I really don't understand how APL/BSL can be considered short! To me thats medium to long. Chin length bobs are short... choppy ear-length cuts are short. :perplexed

I'm barely APL. In my opinion thats more medium than short, but not quite medium... on me.

But it seems like a lot of girls of this board have 'hair anorexia'!
How you gonna have short hair if you're BSL/MBL?
definitely -- i think it also depends on how long your hair has been most of your life. if someone can't remember ever having hair shorter than APL, then yeah they're gonna think SL is short. this isn't the case for 90% of people i know, though...

as my hair grows i think my opinion of what is long on ME is changing, but on other people i will pretty much always see SL/barely APL as medium and full APL/BSL+ as long.
I have always considered my self to have long hair, it's always been apl or longer, if I had hair past my bra i'd refer to it as really long hair lol!!!!

Even some hair modeling stuff i've looked at when I looked for certain stuff, it sectioned off the ladies with apl or longer hair in the "long hair category" and medium as neck length, short length at the jaw line and shorter.

it doesn't matter to me as long as i have some hair.
I'm APL, I consider my hair to be medium length. I'm harsher on myself than others though. For me APL-BSL is medium. MBL+ is long. On everyone IRL, SL+ medium, APL+ long.
Really?!! The idea that almost waist length is medium is weird to me.

I think shorter that SL is short. SL - APL is medium. BSL+ is long.

I think of anything shorter than a bob as ultra short, like the opposite of the ultra long category :yep:
My criterion is just what I see on a day-to-day basis. Walking around on any given day, I tend to see many women with hair bra strap length or slightly longer, so I consider this average, or medium. Closer to waist length, to me, is medium long, but still medium, while waist length is long. I consider long to be an uncommon length, and ultra long to be extremely rare.
ETA: whoops, didn't answer one of the questions. I consider my hair to be medium to medium long. I will consider it to be long when I actually hit waist length, preferably full waist length.
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Yeah that's "different", I agree...IF someone thinks that APL is short what do you call EL? Microscopic?

EL would be very, very short. Long and short are relative terms though. Just like fat and skinny. Everyone's opinion about it will be shaped by their experience and their environment.
I'm a little past SL and I consider that "medium" length. I consider APL and longer as "long", and consider chin-length and shorter as "short".
I consider my hair short especially when I come out of the shower my curls bounces in a shape of a helmet. Ill consider it Medium when all my strands reach my shoulders in its curly state and Long when It will be passed my shoulders when curly ( not stretched)
My hair is still short - at shoulder length. Around APL, I'll feel like it's medium. MBL/Waist is long.
I consider my hair medium length. I use to consider APL length long but after viewing this site it seems medium. But please be advised the moment I hit APL it will be considered long...LOL! I will be swingin my "LONG" hair everywhere I go...
I consider mine neck length. I recently cut my collarbone hair, only on the sides, to neck length so that it's even all over. I've been on this journey for about 5 years and now that my hair is relatively healthy, I'm hoping it will grow to about collarbone in the next couple of months.
For me:

Very Short: Above EL
Short: EL to SL
Medium: SL to APL
Long: APL to BSL
Very Long: BSL and longer
short = shorter than shoulder length
medium = shoulder length to brastrap length
long = anything beyond brastrap length