US men prefer long haired ladies


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For Women With Long Hair
Listen Up, Ladies - Long, Lush Locks Lure Lovers
By Dan Eaton

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Halle Berry aside, most American men show an "overwhelming" preference for women sporting long, luscious hair compared to shorter cuts, researchers report.

Oh, and sorry, Madonna: men also seem to prefer brunettes over blondes, by a wide margin.

The findings are based on interviews with 50 men conducted by psychology researcher Dr. Kelley Kline, of Florida State University in Panama City, Florida. She and co-authors Dr. Colin Peeler and undergraduate student Kim Fazzone presented their findings earlier this month at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, in Atlanta.

Numerous studies have examined the sexual appeal of various female facial characteristics or body types, but Kline said no one had looked at "perceptions of attractiveness based on hair length" until now.

In their study, the Florida team had 76 women and 50 men averaging 27 years of age rate the attractiveness of women depicted in 6 different photos.

Three of the photos were actually of the same young Caucasian woman, her hair altered by computer to short, medium and long lengths.

"We had a short-hair condition where the hair was above the ears, cropped close to the head," Kline explained in an interview with Reuters Health. "We (also) had the hair in a medium style ... just a little bit below the ears, and then we had the long-hair condition where it was at least 8 inches or more past the shoulders."

Otherwise, the woman's face and expression were exactly the same in each of the three pictures.

According to Kline, both men and women "overwhelmingly find the long hair length significantly more attractive than the short and the medium hair length."
I know that's the case for me. When I sport the afro, I do get guys trying to talk to me, but now that I have long braids, I have to beat the guys off with a stick!

I swear I feel like I have some kinda power over men with all this length. I also have to beat them off with a stick!!
I think that's generally true.
I think that's generally true.

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They just like touching it, I saw a black girl with very thick hair and the guys eyes lighted up, when they were talking to her.
ummmm well iam a uk male and i like any kind really but short hair does it for kinda like the t-boz look woooooooo so nice.
I definitely agree. Not to toot my own horn but I have always gotten alot of attention from the men
My natural hair color is reddish brown but then I got bored with it and decided to go jet black. Man,why did I do that? the men went soooo wild. Now people think I'm mixed with Indian or something (I'm Jamaican). Now that I have medium long hair (about 4-5 inches past the shoulders) and its jet black,I believe I get more attention than ever. Absolutely!

Tee Tee
I think it is a shame that men's eyes would light up over long hair especially in the black community. This type of behavior is sending negative message to young black girls. They begin to experience low self esteem for the first time, when that cute black guy they have a crush on want even look their way because they don't have so called " good hair ".

As a mother of an African American son, I am trying to raise him to love his culture which includes hair type and lengths of all African American women. not just the ones who have type 1 or 2 hair.

We need to start to explain to our young men that young girls have so much offer than long hair and pretty face. how about intelligence, conversion, and i love young black women who have a since of self

I agree with you, but men are visually stimulated and that's a fact. Remember the article didn't just say black men though--so it's not just the brothas. Also, you mentioned "good" hair and black men only liking good hair. I think that it's long hair that the men(including brothas) like. I don't consider myself to have "good" hair, but it is long & healthy--so one can have long, healthy hair without having "good" hair. And really, what I've learned from the board is that healthy hair is good hair.
And it's also important to teach our girls not to let other what other people think affect their self esteem. So what if x isn't attracted to me. It's his loss. I know I look good.

I agree with you, but men are visually stimulated and that's a fact. Remember the article didn't just say black men though--so it's not just the brothas. Also, you mentioned "good" hair and black men only liking good hair. I think that it's long hair that the men(including brothas) like. I don't consider myself to have "good" hair, but it is long & healthy--so one can have long, healthy hair without having "good" hair. And really, what I've learned from the board is that healthy hair is good hair.

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Well said Supergirl (aka Superhair).
i have a method. when i'm not feeling good and don't want any attention, i wear an afro. when i want a lot of attention, press my hair and sport a pony tail. i remember one week i wore a pony tail in my hair and each day some man( grown man!!) tried to talk to me. i was so ready to wash my hair by friday!!!!
I think it is a shame that men's eyes would light up over long hair especially in the black community. This type of behavior is sending negative message to young black girls. They begin to experience low self esteem for the first time, when that cute black guy they have a crush on want even look their way because they don't have so called " good hair ".

