US men prefer long haired ladies

I think that this is very true. However, I do not know how to quite access the situation with myself. I do know, when my hair was a blondish color and long, I got tons of attention from men across the line.

In my experience, different types of men I attract with different hair styles, colors and clothing of course! With light brown w/blondish streaks (long hair) I would attract white, hispanic, and black guys. But these guys were your stereotypical pretty boys.

With dark hair (still long) I noticed more professional men took an interest in me, white, black and hispanic.

With a long pony tail (dark hair) same stereotypical pretty boys that was attracted to me with the light brown blond streaks would approach me.

With me, depending on look, clothing and hair color, the type of guys that approach me changes like a new pair of shoes lol.
how did this go from LONG hair to hair TYPE? i didn't think that's what this thread was about...

in general, most men prefer longer hair. i think i turn all kinds of heads when i wear my hair down, including blacks. people can't help what their preference is. some men like slim women. some like thick women. some women like tall men. some don't care. this isn't a good or bad hair issue IMO...
I really do believe this article and bet my husband was one of the 50 men in the interview when it was conducted.
Adrienne, this is where good hair came into the discussion:

I think it is a shame that men's eyes would light up over long hair especially in the black community. This type of behavior is sending negative message to young black girls. They begin to experience low self esteem for the first time, when that cute black guy they have a crush on want even look their way because they don't have so called "good hair ".

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Yeah, the article just addressed length, and at the end it says that they "hope to reproduce their findings in larger studies using photos of various women, including older women and women of different ethnicities." Seems like (as in most studies) they studied white guys and showed them photos of white women. They controlled variables so that the only variable was hair length.

Anyway, since we know on this board that black women can grow their hair long IF THEY SO CHOOSE, I don't see why a man's (even a black man's) preference for long hair should send a negative message. It's not like black woman=short hair.
how did this go from LONG hair to hair TYPE? i didn't think that's what this thread was about...

in general, most men prefer longer hair. i think i turn all kinds of heads when i wear my hair down, including blacks. people can't help what their preference is. some men like slim women. some like thick women. some women like tall men. some don't care. this isn't a good or bad hair issue IMO...

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I was stating my experience with hair and men. IMO hair type, ie, color, length and texture does matter. Maybe that's just my experiences. Just adding my two cents!.
Nah, girl, your post was relevant. It's perfectly normal for the thread to start to meander, just like any normal conversation.
My hair is shoulderblade legnth in back with shoulder length layers. I seem to get attention from men alot, but when I wear a wig or a phonytail, I get followed around the mall. My hubby always seemed to prefer short hair, cause his mom always sported a short cut when he was growing up. But most of the men I know love long hair.

Shorter locked ladies: Try this experiment. Get a long wig, weave, or natural looking phonytail( not one that obviously looks like a piece). Do not wear any extra makeup or sexier clothing, just look as you normally would. Sport your long hair in your local mall and see if the men react differently to you.

Growing up I knew little black girls with not-so-pretty faces but with long hair and they used to get sooo much attention from black adults.
Unfortunately, all the men that I know prefer women with long hair. Everytime I cut my hair (which is usually every summer) I get major flack (and attitude) from the males in my life. And I'm like, hey, it's still me, I'm the same person, i just have shorter hair! Geez louise.
But I still got the same amount of attn. with the long and short dos. I think it is really how you handle yourself in public that attract the opposite sex to you in the first place.
I think the article is very true across all racial lines. I know that when I sport a weave or braids that are long I get a lot of attention. My hair now is shoudler length in the back. It is medium length. The men in my family say I have a nice length. They prefer my hair to be longer than short.

I am drawn to women with longer hair. Meaning I like to see healthy long hair especially on black women because it proves that black women can have long, healthy hair. I personally think I look better with longer hair than short. So I am striving to have longer hair.
I would be more apt to agree with this study if a survey were used. That would clarify whether or not these men simply viewed THAT particular woman as better looking with longer hair or whether they preferred long hair in general.

I think that if all the physical traits men supposedly prefer in women were exposed most women would end up falling short somewhere, but I guess that's life.
I think the preference of longer hair versus shorter hair is just a preference in the overall "look". Think Cameron Diaz for example. She was very attractive with her shorter hair but more cutesy(think in "something about mary") but now in charlie's angel's 2 she is still the same pretty girl just with a more sex-pot edge. that is the only difference. Or even think Halle Berry with her short and long haired looks,or Jada Pinkett. if ur a pretty girl with style ur still a pretty girl with style whatever length of hair you sport at the time. Longer hair just stands out more(like at mall or wherever)in a crowd. Think about it..In my own experience I have highlighted hair a few inches past my shoulders,I guess a nice length to some, and I get just as much attention or more than some of my friends with hair down to their waists. I think its all how it is packaged that attracts men. But it should really be about what you urself prefer. I am just trying to grow my hair out now for a different look...who knows Ill prob cut it again next year
I think it is a shame that men's eyes would light up over long hair especially in the black community. This type of behavior is sending negative message to young black girls. They begin to experience low self esteem for the first time, when that cute black guy they have a crush on want even look their way because they don't have so called " good hair ".

As a mother of an African American son, I am trying to raise him to love his culture which includes hair type and lengths of all African American women. not just the ones who have type 1 or 2 hair.

