If your dying loved one asked you to...

Would you cut your hair at the request of a dying loved one?

  • No! I know it is just hair, but that is not something I would do.

    Votes: 105 34.5%
  • Yes, without any hesitation.

    Votes: 134 44.1%
  • Maybe, I would have to give it some serious thought.

    Votes: 65 21.4%

  • Total voters
Zaz Oh wow, I didnt know that. I figured it was like weaves where you can't sell your hair unless its virgin hair. Oh well, I'm sure given enough time I'll convince myself its for a good cause.
Like many have said, why would a loved one ask me to do that? I would if it was my decision, but I would not do any selfish deathbed requests to prove my love. I loved you in life, I will love you after you die, but this is my hair!
I highly doubt I would do this. The only person I would even consider it for is my Mom and I don't think she would ask since she knows how I am about my hair.

There are lots of other things I can do in "remembrance". Like actually donating money to cancer research.
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I chose maybe only because I couldn't donate my color treated hair to anyone. If that was why my loved one wanted me to cut it off I would tell them that I can't donate it. If they wanted me to just cut it in honor of them anyway, I would do that in a heart beat!

ETA: I just saw that color treated hair is donatable so in that case, I would do it without any hesitation because it's just hair afterall right!?!?
Yes I would donate for a loved one (good friend or family member) as its only hair and the least I could do. If I grew it once, I can grow it back again.

Locks of Love requires:
- Hair 10" or longer in ponytails
- Gray hair is also accepted although they sell it to offset their other costs (which makes me suspect they do this will other donations they can't use since it makes hairpieces for kids)

Interesting article about this charity: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/06/fashion/06locks.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1
Hair is temporary. God has blessed our bodies to grow it again, and again, and again. I would be one Amber Rose headed gal.
i answered, no.. I would spray my perfume on a good wig from the store, and they can remember me that way. if cutting off my hair saved their life, than yes, i'd do it, but since it don't i just don't see myself doing it.

Great debate ladies!
No, because:

  1. The hair would not go to make any wigs to benefit anyone. None of these organizations use 3b/4 hair because it is too hard to work with to make wigs, especially if it is colored or relaxed. At best they would sell some of the virgin hair to labs for testing and throw away the rest. My hair would help no one and would be a waste of my cutting it off.
  2. None of my loved ones would ever ask me to do that to myself; it would actually hurt them if they saw me do that to myself, since it is so hard for many of them to grow hair themselves, sick or not. It would be like a slap in the face to them for my genetic luck.

I would honor the request by doing the thing most of these organizations ask for first over hair; I would make a cash donation.
If my loved one all of a sudden tells me he has a problem with my hair and wants his last moments to be me without the hair that he hates then we would be beefing, dying or not. It's just hair but wtf kind of a request is that?

EDIT: OK I didn't read the scenario lmao. I thought you were talking about a SO who had hated my hair the whole time.

ok for a close friend/family with cancer then yes I would cut it off without hesitation in support.
My hair is too fine and I don't think my hair would look good in a wig or on anyone else and that's if anyone would even want my hair in the first place. I love my hair by the way but fine Afro-relaxed hair is not popular.

I am not a vain person and have worn short cuts many periods of my life and even don't believe in wearing much make up in the day especially now that I have moved back to a hot climate last week, but I don't think my mother or loved one would even ask me to do such a thing. I would do just about anything for my mother and loved ones but shaving my crown chakra is not one of them. Hair carries a lot of power, would I want to even want to wear the hair of someone who was a toxic person. If I was in serious grief and needed a new beginning after a death of someone I loved, I might shave it but not to donate it, there are some very nice synthetic wigs which look even better than human hair.

I guess the question could be seen as a moral conunumdrum, how far would one go for a loved one? It's easy to give a politically correct response because then you won't be labelled as vain or bad/immoral. That's a hard one. I mean if I am asked to donate a kidney or some body part that can be usable now then sure for a loved one, if donating after my death body parts sure. But if my loved one was on their death bed perhaps delirious and asked me to donate my right hand for some research, I would not do it. My body parts are priceless.

Great question by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almond Eyes
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More than likely I probably would. I have always had the urge to shave my head and I know my hair would grow back.
I don't think my hair is wig worthy. :lol: However, I would do it for a loved one. I've done the big chop before anyway.
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I've always respected women whom donate their hair to cancer victims. Is it called locs of love, maybe ? In this scenario if a loved one asked me to do this, personally I would. In my view, its hair and as many women on this board havr proven your hair will grow back after setbacks. That person suffering w/ chemo is not replaceable like hair can be and I would heed to their wish and donate it.

Cut it and donate to my loved one...........maybe. :look:

Cut it and donate to a stranger? No way. Just being honest.
Yes I would because my hair will grow back and I'd do something that I've never done (because it's just not me)... wear a wig.
No. I don't understand why they would ask me to do something like that. What would they get out of me cutting my hair off?

If I had a child and they asked me to do it for a very good reason I would seriously consider it but I wouldn't make any promises. I'm NL and I'll never let my hair be shorter than SL once it grows out.
In a heartbeat. In my lifetime, I've shaved my head on numerous occassions, for much less noble reasons - bored, didn't feel like combing it, I wanted to, someone dared me, etc. I could shave it at least once in my life for a good cause.
I can't imagine why the heck someone who knows me that well would ask me to do that. I mean why does it have to be MY hair specifically? I can't help but question the motive behind such a request.
No, I wouldn't. Cutting my hair wouldn't bring the loved one back nor would it help cure his/her illness. I see no point in such a gesture, just sentimental crap.
People are really shallow. It's so sad. Hair will grow back. Your loved one will be dead forever so why not make them happy before they pass?