Vent Thread!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but vent time! I am so MAD!!! Yes.........Okay so I went on a date for the second time with this guy I meant online. So we are out to dinner having a great time conversing and everything and then he had the nerve to say..........I hope you know this counts as second base boo. I looked at him like WTF! And then he was like nah, I'm just kidding. I knew he wasn't kidding cause I've learned when people say things supposedly kidding, they really are serious. It ruined the rest of the date and frankly I'm not even feeling him anymore. The type of trash out there to date is so ridiculous. I just don't understand it! If men want sex upfront then why not go to dating sites that cater to that!! Plain and simple! I'm so mad right now!!
Yeah, been there and done it. I don't get it. I agree, go to one of "those" sites and be done with it, why waste my time.
Guys don't have common sense nowadays, I swear. Even if he was thinking that, it was bone-headed of him to say it to you. Good lord.
Yeah........I don't understand these men either. Dating is already difficult but ish like this makes it ten times worse. Then on top of that, this punk arse tried to say he was a God fearing man. I looked at him side ways. I mean if you were so God fearing you wouldn't be so disrespectful. I gotta admit, I'm also tired of men using the God fearing slogan. That done played out!