Well-Known Member
I'm a believer in wearing my hair out (when its been treated well and my ends aren't rough, etc). I don't see the point in reaching your hair goal whatever short or long that may be and only PS'ing your hair. Sure I'll PS to REACH my hair goals then Imma go buck wild and wear it out ERRRRRDAY. At that point, since I'm at my goal, I just have to maintain the length. That way if I get split ends from it rubbing again my back/whatever then I can just dust and still have the same length. I like having long hair because it is easier to style and there's more variety of styles.
While I understand your desire, I feel the need to say that it seems pointless to PS our way to our goal and then abandon the method that helped grow it out in the first place. It's like someone who goes on a diet, slims down, and then celebrates by eating anything they want. I'm not saying that everyone has to be like me (I rarely allow people to see how much hair I actually have), but it's pretty obvious that PSing IS a way of maintaining length. Keeping as a part of your haircare routine seems like the smarter approach, even if it's just one or two days a week.
I can't speak for the ladies here, but all my friends in "real life" with long/longish healthy hair wear it up once in a while or give their hair a break by wearing a well-placed weave or wig. My best friend who had hip length, healthy, silky, naturally straight hair wore a bun at least once a week.
Also, a lot of us are growing our hair for us an no one else. There are Muslim ladies on here who wear hijab every day in public. I think at one point there was an Orthodox Jewish woman who also covered. Knowing my hair is getting quite long is a personal pleasure that I do not always care to share with strangers. When I do wear it out, it's because I'm doing something that I want to look as beautiful as possible for - often a fancy dinner with family, the theatre, or an opera. People know it's a really special occasion or that they are really special people when they see all of my hair out and folks have commented that they feel special to have seen how long/big it is. I love that.