We need to start to explain to our young men that young girls have so much offer than long hair and pretty face. how about intelligence, conversion, and i love young black women who have a since of self

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I am definitely feeling your post
Ain't that the truth! Before we got stationed overseas my hair was past my shoulders, but this hard water over here tore my hair up so when I had to get my hair cut real short my husband had a hissie fit. That's way I got braids now to try and grow it back. For me cornrows and braids grow my hair really fast.
I think that when hair is a certain lenght, or look it shows that that female takes good care of herself, healthy hair makes ppl belive that, and it can be true, I think that men see it more then just long hair short hair, but more of how a woman cares for herself, guys, there r alot of men that like a women that just takes good care of herself, I dont think u can blame AA men for changing when they see a sister with long or healthy hair, because I see ALOT OF post about A Hair sigthing, and SISTER get surpised to, they R the ones checking to see if it is really or not
Well, 7 years ago i was introduced to this guy through a couple that i worked with and things went great. He was a 32 y/o Cuban guy and he had been watching me(i had been watching him too though cause he was FINE)We started dating and moved in together and everything was cool
....until i cut my hair!!! and to top it off, to me my hair wasnt even all that long. At the time it came to the bottom of my neck but boy did he let me know he didn't like it. I never picked up on why he used to call me "his little baby doll" but it was because i used to curl my hair with the curls coming down(resembling shirley temple curls) with a little side part so the curls fell really nice around my face. When he saw me come home with my new "halle" cut (which i loved--it was so easy to just wrap and wear) The first thing he asked was,"what happened to your hair?" I know this sounds crazy but things just were not the same after that. I ended up moving out a couple months later. But off the record----We ran into each other about six months later(okay, okay---actually i got off the bus in front of his house hoping he would see what he was missing out on
) and hooked up again for a little while. We both needed a little sumthin' sumthin' and trust me, the hair didn't matter then-----ahhhhh the days of youth
I know, I know TMI, TMI
I notice that when guys describe a girl, the first things they'll mention is her shape, the color of her skin and the length of her hair. They very seldom mention the color of her eyes, her sense of humor or her charm. Everyone has a preference though.
I agree to some degree with this, men seem to like long hair, if you go back to the bible, there is a scripture that sais, the beauty of a woman is in her long hair. so its probably just a natural thing for men to react that way. Personally I am not too sure, I had my hair cut as short as halley berry, I got way more attention with my short hairstyle than with it long. I remember a guy stopping me in the metro, he was like I love your hair, you remind me of monica, when she had short hair. Maybe short hair looks better on me, but I really got more attention with my short hairstyle. wonder if I should get it cut again LOL
Halle looks better with shorter hair. She looks horrible now with that long weave that she's sportin'. I like her better with short hair. It's more becoming and I'm sure that many men would agree...
that is true, i was thinking about that today, she really looks nice with short hair. I was watching the best man the other night, and I think that nia long looks nice with short hair too. It all depends on the person
dontspeakdefeat said:
And why do black folks always have to define hair as good or bad. I agree with Supergirl. Just as long as your hair is healthy it is good hair.

So to me Good Hair= healthy thriving hair
Bad Hair= unhealthy breaking neglected hair

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I totally agree with you on that one. Everytime my friend mentions something about someone having good hair (refering to the waviness of the hair) I always ask him "What is good hair?" I feel the same way as you do. As long as you have healthy hair then you have good hair no matter what the natural texture of your hair is.
It's no surprise to me. I just think it's really sad.


I think it is a shame that men's eyes would light up over long hair especially in the black community. This type of behavior is sending negative message to young black girls. They begin to experience low self esteem for the first time, when that cute black guy they have a crush on want even look their way because they don't have so called " good hair ".

As a mother of an African American son, I am trying to raise him to love his culture which includes hair type and lengths of all African American women. not just the ones who have type 1 or 2 hair.

We need to start to explain to our young men that young girls have so much offer than long hair and pretty face. how about intelligence, conversion, and i love young black women who have a since of self

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Before I did my big chop, men would be staring at me all the time. These were mostly young ignorant boys that hollered across the street "EY GIRL!" and stuff like that. It's sickening the way guys react when they something light-skinned with long, straight hair.
After I did the chop, all of those guys were gone and I didn't miss them anyway.
Men are visually stimulated and when I told my male friends that I was cutting my hair, they were like, "nooo!" I never even thought that it was that kinda makes them weak
I worked with a beautiful black woman once (whom I mentioned in another thread who told me she ate a whole can of salmon every day for her hair growth) who had ultra-long 4-type, relaxed hair. She always wore her waist-length hair straight. Men of all races literally went crazy over her everywhere she went and I know it was mainly because of her long hair (she had a beautiful face also). I loved her long hair too - she was one of my earlier inspirations long before I found these hair boards.

It's true - men are visually stimulated. Somehow, I think long hair on women will always be a turn-on for men.
I asked my husband if he prefers long or short hair and he immediately said LONG. I also was watching Maury (shame on me
) and there was a lady there name "Marisol" who tested more than 8 men for paternity and all the men were very handsome. I thought to myself "goodness there is nothing stunning about her what could it be" then I realized she had long silky black hair down to her butt. So, I think hair matters to men in general.
I think the women on this board in general get lots of attention from men. You all take care of your hair, skin and generally seem to be funny, nice people. Just my personal opinion.