[/ QUOTE ] ain't that the truth!!! but i guess you really can't get on sombody for having prefrence.

I agree with you, but men are visually stimulated and that's a fact. Remember the article didn't just say black men though--so it's not just the brothas. Also, you mentioned "good" hair and black men only liking good hair. I think that it's long hair that the men(including brothas) like. I don't consider myself to have "good" hair, but it is long & healthy--so one can have long, healthy hair without having "good" hair. And really, what I've learned from the board is that healthy hair is good hair.

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I totally Agree!
And why do black folks always have to define hair as good or bad. I agree with Supergirl. Just as long as your hair is healthy it is good hair.

So to me Good Hair= healthy thriving hair
Bad Hair= unhealthy breaking neglected hair
I've always known about guys and long hair ( my male friends all love long hair), but I am somewhat shocked about the brunettes over the blonds. Magazines makes one think that blonds are it. I love it! Go brunettes!
I live in the South as well and I find that to be true too. My male friends tells me all the time not to cut my hair or they will rag me for life.
I hate when black men only see long hair on a woman, as though that is her number one asset. I've said it once and I'll say it again, long hair does not make the woman. But I also don't like women who think their long hair makes them who they are. I've had short and waist length and I've always been the same woman. I guess white women have to fight the blond/brunette issue.
And why do black folks always have to define hair as good or bad. I agree with Supergirl. Just as long as your hair is healthy it is good hair.

So to me Good Hair= healthy thriving hair
Bad Hair= unhealthy breaking neglected hair

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I agree too

In addition, when I sported my short "shaven in the back" do, (think "Halle Berry" in the move Strictly Business), men who already knew me seemed to notice me "more", probably cuz they were in shock that I made such a drastic hair change
. But I have to admit, when it grew back, I had a slew of "new ones" trying to gain my attn, however unwelcomed it was...
In any predominately European society, one could also find 50 men that say they prefer Caucasian women to other races but that doesn't necessarily mean that most American men prefer Caucasian women. Men's preferences for hair length are as varied as their preferences for race, eye color and other physical traits. I am pretty sure that in a Country with a population as large as the U.S. it wouldn't be too difficult to find men who like short haired women as well men who don't care either way. I feel that men take in account a lot of things when finding a woman attractive. I don't think many black men would prefer Whoopi Goldberg or Serena Williams over a short haired Halle Berry or T boz. As a matter of fact when TLC first came out my brother and his buddies all preferred T Boz to the other two women. I think it is important to note that beauty is in the eye of the beholder for every man who loves long hair there is one who loves shorter hair. The media is always trying to convince us into believeing we all have to look like one type of woman to be desirable.

BTW I love this website the info on hair care is awesome!
I saw this at Howard University all the time when I was there. Like DSD and Ebonyeyes, I'm also wearing braids now and the extra attention is off the hook. I think it's a shame but our culture (meaning Westerners) has been socialized to see long hair = pretty; short hair = not so pretty. Of course, this doesn't apply if you're Halle Berry!
But we all know that that isn't necessarily the case. There are many beautiful short haired sisters, and many 'facially challenged' women with long hair.
In any predominately European society, one could also find 50 men that say they prefer Caucasian women to other races but that doesn't necessarily mean that most American men prefer Caucasian women. Men's preferences for hair length are as varied as their preferences for race, eye color and other physical traits. I am pretty sure that in a Country with a population as large as the U.S. it wouldn't be too difficult to find men who like short haired women as well men who don't care either way. I feel that men take in account a lot of things when finding a woman attractive. I don't think many black men would prefer Whoopi Goldberg or Serena Williams over a short haired Halle Berry or T boz. As a matter of fact when TLC first came out my brother and his buddies all preferred T Boz to the other two women. I think it is important to note that beauty is in the eye of the beholder for every man who loves long hair there is one who loves shorter hair. The media is always trying to convince us into believeing we all have to look like one type of woman to be desirable.

BTW I love this website the info on hair care is awesome!

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I agree wholeheartedly. IMO, almost anyone can sport long hair and be considered pretty, but it takes a real beauty to sport short hair and still be considered attractive.

Little stats like this kinda peeve me, there are so many things out there that constantly remind women we are not the "beautiful" norm.. It becomes hard to ignore after a while
One of my male buddies told me that he doesn't care if a woman's hair is long or short. What he looks for is whether the hair has a "neat" apppearance. -kc