Use 1 buy 1 Challenge 2010 pt.3

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I anticipate some shedding but hopefully nothing abnormal. In case I do experience it what would you gals recommend I do to prevent this in the future ?
Natural, I'm going through my stuff with a fine tooth comb - I anticipate I will not use them but sell them or gift them. I don't want to go into 2011 with baggage.
I finished a bottle of JBCO. I do have one back up but it is mixed with saa and I use it for my brows and eyelashes. I have seen a definite difference in my eyelashes, brows not as much. I will not repurchase JBCO. Since HV's Cocasta has a base of castor oil I will stick with it.
Well....I checked my e-mail and my 2nd order of Ori says it's here & "Out For Delivery":look: and the same with my Komaza Order.:look:

I will check in a few to see if they've made their way into my Mailbox.:ohwell:

Still no Curlmart.:sad:

That comes via UPS and it is usually alot faster than it has been lately.:nono:

They have gotten ridiculously S-L-O-W.:ohwell:
I finished a bottle of JBCO. I do have one back up but it is mixed with saa and I use it for my brows and eyelashes. I have seen a definite difference in my eyelashes, brows not as much. I will not repurchase JBCO. Since HV's Cocasta has a base of castor oil I will stick with it.

Speaking of JBCO, I have 1 Bottle Left (that I've been saving for Fall/Winter, but it's only like 4 ounces:ohwell:) I hope it will last me. I may mix some with my MN in a Jar.

I prolly won't buy as much JBCO as I have in the past. I may only get like 1 8 ounce bottle. I have Cocosta now as not.:yawn:
Wash day tommorrow, im going to prepoo with bbac, wash with homemade poo, condition and detangle with some elucence mbc still got about half a liter of this. Dc with wdt and braid with lucious, still working on this jar but should be used up soon.
I Noticed that my Stash (in Stashville) has greatly diminished.:look: I am so pleased with that.:grin:

I still have some products to work on, but for the most part, I can see my way clear of alot of things.:yep:

Don't get me wrong, I still have a TON of Salon Brands & Dominican Products to get through.:perplexed's a lot better than it use to be. I have some space free-d up, I may take all the Handmades/Naturals out to Stashville once the weather cools down a little more and stays cool.
I am having a really rough day today and I came home and got a box from Brownie that put a huge smile on my face.:kiss: Thank you Brownie!!! Now how do you all use the mixed greens?
hi ladies
i finally got my lil stankin butter. and it really is staking too. i asked for tropical scent. she sent me vanilla. which would not be a problem since i love vanilla except this vanilla smells like rubber. i cant put it on my skin even though it feels amazing because i refuse to smell like rubber. the texture is amazing though. smoother than sunshine and coconut confidence. i just wish the smell was different.
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hi ladies
i finally got my lil stankin butter. and it really is staking too. i asked for tropical scent. she sent me vanilla. which would be a problem since i love vanilla except this vanilla smells like rubber. i cant put it on my skin even though it feels amazing because i refuse to smell like rubber. the texture is amazing though. smoother than sunshine and coconut confidence. i just wish the smell was different.

I gave that Amaka a "Negative" Review and she gave me a "Negative" Response.:blush::lachen:

Will you give them a review???:look:
oh and i used up my honey hemp conditioner. i have a 16oz backup.
i co washed with my honey hemp conditioner and then left it all in.
i did do twists last night and today the twist out turned out pretty cute. the only problem was the front twists the ends were stick straight for some reason and i wanted to try the lil stankin butter so i co washed.

I got my 2nd order of Ori Organics today. (Again, Very Fast Shipping) I think everything smells exactly the same.:look: Kinda like a light buttercream smell. My DC'er is almost a cross between Buttercream/Maple Syurp.:yep:

All in all, I think they smell alike.:perplexed (Which I don't have a problem's just 'interesting' 'tis all)

I wanted that "Sealant" that they have listed (for my ends), but it still says OOS.:perplexed I did buy some Komaza Jojoba & Hemp Sealant. So, I will be content with that.:yep:
thats so messed up lol.

no, i never review on etsy. or anywhere else for that matter. i just come on here and tell you guys.

Brownie was telling me she did one and the Seller sent her a $10.00 Gift Card/Credit, so I said okay "why not?".

Alls I got was practically Cussed Out!:swearing: :angry2: :blah:

I am going to use mine like a grease I think. It was so very nice of Ms. B. I will be thinking about you and Ms B when I am working on my HV cart tuesday!:yep:

Thinkin' 'bout how we stayin' up all night doin' the Brother Franklin Dance in front of the computer!:lachen:

By Midnight, I'll be looking like::spinning:
What did her negative review of you say T? These sellers are something else.

She wanted to specifically know which ones looked sloppily made and a whole "lecture" on how her stuff is individually handmade and she doesn't have it sitting on the shelf....:yawn: snoozer....:rolleyes:

I may respond....but I may just let my purse do the talkin'.:rolleyes:
Thinkin' 'bout how we stayin' up all night doin' the Brother Franklin Dance in front of the computer!:lachen:

By Midnight, I'll be looking like::spinning:

I will be thinking about yall being up all night but I am going to get you ladies a few things when I get up and order first thing the next morning:lachen:
I will be thinking about yall being up all night but I am going to get you ladies a few things when I get up and order first thing the next morning:lachen:

Girl, you know we gon' be gettin' our groove on.....:look:

tryna' beat all the Lurkers....:rolleyes:

Imma try to stay up:blush: At least until 1:00 a.m.:nono:
I really want to wash my hair tonight but I guess I will just stick to my schedule and wash tomorrow.

I think I may start using cassia and the rest of my powders as tea rinses, I just don't feel like using the paste at this point. Maybe i will revisit the paste later.
Yeah, since I did mine yesterday......I was thinking about tomorrow (my Regular Wash Day):ohwell:.

But....I may Henna/Indigo on Sunday.
I got in a tit for tat with someone on Ebay. I finally had to tell her to stop that I had moved on.

Girl.....I didn't want it to 'go there' :look:

But, if she's that concerned about my displeasure, she should 'Refund' my Money!:rolleyes:

Bottomline is: I was not pleased with the Product or the Level Of Customer Service I received. 'Nuff Said.:rolleyes:
Girl.....I didn't want it to 'go there' :look:

But, if she's that concerned about my displeasure, she should 'Refund' my Money!:rolleyes:

Bottomline is: I was not pleased with the Product or the Level Of Customer Service I received. 'Nuff Said.:rolleyes:
wasnt that a month ago? and shes still *****ing:ohwell:
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