Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.5

Hi ladies! Hope everyone enjoy the holiday, I was bored since I couldn't get home didn't do anything at all. I ordered HV green tea, that the best grease so far for me there is no water so less shrinkage.
I only bought Almond Glaze from Hairveda. I was trying to focus on what I didn't have especially since there wasn't a sale.

In coming back to the board I've accepted I haven't really taken care of my hair since I left. That was about 2 years ago when I met my baby. We're still together and doing very well. Anyways in the past two years I've been back sporadically. I've decided I'm back for good bc I take care of my hair when I'm on here consistently. It's also why I'm focused on Hairveda because when I originally came to the board Hairveda got my hair back to healthy. Okay speech over :look:.
I only bought Almond Glaze from Hairveda. I was trying to focus on what I didn't have especially since there wasn't a sale.

In coming back to the board I've accepted I haven't really taken care of my hair since I left. That was about 2 years ago when I met my baby. We're still together and doing very well. Anyways in the past two years I've been back sporadically. I've decided I'm back for good bc I take care of my hair when I'm on here consistently. It's also why I'm focused on Hairveda because when I originally came to the board Hairveda got my hair back to healthy. Okay speech over :look:.


See that's what I'm talmbout:lol: Anyway, you better stay on here.

I'm sure your hair will be back on track in no time.

Hmp. I bet BJ glad you back!:lol:.......:dollar:
I think I'm gonna do a full out detox on my hair again. I just don't wanna fork out the money for the Terressentials. Any other detoxs that compare to Terressentials? I know there used to be a thread but I can't find it.

You can always use Bentonite?

What about SM Purification Mask? There are some other Hair Detoxes & Clays out there.

ETA: BlueRozeBeauty's Rhassoul Coffee DC'er I think? And didn't that JMonique Naturals have a Hair Detox Rx?
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Shay72 You can always use Bentonite? What about SM Purification Mask? There are some other Hair Detoxes & Clays out there.
Yeah I use the SM Purification mask as a DC. To me it's not as much detoxifying as it is moisturizing. I was thinking bentonite since it is pretty inexpensive. I do have some detox/clay bars already from Bobeam too. I think I may start with them. Then if I don't see much difference I'll get some bentonite. Thanks :yep:!

I think (if I can remember) in the Coffee/Tea Thread, folks were using Catnip to detox.

Does it work for that?

OT: Yeah, Bentonite is your best on the ground cheap option. When I bought a Jar I think a Huge Jar was like $6 & some Change.

I remember some Black Ash or Volcano Ash Rx I bought on the ground that was a detoxifier I think?

I think (if I can remember) in the Coffee/Tea Thread, folks were using Catnip to detox.

Does it work for that?

OT: Yeah, Bentonite is your best on the ground cheap option. When I bought a Jar I think a Huge Jar was like $6 & some Change.

I remember some Black Ash or Volcano Ash Rx I bought on the ground that was a detoxifier I think?
Oh I think I have some catnip tea too. I need to check.
Who has tried the Rhassoul clay? They're having a sale right now. Figure I can get two for the price of 1 Terressentials.

NVM: When you go on the Terressentials website the ingredients just say "clay minerals" but you do some research and back in the day on the bottles it said bentonite clay. Imma buy me some bentonite.
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Beamodel girl my hair was so soft...I didn't wanna stop touching it. I sprayed APB Marshmallow leave in, then put Oyin on top of that and used the APB marshmallow hair cream to do some medium twists on stretched hair. OMG! My hair is soooo freakin soft. This is it. That's my combo right there. I can't let my product ADD lead me astray from this. :lol:

Lol, I'm glad you loved the APB Oyin combo. Lovely soft moisturized hair :-)

I think imma keep it up for a while. It imparts so much moisture it's insane.
^^^It's really crazy how soft my hair is. I put some medium/large twists with braided roots on stretched hair. I untwisted and hit the town. Man, my hair looked and felt so good. It was showing a little length too...APL. :yep: I don't have pics of course. :look:

I'mma definitely keep this up. I like the APB creams to twist. Very soft and defined.
I'm down to my last tiny corner of QB's Aethiopika Butter.:sad:

I need @chebaby to re-up on some QB and then decide she hates it again.:lachen:

Which is where I've gotten mostly all my QB Stash From. :lol:

I've never really had to buy any QB.:look:

I've gotten all of my QB products on Swaps.:blush:

ETA: I just visited your Blog. Now I see - I thought School/Hospital was maybe gettin' to you.

btw: Your Hair & Make Up (as always is FIYAH):heated:

I can't beweave how much your Hair has Grown.
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Hey Girl! You know you are So Lovely!:grin:

What chu' been buyin'? And where you been?:sad:

Aww shucks! :o

Residency has kicked my butt. I am only just resurfacing post exams (I passed!:grin:). I haven't been buying anything so you know it's been rough. LOL. I am now looking online to see whats new and interesting to buy.

My poor hair. Good thing I am wearing a operating theatre cap most days, so it's just been thrown into ugly twists up under it. Mess. Today I finally have time to do the whole shebang - prepoo, shampoo,DC x2, got teas brewing and all that good stuff.

How you been doing? I miss y'all.
I ordered some bentonite. My goal was to order it and not have to pay for shipping or to get it with shipping for less than $10. Because I know I can drive to Vitamin Shoppe and get it for $7.79. It's hot as hail, I ain't driving nowhere unless I have too! Anyways I ordered it on eBay for $7.48 like at 2am. Free shipping. It's already shipped. I'll try it out and let y'all know. If it's good I will share the seller.

Oh yeah my goal was also not to have to order anything else to justify the shipping or to get free shipping.
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Used up SD Razz: No back ups. Staple that I will repurchase after I'm done with my other dcs.

Used up HV Vatika Frosting: 1 back up (I had bought 4). Staple will repurchase when I'm done with more of my oils. :yep: