morning with some coffee & it wasn't as bad as taking it with water so there is hope. I'll take the 3rd one later on today. Also took:

MSM - 2,000 mg
Biotin - 5,000 mcg
C - 1,000 mg
B-Complex - 1 dropperful (I do this one a few times a day)
Magnesium - 133 mg
Checking in. Thinking of stopping my biotin. I take 5 mg daily. Something is making my hair shed like crazy and I have read in some threads it could be that???? Have any of you heard of that? Off to research. I can't take anymore losing hairs daily like this. I've done the tea rinses, garlic, protein, etc. So now I'm going to research my vitamins.