Vent: Why do you want to grow long hair???


Well-Known Member
I rarely wear my hair straight and/or down except for special occasions or extreme boredom. So this is what I keep being asked by my relative. I told the individual that I'm growing long because I can--I'm doing it for me! Then they reply "What's the point in doing all of this stuff--if no one's ever going to see it?" They feel like I'm not giving them a good enough explaination. Why should I have to explain? Does anyone understand my frustration? :perplexed
Tell them you want to wear your hair up and protected so you can retain length in order to have long hair so you can wear it down to show it off. But you really don't have to explain anything or prove yourself to anyone.

I want long hair too because I think it's beautiful. There are beautiful short hair styles but I just want long hair because I want to. Just like wanting certain shoes or clothes or anything else in life, it's because I want to!!!! :antlers:
Even though you don't need an explanation, growing it long for you is good enough. Girl, you know how some people are (they just want to get on our nerves). Grow that hair long girl, and swing it. :)
ChocoKitty said:
I rarely wear my hair straight and/or down except for special occasions or extreme boredom. So this is what I keep being asked by my relative. I told the individual that I'm growing long because I can--I'm doing it for me! Then they reply "What's the point in doing all of this stuff--if no one's ever going to see it?" They feel like I'm not giving them a good enough explaination. Why should I have to explain? Does anyone understand my frustration? :perplexed

I totally understand where you're coming from. My friends always ask me-"what's the point of having long hair if you're always wearing it up"? My mom always exclaims- "you might as well cut it off, you've got more hair than you know what to do with"! I just tell them I like my hair long but I love wearing it up. They just shake their head like this---> :nono: Then I smile like this---> :D
why do you even need to explain that? i mean do they ever ask you why you grow your nails? Your hair is always growing, you are just choosing to take care of it so it stays on your head and do not want to cut it. i mean, i would not waste energy on this conversation.
Thank you ladies for your responses. I "try" explain my reason out of respect for the relative... but it just causes me to get angry. For now on I'll just stare into space when asked this particular question.:lol:
My friends and family laugh at me and tell me that its never going to happen for me because of my texture. They also said that if I never had it as a child I'm not going to have it now. I am personally choosing to ignore them all because I love long hair and want to experience it for myself. When I do have long hair I will wear it up also in the most gorgeous protective styles, and if people say anything to me about keeping it up, I'm just going to tell them its MY hair, on MY head, and I'll do WHATEVER I want with it. Then I might turn a little sassy and pull its long luxuriousness down and shake it as I walk away.

Maybe I won't that's mean ;) .
Chocokitty, when they say "no one will see it" just nicely say "I will see it and know it is there, and I am the most important person in this whole situation."
Just because you're growing your hair long doesn't mean you need to show everyone. That's like saying there's no point in me losing weight if I'm never going to wear short skirts out in public. Ridiculous.
Ignore and keep doing what you want.
I get the same question all the time. Your hair is really growing. Why is it always in a ponytail or bun?

My response: That's the reason for trying to grow it long. So I can put it into a ponytail or bun. Do you know how difficult it is to put short hair in a bun???
I remember Wanakee's explanation about how to grow hair long. Something like:

"As young people our mothers put our hair up in braids during the week and we only wore our hair out on Sunday's or special occasions. Our hair grew long because we weren't fooling with it all week and breaking it off."

That would be my explanation the next time someone says, "Why grow your hair long if you are only put it in a bun or a ponytail most of the time?"

I would say, "My hair is long because I put it in a but or a ponytail most of the time. The more you manipulate your hair the more you break it and lose length. I dictate when I display my length. That is the versatility of long hair. I like to when and where I want to."

I love the element of surprise that long hair has. Especially natural long hair. It looks short anyway because of the shrinkage. So when you cold rollerset it and wear it smooth and show the is so fun to blow people away.
RabiaElaine said:
My friends and family laugh at me and tell me that its never going to happen for me because of my texture. They also said that if I never had it as a child I'm not going to have it now. I am personally choosing to ignore them all because I love long hair and want to experience it for myself. When I do have long hair I will wear it up also in the most gorgeous protective styles, and if people say anything to me about keeping it up, I'm just going to tell them its MY hair, on MY head, and I'll do WHATEVER I want with it. Then I might turn a little sassy and pull its long luxuriousness down and shake it as I walk away.

Maybe I won't that's mean ;) .

That's right girl you tell them :)

Years ago (mid 90's) I had short hair (Halle Berry cut by choice) and I was told by a male friend if I had short hair I would always have it...I totally disagreed and proved him wrong. I started wearing weaves then phonyponies for about 2 years and I kid you not...when I took it out my hair was past my shoulder. People thought it was still a weave... My hair was the bomb back grew so fast.
Someone, a relative, told me something similar and I didn't respond....Well, do you know a few months later, I got calls about what I use in my hair and what I do to it.....

Soooooo just keep growing and let them keep talkin' they WILL Be back askin' questions :lol:

Your hair is for you to enjoy and do what you like ;)
You see I have a fresh mouth.....So knowing me I would say something like , " it is sad that we are programmed to think that we can not grow long hair. Well I am making the choice to go against the norm. I am trying to achieve long hair on my own so I don't have to keep buying Mr.Ed's tail (horses hair/weave) hair and wasting my money to make other person rich and the horses behind cold.... :grin: But that is just me.... :lachen: :lachen:
I tend to agree with UmSumayyah and pookeylou.

People are not educated on growing delicate hair textures so they don't realize that it often takes special care and protective styles to keep it growing strong. I personally am no longer actively trying to grow my hair. I will let it do as it wills while wearing low maintenance twist styles most of the time.
ccd said:
Someone, a relative, told me something similar and I didn't respond....Well, do you know a few months later, I got calls about what I use in my hair and what I do to it.....

Soooooo just keep growing and let them keep talkin' they WILL Be back askin' questions :lol:

Your hair is for you to enjoy and do what you like ;)
So true!
A co worker of mine asked me what did I put in my hair to make it so shiny. She touched it and gave me a compliment on how soft it was. I was happy to share my regimen with her. :)
When I went to Germany in 1999--I did not come back to the USA to visit until 2001 --- for a wedding. I had grown my hair out--bra strap length-- wearing protective styles and updos. Well don't you know that some of the girls in the wedding were like "What are you using in Germany? There has to be some mysterious European Secret." --- "You have to be using something for your hair to grow so long and thick." I had no regimen and I was a product junkie then--like I am now. So they did not believe me when I said "EVERYTHING".
It's true, you don't have to explain anything to anyone, it isn't being disrespectul. They are the ones being desrespectful because it isn't their business.

However, if I decided to say something,I would say, "Why not?" and leave it at that.
hottopic said:
You see I have a fresh mouth.....So knowing me I would say something like , " it is sad that we are programmed to think that we can not grow long hair. Well I am making the choice to go against the norm. I am trying to achieve long hair on my own so I don't have to keep buying Mr.Ed's tail (horses hair/weave) hair and wasting my money to make other person rich and the horse's behind cold.... :grin: But that is just me.... :lachen: :lachen:

:lol: ....

ChocoKitty, you can see you're not alone on this. The advice given in this thread is so on target, I have nothing to add. Just keep growing that hair long and strong, chica. :yep:
Once again--thank you all for your responses!!! You've all made me feel so much better and given me a chuckle or two...;) I really do apreciate you all!:) Thank God for LHCF!:grin: