Vent all you want in this post about anything.

So.... I'm at work discussing a Hughes poem with my students "Daybreak in Alabama" and I'm like "ok read his mini-bio, now read the poem, " pause " what is he talking about when he says brown people?" They respond "black people. Oh naw he means Latinos and Mexicans" I say "correct ok now who are red people," they say "Indians?" I correct them and say native Americans, I then ask "now who are the yellow people" they sit and think for a while and one girl says "Asians maybe?" Slick kid in the corner says "chinks" and snickers y'all I was two steps off his a** the look on my face stopped his laughter but I really wanted to hit the kid in his mouth

I teach in Ms, and I bet you can guess who or what the snarky kid was.
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ETA: @Kinky4Agirl, I likes you round here so keep it light on the language, they will give you the boot.[/QUOTE]

Leesh, thanks. I will remember what you said about keeping it light.

Ok, it is Monday and my supervisor is absent again. She makes me sick. Why is it that she can always skip out whenever she feels like it but when we try to do it all hell is breaking loose!!! Hey horseface, we have lives too.


I miss the guy I dated before my BF. He is so sexy and I saw him this weekend. I even had a very vivid sexy dream about him last night. I even texted him but he hasn't answered... yet
Wow! She just burst out the gate like Omarion!

LadyLibra has gone on to glory :lachen:
my son is very ill ,has a viral infection yesterday after waiting 5 hours in ER i took him home and fell asleep with him ..he s so unwell ,I m worried sick about the fact he s not eating and losing weight rapidly ..he does drink milk and water so docs are not overly worried but ME?..I m so worried ,I just feel like crying ...
Kindheart, I am so saddened by your comment. I hope your son will be ok. It sounds so serious. How old is he and what are the doctors doing to help him. Does he have a fever? Babies are like that sometimes you know. They get infections and little things all the time and we as parents are scared to death. But they always survive and start laughing and kicking in no time. I am praying for you girl. Be strong. Like the doctor said, if he still has an apetite and he is still drinking milk and water, he will be ok.
Kindheart...I hope your son gets well soon.

To the two girls at my job that always have something to say about what i'm doing all the way from the other side of the office...
Maybe neither one of you hoes would be so mad at me if you weren't so unhappy with your selves. Its not my fault that you both are shaped like line backers with granny booties and have the nerve to wear leggings with a short top. Stop drinking all that damn coca Cola and try some squats. Do something with your hair and stop being a ****** then maybe life will be a happier place. PS just because your boobs stick out further than your stomach, that don't mean you can hide that low chilling on your thighs gut.
i'm just mad i'm up eating a chicken pot pie an a pb&j sandwich. it's 4am now. i'm scared to go back to sleep, i might oversleep.
This lt better come in, sit down an shut the fluck up if he knows what's good.

Yesterday meauxfeaux wore converse sneakers into work knowing its about to be a hurricane. Today he called and made our sergeant go pick him up because he ran out of gas. Just stay home!! We don't need your dumbarse trying to breathe down our necks. We have no equipment anyway so making us stand on post is not happening!!

And these DOT people need to stop trying to take over the police room... There isn't even enough space for US in here...
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:lachen: I was coming in here to vent about an umbrella incident, but I realize my vent was nothing compared to op's!! Lol!

@Kindheart - I hope your son gets well soon!! How old is he?
Its 5am please stop texting me regarding girlfriend drama surrounding the woman you have been dating for 3 days. i love you but hellz no right now ok :nono:
Kinky4Agirl said:
Kindheart, I am so saddened by your comment. I hope your son will be ok. It sounds so serious. How old is he and what are the doctors doing to help him. Does he have a fever? Babies are like that sometimes you know. They get infections and little things all the time and we as parents are scared to death. But they always survive and start laughing and kicking in no time. I am praying for you girl. Be strong. Like the doctor said, if he still has an apetite and he is still drinking milk and water, he will be ok.

Kinky4Agirl thank you so much ,i truly appreciate your words,he s still unwell ,the fever still reaches high peaks and ER doc said he has a virus therefore he can't give him any medications aside ipobrufen,paracetamol to lower the fever and throat spray cause he can't swallow solids . He s off food apart from milk ( with rice powder ) .what worries me is also the fact he s eems so tired even when the fever is down and had milk . It's like he doesn't have much energy at all . This morning he was very cuddly and fell asleep half hour after he woke up . I m gonna call the docs again and ask for a home visit ,i refuse to take him out again ,don't want to stress him out any further . He s 25 months .
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Why my supervisor talk so much? We were in a meeting and the customer kept sayin not right now but he kept revisiting it....just let it go for Gods sake...everyone's tired now...tired of listening to you. Oh I get like to hear yourself talk...that's what it is
Look heffer... It's not my fault you didn't get your food stamps this month. If you had sent in what you were supposed to send, we wouldn't be in this situation. You're already in here begging the state to feed your a** so sit down and act like you have some sense.
My bd can be so clueless sometimes smh talking about ds shoes are too small......then buy some new ones ninja! Ugh
Wow! She just burst out the gate like Omarion!
:lachen::lachen: I hate chu!!! this gif will never get old! ...

Tell em why you mad OP!!!

One's a random thought from a dude that I came across during my morning walk at the park and the other is a rant about the guy i'm talking to.

Random guy At the track:
Sir, you are sitting here attempting to talk to me, get my number,take me out to dinner, even try to set up regular walking/jogging days with me and you just had a baby less then a week ago?? Does your daughter have all the amniotic fluid out of her lungs yet?? In fact is your baby momma or girlfriend, whatever you call her fully recovered ??? And u have the audacity to think that i'm truly going to deal with you? You are messing up my workout right now i'd appreciate if you go to that lake over there and proceed to jump.

My Cancer Man : (we've been talking for a while.)
You've gotta be phucking kidding me. So you expect me to sit here, while you're "busy" doing everything that you want to do and WAIT, for you to decide when we can finally spend some time together. Asked me to be patient, there's just so much going on in your world right now. Right muthaphucka, going to events and bars every weekend is just soooooooo time consuming. Yet I go out pass 10 pm and the first question u ask me is if i'm going on a date with another man? WHY cause u realize you're not bothering to put in effort and another man probably will?? THEN when I tell you it's been long enough, let me know when u can make time for me, YOU have the nerve to be upset and get an attitude? NINJA IS YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW! PLEASE get your man panties out the crease of your nut sac and go sit down with that sh*t.
Ok, so you cut your dic* off because you like men. And you had them make you a fake vagina. ( That is so old school). Now the jokes on you bi*ch. Most gays like to suck dic*.... What you gone do now you nasty ninja???? lol... he-he-he-he-he.
Ladies like you make good men turn BAD!! Whhhhhy!!!

huh? Good men turn bad because they've fell in love and got their heartbroken all of ONE time.OR a woman has ran over them, used and abused them and taken advantage of them. Not because they're already being an as$hole. If you believe a woman can make a good man turn bad when he's already an As$, My dear you've got a lot to learn about men.
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I wish I could b***h slap my mil just once with no repercussions. Nothing shes done lately, she still deserves it for all her past and future bs
huh? Good men turn bad because they've fell in love and got their heartbroken all of ONE time.OR a woman has ran over them, used and abused them and taken advantage of them. Not because they're already being an as$hole. If you believe a woman can make a good man turn bad when he's already an As$, My dear you've got a lot to learn about men.

I couldn't have said it better myself!:clapping: