Why do you want long hair?

It all stems back to childhood. Growing up, I never had long hair and was teased for having short unrelaxrd hair tat couldn't fit into a Ponytail. When my locs grew to wsl that was validation that the hair on my head could grow to Lengths that I only dreamed of.

Now w/ loose natural hair, I want to prove to myself that I can take proper care of my hair and achieve Long loose natural hair.
* I can finally stop rolling my hair every night. Just do it when I want to.

* I can just M/S, braid or twist it up & go to bed. Get up the next morning, take the braid down,finger comb and GO. (or I can have a decent size bun)

* NICE braid and twist outs, won't look like raggedy ann (presently) :nono:

* Oh yeah, I have been imagining the "long-hair, whip till it hurts" strip tease that I will do for DH when that time comes.
I'm on a personal challenge to see just how long my hair can grow. I've never had long hair before in my entire life so I want to see if it was due to genetics or lack of proper care. So far my prognosis proves the problem is a lack of proper care because my hair is currently longer than its ever been. My hair would be a lot longer but I've been slowly trimming away all the damaged hair over a 2 year period since the beginning of my HHJ. At this rate, I could reach a heathy and full MBL in two years!
Because I love complements, ooohs and ahssss. :grin: I've always had long hair except for when I cut it shoulder length two years back.
I want my hair to look like this, and when i pull a strand it hit my waist.

Other days i can make a hue textured bun on my real hair and not this scarf bun...

Four more years i figure...


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I also feel there's something almost exotic about a black women with long hair. It's so uncommon where I live. People just have to stop and stare and I won't mind flipping my hair over my shoulders while watching their face as my hair flows down my back....hehe and plus there's soooo many more hair styling options!
I had longer when I was younger, but never really in my adult life (mostly because I keep cutting it). I really just want to see if I can hold out. And I just want to see what MBL feels like as an adult. I don't think I want to longer than that. Once I get there, then I think going for fullness will be me next goal (or cutting it :look:).

I'd like to say I'm also doing it to show others that it's possible, but family is of the good hair belief. That's what really sucks. All this protective styling, low manipulation, co-washing, heat once a month or heck once every two months won't even get recognized for the reason my hair is long. But hopefully, at least one person will see me and think hey let me do what she's doing and maybe I can get the same results too.

And I like when DH pulls on it. He met me when my hair was longish (full apl I'm thinking) and he's been a real trouper. He doesn't flinch when I throw on a wig or big chop (heck he shaved my head bald for me - love that man), but I kind of want to reunite with the person he met, even if it's just for a little while.
I've never had long and healthy hair before. The longest its ever been is APL. Also long hair suits me and I have never been a fan of extensions. I want it to be all mine, plus in Manchester you never see a healthy head of relaxed hair so people dont think black girls can grow long hair. I want to prove that they can. And my last reason is I would be able to do more hairstyles
cus I want my afro to throw shade on these heauxs.....


I agree with a pp. I also do want to be an example to my daughter. Growing up in the era of broken off bird tweed hair (natural and relaxed), I'd like her to see afro textured hair in an optimal state...and I want it to be the norm.
Because I think it's beautiful, especially on women of color. It's also become a spiritual thing for some reason. I can't really explain it, but trust me on that. I have to laugh because I don't really like people looking at my hair, so it seems odd that I actively try to ensure maximum retention and growth. My intern practically begged me to wear it down to work, but I told her it wasn't going to because I hate people fussing over my hair. I told her when we go for lunch one weekend, I'll do it because I like her, but I'm not looking forward to it. I feel exposed. :ohwell:
I want it longer than its ever been in my life
I look better with long hair
Style versatility
I want long hair because I fantasize about being able to do the bun drop with my SO during playtime and getting that "stare" -- of amazement, awe and arousal as my hair spills down around us. :grin:
Got bored and chopped my hair off but the SO wasn't feeling it and I honestly wasn't either. Longer hair is more feminine on me. Plus, I like when he gets a handful of it.
I have a round face and short hair does not look right on me. And I want to see how long I can grow my hair using healthy hair practices.
I want to whip it!

I want to walk in my parking lot at work and let the wind blow it while I look at my shadow to see just how far back it's blowing.

I want to put it in a gigantic bun. I'm talking B-I-G!

I want to see if my relaxed hair can grow long. If so, how long will it grow? Waist, Tailbone, Classic?? I want it!
There's just something about a black woman with long hair that's hers. I wanna be that girl.


1) IMO there are too many people saying it can't be done with type 3 or 4 hair. I want to be that girl who gets it done

2) Beach hair...there's nothing like it. I'm a beach baby and I await the day when I can wear my natural hair in softly tussled coils and post a picture edited to perfection on instagram #fantasyhair

3) It's easier to look good. Not necessarily low maint. but you can get away with more when your hair is long.

4) The freedom. I feel like there is a quiet freedom associated with long hair.. ya know..when you can do a thousand different styles, ponytail one day, loose braid out the next...I might be getting too deep, but I think there's something so beautiful 'bout that life lol :look:

1) IMO there are too many people saying it can't be done with type 3 or 4 hair. I want to be that girl who gets it done

2) Beach hair...there's nothing like it. I'm a beach baby and I await the day when I can wear my natural hair in softly tussled coils and post a picture edited to perfection on instagram #fantasyhair

3) It's easier to look good. Not necessarily low maint. but you can get away with more when your hair is long.

4) The freedom. I feel like there is a quiet freedom associated with long hair.. ya know..when you can do a thousand different styles, ponytail one day, loose braid out the next...I might be getting too deep, but I think there's something so beautiful 'bout that life lol :look:

Laughing at the beach hair - yep I feel you.
I want a BSL high pony

I want to do the two braid thing and call it a night

I want big obnoxious, hair that defies gravity

I mostly want a big a*s rollerset so...

I can walk down the street... wind blowin' just fly!

And coloring on top... My hair all over :)

Sent from my grammar bombing iPhone...
cus I want my afro to throw shade on these heauxs.....

:lachen: I remember the day I unleashed my neck length afro, and all the long WL straight headed non black girls reeled with jealousy, cause it made their boyfriend look.

In my mind I was like your heavy ponytails be beating me up everytime you turn your head, and I got nothing but love, but a sista shows the little bit of the kink that the good Lord blessed her with and ya'll eye cutting me.

One girl told me, I need to cut my hair. Next summer she is going to think we are having an eclipse when I pass by- cus I want my afro to throw shade on the heauxs...:yep:
:lachen: I remember the day I unleashed my neck length afro, and all the long WL straight headed non black girls reeled with jealousy, cause it made their boyfriend look.

In my mind I was like your heavy ponytails be beating me up everytime you turn your head, and I got nothing but love, but a sista shows the little bit of the kink that the good Lord blessed her with and ya'll eye cutting me.

One girl told me, I need to cut my hair. Next summer she is going to think we are having an eclipse when I pass by- cus I want my afro to throw shade on the heauxs...:yep:

LMAO! I know right!
Oh, and is it messed up that my hair is the longest that it's ever been and it's not even long? That's just...smh.

My people, my people...we need to get it together. LHCF is really a tiny, tiny part of the representation of afro hair. The majority of sisters you see still be walking around w/bird tweed hair. :nono:
I am new to the forum and figured answering this question would be a good initial post. I want long hair for some of the same reasons i saw posted like being able to do a quick lazy day style and still look nice. I was always told your hair is your glory and that belief is sort of embedded in me. I have a lot of thick hair currently APL but i want it longer for more "glory."
To show my mom that africans can grow long hair and also as a child I always wanted to have long hair.