Unconventional Ways To Grow Long, Healthy Hair

songbyrd517 said:
You guys I definitley right:) ! I have been a dancer for close to 13 years (and I'm only 20, so that's most of my life). I have not been dancing for a little while though because I have to attend a college right now that does not have a dance program, and dance is my second major, so I'm going to transfer. My schedule makes it hard for me to find time to even practice my techniques.

And I have indeed noticed a decline in my growth rate since I have been out of practice, and you guys just made me realize it! . I'm going to have to make time to practice in between class, work, and homework until I can get back in the studio! I already love and miss dancing, but the hair is an added bonus ;) !

I also agree with the dancing :) . When I was dancing everyday from 10:00 - 15:00 (sometimes much longer) and long Sunday rehearsals, my hair was awesome. It seemed like it was even thicker then. It seemed like there was newgrowth showing after 2weeks post relaxer.
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This is a very interesting post. I'm gonna have to try the Shoulder Stand, I could never get into yoga, it seemed to slow for me. i like things with energy thats why I took up belly dancing.

Are there any vegetables that have the same properties as carrots b/c I'm not really all that fond of them...but I think I just might try the carrot juice recipe that was posted earlier.

I found some intersting things in some herbal books my mom had in the basement.

Here are some herbs that increase circulation: Bayberry, Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Chickweed, Garlic, Golden Seal, Hawthorn, Horseradish, Hyssop, Rose Hips.

In another book I found some really good recipes using EOs:

Hair Mosturizer: 8 drops Cedar, 8 drops Lavender, 12 drops Rosemary.
Mix all oils together. Add the EOs to 2 tablespoons olive oil. Pour about a teaspoon of the blend into your hand and massage into hair and scalp. Put shower cap/warm towel on head and leave for 15 mins.

Scapl Treatment: 2 drops Cedar, 4 drops Lavendar, 1 drop Lemon, 2 drops Rosemary, 2 drops Tea Tree. Mix all oils together in 2 tablespoosn of olive oil. Massage into scalp throughly. Wrap head w/ a towel and realx for 1 hr.

***Cedar has abortive properties so it should not be taken during pregnancy***
Wildchild453 said:
This is a very interesting post. I'm gonna have to try the Shoulder Stand, I could never get into yoga, it seemed to slow for me. i like things with energy thats why I took up belly dancing.

Are there any vegetables that have the same properties as carrots b/c I'm not really all that fond of them...but I think I just might try the carrot juice recipe that was posted earlier.

I found some intersting things in some herbal books my mom had in the basement.

Here are some herbs that increase circulation: Bayberry, Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Chickweed, Garlic, Golden Seal, Hawthorn, Horseradish, Hyssop, Rose Hips.

In another book I found some really good recipes using EOs:

Hair Mosturizer: 8 drops Cedar, 8 drops Lavender, 12 drops Rosemary.
Mix all oils together. Add the EOs to 2 tablespoons olive oil. Pour about a teaspoon of the blend into your hand and massage into hair and scalp. Put shower cap/warm towel on head and leave for 15 mins.

Scapl Treatment: 2 drops Cedar, 4 drops Lavendar, 1 drop Lemon, 2 drops Rosemary, 2 drops Tea Tree. Mix all oils together in 2 tablespoosn of olive oil. Massage into scalp throughly. Wrap head w/ a towel and realx for 1 hr.

***Cedar has abortive properties so it should not be taken during pregnancy***
Thanks for sharing these recipes Wildchild.
Carrot juice has specific properties and is probably the only juice that enters directly into the bloodstream instead of digesting first. I have a book around here somewhere describing the scientific process. :brainy: The effect of carrot juice is immediate and other vegetable juices are usually added to carrot juice for various remedies. I personally don't care for cooked carrots but I love carrot juice.
[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm brandy that sounds delicious. I would like to give that concoction a try.

I usually make natural juices but I want to get a juicer to make the process much easier. I usually use a grater to juice my fruits. I make Jamaican style carrot juice but it takes sooo much work to grate 8-10 carrots!

