Use 1 buy 1 Challenge 2010 pt.1

hope everyone is doing well!!
@chebaby: girl you know I can't say anything but great haul! I've been giving away products that don't work for me to get more..LOL
by the way do check your pms ;)
Had this great plan to cowash my hair and finish up the liter concoction and twist my hair up for the week using VF, BRBC and some butter, but then my friend called wanting to go see Death at a Funeral. Seeing that she is going thru some things i can forgo doing my hair tonight and be a good friend and have a good laugh.
Maybe I didn't use the SAS or Tea Tree Condish correctly because it didn't do anything special for my hair. It was okay for a cowash but I would never DC with the SAS.

You're Right.:yep: They Make a Great Co-Wash!

But I wouldn't even consider DC'ing with it. (Too Watery/Runny).:blush: I don't think it's meant for DC'ing anyway. IMO: It's more of an Instant Conditioner.:yep:
Hey ladies!

I havent finished anything since my last report in. Ive been fighting the urge to buy; I'm doing well so far. Sorry that Ive been a bit MIA. Between school and OT, I havent been posting in the hair forum. Oh and I got accepted to two schools so far. Waiting to hear from the rest.
Hey ladies!

I havent finished anything since my last report in. Ive been fighting the urge to buy; I'm doing well so far. Sorry that Ive been a bit MIA. Between school and OT, I havent been posting in the hair forum. Oh and I got accepted to two schools so far. Waiting to hear from the rest.

Congrats!! The rest are coming don't you worry.:grin:
i used to deep condition overnight with giovanni sas and i loved it. i did that relaxed and when i first went natural. i cant do it now because my natural hair holds on to too much moisture and my hair will get mush at the drop of a dime. i thought when i went natural i would have trouble keeping my hair moisturized but its the total opposite. i have issues keeping a good amount of protein in my hair.
Well I tried a wash n go with BeeMine's curly butter and hated it :nono:. I did use up the sample :grin:. Then I remembered oh yeah I've done this before and I didn't like it that much then :look:.
my curlmart order for the milkshake shipped yaaaayyyyy.

and my buttersnbars shea butter and sweet almond oil came today as well as my sunshine products.
which means that tomorrows washngo will be done with kbb hair milk and sunshine lol.
Well Ladies..........We're Approaching another Weekend YAY! TGIF! I don't have another day in me to do!:rolleyes:

Still deciding whether to make my Hair Day Friday or Saturday? I may 'opt' for Saturday, since I am re-applying my Indigo. IK that will stay on at least 2hours. Maybe I can wear it to my Pedi Appt. under a Scarf Saturday a.m.

I was in my 'Stash' earlier and re-arranged some things. I put all the 16oz Jarred DC'ers in a certain area. All the 6-8 ounce Jars in one area. I have tubes & bottles all in their own respective areas.

I did find some Mizani Night-time I knew I had. It was behind some other things. I will eventually put that into my rotation.

I am currently using, almost finished with, and loving this Vitale Body & Bounce Moisturizing Hair Cream. Very, very Moisturizing. I'll definitely re-purchase it again. I have about 1-3 uses left in the Jar. It really keeps my hair nicely moisturized especially under the Durag & Wig.:look:

But after it's finished will move on to BeeMine Luscious Moisturizing Balancing Hair Cream.:yep:
Hey ladies!

I havent finished anything since my last report in. Ive been fighting the urge to buy; I'm doing well so far. Sorry that Ive been a bit MIA. Between school and OT, I havent been posting in the hair forum. Oh and I got accepted to two schools so far. Waiting to hear from the rest.
Congrats Day!!!!

MKD, is that you in your avatar? You are absolutely stunning!!!!
:blowkiss:Yeah, that's me Lamara. Thanks, I finally got the courage to post my face :blush:
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honestly i dont think ive tried anything by giovanni i didnt like. oh wait, i didnt like the 50:50 conditioner:sad:. it made my hair frizzy.

