Update: Relaxing hair to Get a Hubby!!! (LONG)

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's experience. I wonder if it will dissuade her from relaxing in the future.
You're so sweet:) . You're friend is lucky to have a friend who knows so much about proper hair care and is willing to help her. I can't wait until you update us with the results.:cool:
Hey Everyone :wave:

Just got back from NYC. It was so hectic that I didn't even get a chance to shop :(. Oh, well, I did get to Century 21 to nab a cute pair of red suede boots :clap:

Meetings were very productive and it looks like I'll be back the 1st week in March. SOOOOOO, my girls that I didn't get a chance to see, let's plan to get together :)

Mona, Foxy, and Diva, I'll let ya know when plans confirm.

Okay, back to my girl. I have not had a chance to read thru all the posts because I just logged on and wanted to respond. THANKS AGAIN ALL OF YOU THAT RESPONDED SINCE MY LAST POST :kiss:

I have been in constant communication with my friend, sending your suggestions her way. She is very thankful for the support, and may even be joining our forum :clap: She's coming over tomorrow and I'm going to let her see the site on my computer.

Ms Kenesha, I did read your post about the salon and I've been thinking a lot about giving the name. I would feel awful if any of my DC/MD/VA girls went there and got similar treatment, so here it is...

Textures and Tones. I believe it's in MD, but not sure- I've never heard of it. I don't know who did her hair, and I'm sure they are not all bad stylists, but she got a bad one.

My intention is not to defame Textures and Tones Salon in DC area. I am simply stating the negative experience my friend received while in the salon. Her experience in no way reflects the experience that others may have had while having services.

Someone also asked if she would continue to relax. Yes she will, and I have offered to do her touchups from now on. I'll take a look at her hair and see what shape it's in, and choose a relaxer. I hope to use Vitale since it's worked wonders for me, but I'm going to see if she agrees with extending the services out for 10 weeks so that I'll have more of her natural texture to work with, then I'll probably cut the processing time down a bit like I do. That should help it to thicken up nicely. On a positive note, after several days she has settled into the haircut they gave her and is starting to really like it.

Luy ya'll, and thanks again for the nice comments!!!!

I'm sorry this happened to yr friend. If I were her, I wouldn't have paid them squat and would sue for burning my neck and scalp! :mad: I can't stand stylist sometimes! I hope she heals quickly! :hammer: let's get her stylist! :whip:
Mariaat40 said:
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's experience. I wonder if it will dissuade her from relaxing in the future.

prob. not...i stopped relaxing in 2000 and in 2003 I relaxed my head and had sores all over my head (thank GOD none on my neck.) and thought never again, now I did it again in May this year. So you think I would have learned by now. I wont be doing it again, I tell ya.
SG, how has the dating scene been for your friend? Is she still convinced that she will only catch her ideal man with relaxed hair?

If she continued to relax, I hope her hair is at least thriving. How is it doing?
Hey Girls :wave:

I was shocked to see this thread and the original bumped this morning. This sparked some really good dialog going back and forth. I updated the other thread as well, but didn't really go into detail about my friend.

Shortly after relaxing she had big regrets - mainly because of the burns. She found a new salon that she's been going to, and has not had that happen again. Overall, she was not pleased with having to relax again (mainly due to price), but she still thinks she'll have an easier time catching a hubby.

Early on, she really didn't get any more attention then she had before she relaxed. Now that several months have gone by she gets a little more (she thinks b/c it's longer now) but not the response she was after. She has not found a mate, but she's OK with that and trying to focus on self more. I have not asked her any direct questions about how she feels about the change and whether or not she regrets it. This is all unsolicited feedback - maybe her way of saying thanks for the advice.

I don't think she has any plans of going back natural.


SweetNic_JA said:
SG, how has the dating scene been for your friend? Is she still convinced that she will only catch her ideal man with relaxed hair?

If she continued to relax, I hope her hair is at least thriving. How is it doing?

Hey SweetNic,

I would say that her hair is doing fine, but she really hasn't seen the growth that she would like to have seen in 7 months.

I'm thinking it's because she goes to the salon every two weeks, and gets trims way too often. I think some of the trims (at least early on) were "corrective," but her stylist still opts to cut quite frequently.

Hmm... well has she at least thought about letting you do her hair? Hey, it's good that she's focusing more on herself now.
Stormy said:
Hmm... well has she at least thought about letting you do her hair? Hey, it's good that she's focusing more on herself now.

I tried Stormy. I volunteered on a few occasions to do her relaxers for her, but I think she just felt bad because I wasn't going to charge her. You know how that can be sometimes, but it really didn't matter to me - she's a friend! I haven't asked in quite some time, but who knows, maybe she will one day.

I gave her my tips though and she's thinking about trying to relax it herself once it gets a bit longer. She probably couldn't do worse of a job than the stylist who burned her!

SouthernGirl said:
I gave her my tips though and she's thinking about trying to relax it herself once it gets a bit longer. She probably couldn't do worse of a job than the stylist who burned her!


Exactly! Well, at least you tried. You are such a good friend. By the way, I just looooove your hair! :)