I've been meaning to buy a juicer and the Jack LaLain (sp) juicer looks VERY inticing but, i don't know if I could justify the cost.[/QUOTE]

SweetNic_JA, I'd recommend the Juiceman Juicer. I've had one for a few years now and it works great. The best thing is that it's one of the most inexpensive brand on the market. You can get it at Macy's for $50-$60 dollars and it's probably cheaper elsewhere.
Okay this might be tmi but I tried the shoulder stand, but I'm top heavy and I think I could suffocate myself .....I think I will try the headstand instead ...lol
senimoni said:
Okay this might be tmi but I tried the shoulder stand, but I'm top heavy and I think I could suffocate myself .....I think I will try the headstand instead ...lol
Actually, I feel the headstand is more challenging to do. I can only do a partial headstand. The shoulder stand is very easy, IMO but it needs to be done correctly so there is no strain anywhere on the body. The main thing is to invert the body and get bloodflow to the head for a brief period of time.

Hanging off the side of the bed (as mentioned earlier in this thread) or using an inversion board will do the trick also. The shoulder stand, however, has other benefits to the thyroid area which regulates weight.
Great thread, can't believe I missed it :shocked:

Anyway, Isis' post prompted me to look for an image of the shoulder stand:



1. Lie flat on your back. Inhale deeply while raising your legs and spine until the toes point to the ceiling.

2. The body rests on the shoulders and the back of the neck. The body is supported by the hands, which are placed on the center of the spine between the waist and the shoulder blades. Keep your spine and legs straight.

3. Breathe slowly and deeply with the abdomen and concentrate on the thyroid gland. On a male, the thyroid gland is located behind the adams apple. For women, it is located in the same area which is a few inches above the sternal notch (hollow of the neck where the neck joins the rest of the body.) or approximately half way up the neck from the sternal notch. Stay in this position for about two minutes.

4. To come out of this posture, just bend your knees, curve your back and slowly return to lying on the floor while exhaling. First bend your knees, put the palms on the floor, then curving the spine, gradually unfold it the way one unrolls a carpet. When your entire back touches the floor, straighten the knees, take a deep breath and slowly lower your legs to the ground while breathing out.

5. If you wish, you may go straight into the next posture (the 'reverse posture') instead of lying down.


1. The main benefit of the shoulder stand is to get the thyroid gland working at peak efficiency. It's the thyroid gland which is mainly responsible for your correct weight and youthful appearance.

2. The shoulder stand also regulates the sex glands.

3. It vitalizes the nerves, purifies the blood and promote good circulation, strengthens the lower organs and helps them to stay in place.

4. It gives a healthy stretch to the neck muscles.

5. It is beneficial for people suffering from poor circulation, constipation, indigestion, asthma and reduced virility.

6. This pose is especially recommended for women after childbirth and for those suffering from painful menstruation, other female disorders, and seminal weakness.

The Sanskrit name for this posture sarvangasana means 'all the body'.


Retain this position for fifteen seconds to six minutes, adding fifteen seconds per week.


Do not try this exercise if you are suffering from organic disorders of the thyroid gland. Be very cautious if you are suffering from chronic nasal catarrh.

About carrot consumptin

With regards to carrots, my SIL used to eat carrots to the point that her pigmentation started to turn orange, like Cybra but one negative to over consuming carrots is hair loss, from cartenoisis:

Carotenosis comes from over ingestion of beta carotene, a pigment that you'll find in vegetables such as carrots -- your body turns it into vitamin A, which is, generally speaking, a good thing. Ingest too much beta carotene, however (say you eat nothing but carrots and drink nothing but carrot juice, just because you were curious to see what would happen) and eventually your skin will turn orange That's carotenosis, a real example of "you are what you eat." Carotenosis won't kill you, it'll just make you look funny, but massive doses of vitamin A can cause: Nausea, vomiting, irritability, hair loss, weight loss, liver enlargement, menstrual problems, bone abnormalities, and stunted growth for the kids. So if you find yourself turning orange, lay off the rabbit food for a couple of days.
Maybe the reason why carrot juice works because it is the leading source of beta carotene (Vitamin A). The high mineral levels in carrots may contribute to healthy/long hair growth as Vitamin A promotes growth in general (not only hair).

Vitamin A contributes to the body’s ability to produce cells and tissues. Vitamin A also works in lubricating the sebaceous glands. These glands are an important part of keeping the hair follicle from drying out.

Vitamin can appear to cause rapid growth over other vitamins such as Biotin and etc because Vitamin A is fat soluble and is stored in your body fats vs. Biotin being water soluble that can flush out of your system in excessive amounts. However, too much Vitamin A is toxic to our bodies.
Wow, long thread. I'm gonna read through it.

I've been looking for a good reason to get out the Juicer that I ordered and never used.

Carrot juice sounds like a good healthy thing for my little girls to eat.

Me too,

Wow, keep posting the ides ladies.

I do lay on the bed with my legs above my head against the wall for about 5 mintues a night. It helps to relieve the heaviness that I feel in them after a long hard day.

I may have to learn the shoulder stand and teach it to my girls. Can't hurt to be flexible and such even when you are young.
As a homemade steam treatment I would like to take the base of my caruso steam rollers and steam my scalp while lying on the bed with my head hanging down?

thinking of applying something to my scalp
I'm drinking my way to healthy hair. I got tired of taking so many pills and I know that drinking supplements goes right to your bloodstream. I have the powder and liquid form of a lot of supplements I take and I just started drinking healthy drinks like Superfood and Super Protein. My hair feels a lot better.
deejoy said:
I'm drinking my way to healthy hair. I got tired of taking so many pills and I know that drinking supplements goes right to your bloodstream. I have the powder and liquid form of a lot of supplements I take and I just started drinking healthy drinks like Superfood and Super Protein. My hair feels a lot better.

I think you made a great choice not so much in drinking perse but probably your nutrition is more food based (i.e. natural and not synthetic as what you get with vitamins (especially pills)). One way for you ladies to know (which I didn't until I attended a JP+ conference in February) is that if the product is a supplement it will read: "SUPPLEMENT" where as a FOOD product will read "NUTRITONAL". Foods are more readily bioavailable than supplements (your chemical compounds), the closer you stay with foods, the better absorption/nutrition you'll receive and subsequently a better benefit.

Finding this out has made me drastically reduce the amount of 'supplements' I ingest. Processing all that stuff ain't easy on the kidneys either.

Reformed Pill Popper
VWVixxen said:
I think you made a great choice not so much in drinking perse but probably your nutrition is more food based (i.e. natural and not synthetic as what you get with vitamins (especially pills)). One way for you ladies to know (which I didn't until I attended a JP+ conference in February) is that if the product is a supplement it will read: "SUPPLEMENT" where as a FOOD product will read "NUTRITONAL". Foods are more readily bioavailable than supplements (your chemical compounds), the closer you stay with foods, the better absorption/nutrition you'll receive and subsequently a better benefit.

Finding this out has made me drastically reduce the amount of 'supplements' I ingest. Processing all that stuff ain't easy on the kidneys either.

Reformed Pill Popper

Thanks Vixxen. I thought people were exaggerating when they talked about the benefits of these drinks but after drinking them, I can see they werent. I got a compliment on my skin for the first time since 13 lol. And of course I can see a change in my hair. These nutrional drinks taste great too so I'll be sticking with these until I get a juicer.
You're very welcome! I invested in a juicer after reading Isis' posts and haven't looked back. That was the best $7 I've spend in a long time (got it from a resale shop, it was missing the plunger (which I ordered from JuiceMan for $14.00).

I started reading books on juicing...the benefits are unparalled, when I run out of vites...they are sooo gone (except for a select few).
VWVixxen said:
You're very welcome! I invested in a juicer after reading Isis' posts and haven't looked back. That was the best $7 I've spend in a long time (got it from a resale shop, it was missing the plunger (which I ordered from JuiceMan for $14.00).

I started reading books on juicing...the benefits are unparalled, when I run out of vites...they are sooo gone (except for a select few).

Which ones are you keeping. I have been thinking about cutting down on my vitamins. I think I'm just going to keep Viviscal, biotin, flaxseed oil:)
tsmith said:
Which ones are you keeping. I have been thinking about cutting down on my vitamins. I think I'm just going to keep Viviscal, biotin, flaxseed oil:)

I'm keeping the liquid silica, biotin, EFA's, Viviscal (yep yep) and maybe the Nioxin (or swap for prenates (wishful thinking here!! :p ) I've been making major modifications to my diet so I'm less reliant upon the vites for making up the differences.
i have been in braids for 3 plus months straight and yet when i took them down my hair strands were still super strong despite NO protein treatments. i put it down to my naturally high protein consumption. no pills or shakes just meat etc