I love the 50:50. I was just in TJ Maxx and I spied some Giovanni and I made a beeline for it, it was the TTTT though. Too bad I already have a pump of it that is half full!:lachen:
T, i love mizani(well i should say used to) night time moisturizer. when i was relaxed, whenever i had breakage i would put that on my ends two nights in a row and it would stop the breakage in its tracks.

my wash day will be this sunday as usual. i cant wait to pre poo my hair with ors replenishing, i feel like i havent treated my hair in a long while. then i will shampoo and deep treat with kbb hair mask.
i guess this weekend i will do braids instead of twists. eventhough i love twists much more i love the fact that braids dont get frizzy fast. and i will braid with kbb hair milk and cream.
Che, my buttersnbars came today too. I really like that shea butter.
me too. im tempted to mix it with oils but i really like it by itself. i might mix a small batch with the sweet almond oil since ive never tried that oil before.

i didnt know that was you in your avatar. you are beautiful:yep:
me too. im tempted to mix it with oils but i really like it by itself. i might mix a small batch with the sweet almond oil since ive never tried that oil before.

i didnt know that was you in your avatar. you are beautiful:yep:
Thanks Che :kiss:
Thank you! I can't wait to be APL.

I work in the Project Management Office. They talk to me like I know what I am doing. They just wanted some fresh young ethnic blood up in here. :lachen::lachen:

Physics huh? I wish I could grasp such concepts.

I'm still trying to grasp programming. :nono:

IA: SAS is a Great Product (you should buy the Larger size:look:)

And even though I'm not one for "Shampoos" the SAS Shampoo is also Awesome.:yep:

It is!
What can I do with Vatika Frosting? Anything special? i bought it because it was on sale and I heard good stuff about it. Is it just regular ol coconut oil or something special?
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I used up my sample of Jasmines Babassu Extreme conditioner and I have one more use of that PM Super Skinny Treatment that I found. I also finished an Njoi Ayurvedic Hair Butter.

In the next week, I should finish that PM Super Skinny, a bottle of Moist 24/7, 2 vials of CeraRepair, 2 tubes of Schwarzkops Smooth Express, and a jar of WDT. I should NOT be purchasing anything...
What can I do with Vatika Frosting? Anything special? i bought it because it was on sale and I heard good stuff about it. Is it just regular ol coconut oil or something special?
if you keep it in the refrigerator it'll stay solid and you can use itas a pre poo easier. but if you like hot oil treatments you want it to melt first. basically you use it the same way you would regular coconut oil. its just smell good coconut oil.
Neither can I!! :nono:
My big Hairveda box came today!

**i will not stop at Big Lots tomorrow! I will not stop at Big Lots tomorrow!!*[/QUOTE]
Brownie, this was me all day today. Today was my daughter's bday and I was running around all day picking stuff up. I really had to make myself resist driving to big lots after I read that skala thead. I know I will not be able to resist long.
mkd, I won't be able to hold out, either, I don't think. No matter where I go tomorrow, there will be a Big Lots close by. :ohwell:

BM, I think you're right.

T, girl, hush!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Why do I have a feeling you're going to Big Lots mañana? LOL :grin:

You are very pretty! You should post your picture more often lady.
Thanks BM!!

I think I am going to hit big lots this weekend. Anyone not liking skala? At least I know if I don't like it, there are 10 ladies here I can send it to.
Thanks BM!!

I think I am going to hit big lots this weekend. Anyone not liking skala? At least I know if I don't like it, there are 10 ladies here I can send it to.

:yep: I was thinking the same thing. That thought will make me feel better about purchasing. I intend to do my best to keep it moving right on past Big Lots, though. :look: No buy!!!

mdk, you and your hair are gorgeous!! :yep:
Thanks BM!!

I think I am going to hit big lots this weekend. Anyone not liking skala? At least I know if I don't like it, there are 10 ladies here I can send it to.

:yep: I was thinking the same thing. That thought will make me feel better about purchasing. I intend to do my best to keep it moving right on past Big Lots, though. :look: No buy!!!

mdk, you and your hair are gorgeous!! :yep:

It's A Dollar!:lachen:

A Pack of Gum!:look:
MKD, Big Lots just called. They want your money.
