Vaseline is the ultimate!!!!!


I'm not sure if you guys remember my hair dilema...dry, brittle, breaking and all that good stuff, well I decided to try the 7 day vaseline challenge. Instead of putting it on my ends I put it on the damaged parts (which happened to be midway to the ends). I could only complete 2 days of the challenge because I had the vaseline on 50% of my hair. I washed and cond w/A.O. (and no I didn't get it all out, didn't want to use too much poo and have something go wrong). I rollerset and bam!!!! My hair was fabulous

It looked like I just came from the shop. The only down side was by not removing all of the vaseline my hair has been greasy but full of body..go figure.

I said all of that to say, if you are having problems with extremly dry and brittle hair that is breaking like crazy, before cutting or trying something that will take your whole check, try vaseline, what do you have to loose?


I would like to give a shout out to whoever created the challenge, I'm sorry I forgot who but God bless you honey!!
i cant bring myself to do straight up vaseline, but i am gonna get some unpetroleum jelly soon...but its alot of ppl on the boards who do use vaseline...and that girl with knee length hair on youtube only uses melted vaseline and nexxus
I keep reading about vaseline and I'm so tempted to try it.

Iri9109 - who has knee length hair on YT? Can you post a link? TIA.
I have never tried Vaseline in my hair but I just bought the new Vaseline Cocoa Butter petroleum jelly for my lips and lashes. That would probably be great for hair as well
I have never tried Vaseline in my hair but I just bought the new Vaseline Cocoa Butter petroleum jelly for my lips and lashes. That would probably be great for hair as well

well that's interesting. what does it do for your lashes? does it lengthen them kinda like mascara?
well that's interesting. what does it do for your lashes? does it lengthen them kinda like mascara?

It is like a lash conditioner. I put it on sometimes before bed. Makes them stronger, yes perhaps a little longer, but mostly thicker because I hardly loose lashes anymore :yep:
Vaseline is not good for the scalp but as a sealant to retain hair its great. Better than any butter IMHO!! I use on my ends and experience little to no breakage!
my pleasure. her hair is gorgeous. i know a lot of women don't want to grow their hair that long, but to have the ability to do it is awesome.
I just put vaseline on my ends this morning.

After washing and applying conditioner, I pulled my hair back in a pony and put a dab of the unfairly maligned petroleum-derived grease on the very ends (1-2 inches) and twisted them into a mini-bun (my hair is neck length). I took my bun down a few mins ago and my ends are so soft and very "moist" feeling and definitely non-greasy! Best of all, no knots!

After this experience, and everything else I've read in this thread, I plan to try it on the extra rough and dry spot on the top of my head--nothing seems to work there. Will report back after I try it.
Vaseline is not good for the scalp but as a sealant to retain hair its great. Better than any butter IMHO!! I use on my ends and experience little to no breakage!

I love some grease on my scalp....but I'm seriously thinking about using it on my ends. I don't think the Hot Six Oil is doing that much justice to my hair. I will try it and report back. Need to hurry up because I can't change my products after the New Year for a whole year....le sigh
I just put vaseline on my ends this morning.

After washing and applying conditioner, I pulled my hair back in a pony and put a dab of the unfairly maligned petroleum-derived grease on the very ends (1-2 inches) and twisted them into a mini-bun (my hair is neck length). I took my bun down a few mins ago and my ends are so soft and very "moist" feeling and definitely non-greasy! Best of all, no knots!

After this experience, and everything else I've read in this thread, I plan to try it on the extra rough and dry spot on the top of my head--nothing seems to work there. Will report back after I try it.

I'm wearing braids now but I want to try this after I remove them.:yep:
Does anyone have a problem with acne after using the vaseline?

i would think as long as you keep it on your ends and not your whole length of hair as well as wear a bonnet or scarf at nite you shouldnt have anything to worry about.

keeping your hair wrapped at nite would be a must since the vaseline would rub off on your pillow case and on to your face.
so y'all are saying Vaseline can repair split ends ??????:perplexed

putting on dry, damaged ends. and giving it a try before thinking of totally trimming !??
so, is it better to seal the ends with the vaseline while wet, or can one use vaseline on dry ends as well, say, during the week at night before I braid it up and go to bed?
so, is it better to seal the ends with the vaseline while wet, or can one use vaseline on dry ends as well, say, during the week at night before I braid it up and go to bed?

My ends are still super soft this morning!

I've noticed that vaseline works best on wet/damp hair or skin (I use it on my ashy legs, sometimes) because it's a good sealant but does not penetrate hair or skin.

Using it on dry hair might yield icky results. Try spaying your ends/braids with a bit of water before applying vaseline.
so y'all are saying Vaseline can repair split ends ??????:perplexed

putting on dry, damaged ends. and giving it a try before thinking of totally trimming !??

NOTHING repairs split ends, although some products might make them less obvious by laying the cuticle flat and providing moisture. That said, vaseline is excellent at sealing the moisture in, which results in more pliable, soft-feeling hair.
My ends are still super soft this morning!

I've noticed that vaseline works best on wet/damp hair or skin (I use it on my ashy legs, sometimes) because it's a good sealant but does not penetrate hair or skin.

Using it on dry hair might yield icky results. Try spaying your ends/braids with a bit of water before applying vaseline.

When I was a kid I used to put vaseline on my legs when we were out of lotion - nothing worked better for my little ashy legs! :)

Thank you so much! I will wet my ends and give this a try. My hair is really healthy right now, and I have a great scalp concotion, I just think I need soemthing more specifically for my ends! I think this can work!

Thanks for coming out vaseline ladies! :) Vaseline/petroleum is quite demonized, so it's nice to know that it's working well for you all.

You ladies are the greatest! :blowkiss:
NOTHING repairs split ends, although some products might make them less obvious by laying the cuticle flat and providing moisture. That said, vaseline is excellent at sealing the moisture in, which results in more pliable, soft-feeling hair.

And less breakage = retaining lenghth. The reason Vaseline has a bad rep.. it's because used on skin/scalp (living organism) it will clog up and will not allow anything to penetrate/breathe through. That's how powerful it is as a sealant . On dead keratin however (which is what hair is) it is perfect especially on the ends, since these are the oldest part of your hair, sealing moisture in and acting like a shield that doesn't (hardly) allow any bad external influences in like smog, smoke etc. It's heavy protecting and softening!