Why do you want long hair?

Long hair is low maintenance? I have not had the pleasure of experiencing this low maintenance that you speak of. LOL!!!

Please teach me. I'm at BSL and its nothing but constant maintenance.

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For me, the longer my hair has gotten, the less time I've had to spend on it. :yep: Maybe I'm just hair lazy. My main style is wash and go. But even if I flatiron, sealing and 3 or 4 Bantu knots at night and it lasts at least a week. I'm MBL.
Growing up, my mum had long hair and liked me to comb it for her. I loved playing in her hair back then. Back in Trinidad, the girl in my elementary school was the IT girl -- really pretty Chinese girl with long hair. Disney princesses had long, flowing hair. Even my Barbies had long hair. See where I'm going with this? I was surrounded by long hair; those that didn't have it wanted it anyway. So this goes back since childhood.

Although now, if I think about it really, my reasons for wanting longer hair have expanded. I want to be that exotic Black girl with pretty long hair. I like playing in my hair when bored and I'm excited to try new hairstyles. I want to feel more feminine and sexy with longer hair, plus, I think I look better with it. I always bask in the compliments I get and look forward to the many that are about to come as my hair gets longer.

For me, the longer my hair has gotten, the less time I've had to spend on it. :yep: Maybe I'm just hair lazy. My main style is wash and go. But even if I flatiron, sealing and 3 or 4 Bantu knots at night and it lasts at least a week. I'm MBL.

My hair isn't high maintenance and it isn't low maintenance either, but the misconception is that longer hair means you don't have to work on it anymore lol. I mostly do rollersets and a twist out here or there. I'm low main during the week, not touching this mane our putting any thought into anything but a bun, but its not "easier" to handle. You just now know what you are dealing with.

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I wanted long hair because I never had it before. Now that I have long hair I want it longer so my shrinkage is not as bad.
Because it's rare to see a black woman with really long hair. Also, I want my daughter to have long natural hair and the best way to encourage that is for me to have it.
I feel like everyone has wonderful, altruistic reasons.

(1) I look better with long natural hair
(2) A lot of my white friends think you have to be mixed to have long hair
i want long hair because:

i have tons of shrinkage and even when i get to waist length and tailbone it will likely shrink back to shoulder length in its curly state.

cause when i flatiron (about every 3 months, when i get a dusting) my bsl hair i be stunting on heauxs at my job!

because healthy hair is a rarity with american women exclusive of race or ethnicity.....i see tore up hair on white and latina chicks just as much as black ones.

because people think you have to have good hair or be mixed to grow it long

i have never had bsl hair in my life until now and am curious to try to make it to wsl and tailbone....wsl should be here this time next year

because i want to be an inspiration to little black girls

the longer my hair gets the easier it seems to be to care for, the only downside is i use more product.
i had long hair as à child. and very long apparently. my grandmother keeps talking about it.
"where did your hair go"....

-i wanna show her its back!

-i have fine hair and i want my own long hair to avoid sitting hours for braids.

-shut some up. (they think black girls with long hair =fake hair)...which is wrong.

-i will have lots of styles to do :-) i'll enjoyyyyyyy
I want my long hair back bc it goes with my personality. Im a genuine and somewhat shy person, yet i can come across as powerful and there's something about having long hair that made me feel like a queen. :) To me long hair is both.

Its also sexy and i want to wait til my hair reaches WL again (this year) so i can straighten it and shock my SO. I would love to see his face go 0____0 lol!!
I believe a woman’s hair is truly her glory; it gives her a certain joy, elegance, charisma and personal beauty. I want the pleasure of of having hair BSL and flowing before I’m 50 “and after “, Never had it when I was younger and I now know ,,,by God’s grace… it’ possible !:grin:
Its prettier, more versatile, and an achievement for me. I really had to work to get my hair growing (retaining). I also like the way it looks, feels and how huge it will be.

And I love defying stereotypes.
-The messy look looks better with long hair.
-Effortless, juicy buns always looks good (not anemic).
-The look and felling of hair going down my back is indescribable.
Styling versatility. Since I get about 50% shrinkage, I need long hair to easily manipulate my hair into a style.
I got a big *** head and it needs alotta hair to balance it.

Cuz I'm lazy and messy buns will be my life.

Cuz when I'm in "badbytch" mode, I want my shyt swangin' as I stunt.

Several reasons:

1. Now that I know how to keep my natural hair healthy, I want to see how long it can grow.

2. I want to be able to put it into one long, simple braid.

3. I want a huge, fluffy afro.

4. I'm tired of hearing/reading things like: "Afro hair does not grow." ... "Afro hair is hard to take care of." ... "Is that all yours?" ... "Long hair is a WHITE trait." ... and other stupid statements.

5. Many of the women in my family have long-ish hair.

Now that I know that it's possible and, according to some sources, was even common for many African women prior to the Diaspora, I do not consider long hair on a black woman to be an anomaly.:yep:
Agreed with the above post. It's as if type 4 hair can't get long. I've always had long hair but I have never really known how to care for it then get frustrated an hack it off. That's when people look at me as if I'm less ...me. Long hair is a sort of status symbol. Like you have to have patience, time (leisure), and money to have long hair. Long hair equals "good" hair or "good" genes. Well my genes and my 4abc hair are great! I'm at that point I want to prove it to myself that the work is worth it.
The bible says that to a woman long hair is a glory, so that's reason number one.

I want to prove to myself I'm just as pretty without a weave. I've been addicted to weaves as a protective style for so long I sort of forgot who and what was underneath.

I also want to set a good example for my future children to let them know that Black is beautiful. I also need to get a good regimen down so I can pass it on to my children (something my mother never did).
Shoot.....prolly so I can turn around and cut it again like I always do. When you get there you love it, then it gets old. Then you want it again, then it gets old again.....LOL

I've noticed since I have had shorter hair I wear it loose almost everyday but when my hair was long, it usually ended up in a ponytail simply because of the lack of styles.
I wanna prove to myself that I can. Also EVERYONE around me thinks you can't have really long hair unless you have some kinda mixture in you, so I wanna prove them wrong.
I want long sexy hair that is MINE. I wanna be asked is it a weave and say no, lol.
Because I like the femininity of long hair (not that short hair isnt or cant be feminine), and long hair looks best on me. I also want hair that falls past my hips so when I braid it, it hits WL. My man having hair to (lightly) pull on is a nice incentive too. I would love for my hair to fully cover the girls and the booty. Be lookin all mermaidish and thangs (in my Sheryl Underwood voice). Lol

ETA: The longest my hair has ever been in the past is WL, and fortunately, I have surpassed WL. I want to see just how long it can grow. There is a spiritual element for me as well (@Enyo noted this too), as hair is a woman's crowning glory...if she has LONG hair it is a glory to her, for she is given it as a covering (paraphrased I Corinthians 11:15, emphasis added). Therefore, I intend to grow my hair longer indefinitely, and keep it that way (no cutting).

RegaLady ^^^^

There is also reference that it is a source of strength.
Maybe someone should start a topic on why hair is seen as spiritual or a source of strength. My aunty believes that hair is very powerful and spiritual. She's not about length or texture either. In the Mende culture in Sierra Leone and Liberia, a woman's hair is considered to be her beauty and the more she has the more fertile she is considered. There are also so many references to hair in the bible (i.e. Samson and Delilah). And many people who grow locs often tell me that the longer their locs get the more power it contains. In some African cultures, they will forbid young girls to cut or shave their heads. My best friend believes that long and healthy hair signifies healthy genes and also that one takes very good care of themselves. Estelle the singer said she used to have very long hair growing up and her mother who was a Senegalese rasta didn't believe that women should cut their hair.

Almond Eyes
I know this is bad but I want to show my husbands family that black women can grow long hair. They are really good, nice people, but I have heard some people say that black women's hair does not grow or shoulder lenght is as long as it will get. Oh, DH is white, incase you didn't know.
IMO i just feel sexier with long hair and i feel like theres sooo much more you can do when it comes to styling (whether ur lazy or creative) theres just more options to me
I'm a believer in wearing my hair out (when its been treated well and my ends aren't rough, etc). I don't see the point in reaching your hair goal whatever short or long that may be and only PS'ing your hair. Sure I'll PS to REACH my hair goals then Imma go buck wild and wear it out ERRRRRDAY. At that point, since I'm at my goal, I just have to maintain the length. That way if I get split ends from it rubbing again my back/whatever then I can just dust and still have the same length. I like having long hair because it is easier to style and there's more variety of styles.