Vacation with my Best Friend...and HER BOYFRIEND?


Well-Known Member
Backstory...last year my bff and I went to the Virgin Islands for a vacation (her family is from there) and said we'd be coming back this year for carnival!

Well, she invited me to go again and sent me the dates, only I just found out her boyfriend is coming too?!?!? I am cool with her bf, but it feels a little 3rd wheel-ish to me, especially because we'd all be staying at her mom's condo.

I told her my concerns and she doesn't mind, and honestly I think she would probably be a little hurt if I don't go. It could be fun, but seeing them lovey dovey on the beach would probably have me feeling extra single.

I'm very undecided...what would you ladies do?!?!?
I wouldn't go. I got invited to go on vacation with some folks a couple of years ago. I realized after we got there that it was a lovers weekend. That sucked :ohwell:
dont waste your money:nono: dont you all hate when ppl make it seem like its a girls night out or outing and she brings her man with her:drunk:
Pass. I did this before where I was friends with both the girl and guy. They ended up fighting and then making up....drove my *** crazy. While I was sitting there looking bored and wanting to leave.
That would be a little odd. If for nothing else knowing that even though she says it will be okay it will be a lovers trip.
Can you bring another single friend. That is the only way I would go. I don't have time to be a third wheel on a vacation. That sounds annoying.
Can you bring another single friend. That is the only way I would go. I don't have time to be a third wheel on a vacation. That sounds annoying.

Great idea! I asked one of our other mutual friends and she said she may go...if she does, I probably will. If she doesn't, I think I'll pass and save my money for a another trip. :yep:

Thanks ladies for all the responses! Very helpful advice :sneakyhug:
I know how you feel.... and no I'd probably pass. It's not just the "feeling single" thing that bothers me, but also the fact that what if some type of "drama" occurs? What if she feels like he's trying to flirt or make a pass at you? What if? what if?, I just couldn't do it. That is TOO close for comfort IMO. :nono: The only way I'd do that is if we're related somehow.

I was thinking too the same idea about asking if you can bring another single friend w/you on this trip so that you don't feel like such a third wheel. YKWIM??? She can only say no. I think if she's your friend and has the circumstances she would understand.
Yes your BFF would probably be hurt. I'm sure she would love to her both of you on vacation with her. However, I'm not the 3rd wheel type. I know people who does not care and would go with no problem. That's not me. I would respectfully pass.
I don't think I'd even try bringing a friend either. It can get messy. What if your guest bails at the last minute? What if, what if like Crystalicequeen said. I hate when friends do this. It just doesn't work to go on vaca with your gf and your bf. Like others have stated being a 3rd wheel is no fun.
This could prove messy. Don't go. :nono:

If u do, have your own solo plans set up and just see them when u do.
Well, she invited me to go again and sent me the dates, only I just found out her boyfriend is coming too?!?!? I am cool with her bf, but it feels a little 3rd wheel-ish to me, especially because we'd all be staying at her mom's condo.

Exactly why I skipped a trip to Jamaica last year. Supposed to be a girls vac and she eventually ended up invited her bf. I said Thanks but No Thanks. Rubbish
I would take another friend. Are you friends with your friend's bf? And are they the type of couple to act all lovey dovey all the time?

Or maybe the BF could invite another friend.... me and bf were thinking about doing something like that for SB.
I would take another friend. Are you friends with your friend's bf? And are they the type of couple to act all lovey dovey all the time?

Or maybe the BF could invite another friend.... me and bf were thinking about doing something like that for SB.

One of our mutual friends may go...but at this point, I'm definitely leaning towards not going and saving my money for another trip, just the girls.

I'm cool with her BF, but we're not friends like that. And I wouldn't want to hang out with any of his friends for a vacation...that would just feel like a really long, and potentially really awkward date, lol.