Unconventional Ways To Grow Long, Healthy Hair

so, who is still doing what? did anyone start doing shoulder stands or the carrot juice or the magnets? what were your results? tell, tell, tell!
Adding to favorites. Thanks for bumping this!
CocoaCure said:
What a GREAT post!!! ONe thing I think is helping me right now is that I have a massager I got for Christmas and it has varying levels of massage vibration and I use it alot on my back and shoulders - BUT - one night I had a really bad headache, so I used it on my head and it really relieved the headache fast!! Plus it felt great! I ran it all across my forehead, then around my entire head several times and it was just a wonderful, gentle, vibrating, head massage and what do ya know - my hair has been growing like wild during my transition process!! It must be the whole blood flow thing someone mentioned here!!

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Ok Cocco where have u been ?
I have been looking for someone that is useing an electric massager for their hair, not just fingers, I have started using one, I dont know if I will see results, ppl r so sure about it, me I am not, I really wish it would help, I want to use it several times a day
, This is the one I use: I want to stick with it, massager2


how much do u think u have gained from adding massages with a electric one vs. Hand
dstdiva said:
so, who is still doing what? did anyone start doing shoulder stands or the carrot juice or the magnets? what were your results? tell, tell, tell!

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Hey there was a carrot juice challange, did not get that many replys for results, I had set backs, but I am trying to come back and do it again, drinking it daily, it something my mother really belives in, and she know that I am trying to get 1 1/2- 2 inches a month,
or at least on month get 3
, yeah I know, but she really belives carrot juice is it, and Am trying really, I just have to stick with it, buy organic and just eat better, but we did have a carrot juice challange I will post the link later,
Isis, thanks for starting this thread. I've been considering ways to increase scalp circulation and have tried a few such as hanging head over side of bed. I wanted to try headstands but could never do it all the way. But I CAN do the shoulder stand! And that's the one I'm going to try for a month. I'm also going to try some of the herbs for growth that I read about on this sight.

I had another idea that I haven't tried yet--it was to use a lawn lounge chair and lie in an inverted position so that my head would be where my feet should be. I haven't done this one because of the space the chair would take up so I'm going to do the shoulder stand instead. Thanks again for this great thread!
Well I was saw the body flex, tape and how breathing can help u lose weight, but I have also heard that, it can be help get rid of toxins, and cleanse the blood, , there is a lot to breathing,
Looking on the web it was kind of hard to find something directed at hair growth, but this lady also talks about breathing while doing scalp massages, : (www.) lifelift.net/hair_steps.shtml

There is a connection between how much oxygen you supply to your body and how well every organ of your body will function. You really do have a great deal of control over how well your body works and how healthy you look.

After many questions about healthy hair I thought it might be helpful to create a list of things that I have found to be extremely helpful over the years. It might help you to know that my hair is baby fine and tangles easily. I have had to search for things that would help it look fuller so I have tested plenty of products.

There is no doubt in my mind that flooding your body with oxygen will benefit every cell in your body. Certainly from this your hair, nails, skin and your entire body will see wonderful changes. Incorporate your breathing into everything you do and watch the changes it will make in how much more energy you feel, how much better your skin and hair will look and pay extra attention to how much your stress levels will be reduced if you do just a few LifeLift breaths daily. Some ideas of when to incorporate them into your life; while you are driving your car, watching television, sitting at your computer, doing dishes, in the tub or shower, in bed just before you get up, any time, any place will do.
Just remember to breathe. I have noticed a huge increase in fabulous testimonials since many of you have been adding these extra LifeLift breaths daily. Why? Because you are helping your metabolism to function at full speed on a regular basis, rather than just a spurt of fuel here and there. Your body will adapt to this new state of being flooded with oxygen by rewarding you with better health and a better attitude.

Here is the list of things that may help you enjoy a healthier head of hair.

I have long believed that combining the power of the oxygen from doing your LifeLift breathing with simple pressure with your finger tips on the reflexology points of your head can give remarkable results. I added the face-lift to the video because I could see changes in my face after doing it for a very short time.
We are searching for ways to look and feel younger and healthier and the tools we need are right inside us. Our ability to breathe correctly and our fingertips. By doing simple scalp massage during a few of your breaths you may see something you did not expect, healthier hair.

It is true if you trim your hair about once a month it will grow longer. You will be cutting off those split ends that cause your hair to break off keeping your hair from getting longer. Layering your hair so it is different lengths can add more volume. My hair is shorter at the front, around the cheekbones and gets long as it goes down my back. Not only does it add volume, but also it allows for many more hairstyles.

Don’t over shampoo. Unless your hair is oily I have found that going a day or two without shampooing keeps your hair from drying out.

I have the good fortune to be able to create a full line of skin and body care products that include all the products that I personally use and love. Now that includes the hair care products. For Several years I have used a shampoo and conditioner that I consider spectacular. It is now available for you to order on my web sites. It is called Rashelle's Crowning Glory shampoo and conditioner.

I continue to receive positive messages from those using them. The best way I can tell how much everyone loves a product is when they keep re-ordering. The hair care line has been a huge hit!

After I have finished shampooing my hair I add a product from Thicker Fuller Hair called thickening serum. It really does add body. I have tried many of their other products and the one I stay with is the thickening serum. I apply it to damp hair and towel dry for a few minutes before either blow-drying or air-drying.

One of the tricks I learned from a hair stylist to bend at the waist when you blow dry your hair and let it hang down as you dry it. It fluffs it up. It really does make your hair look fuller


What is LifeLift?
Life Lift is a revolutionary, complete program for your health and well-being. It was developed by Rashelle Haines, an internationally known fitness expert, author and lecturer on subjects concerning both physical and emotional wellness as well as an international spokesperson for health and fitness products. It is the most advanced and efficient weight loss program available.

I dont know how reliable the site is, her before/afters look poor,
kytrona said:
How do you hang your head over the bed - lying on your back or on your stomach?

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BrownSugar said:
Isis, thanks for starting this thread. I've been considering ways to increase scalp circulation and have tried a few such as hanging head over side of bed. I wanted to try headstands but could never do it all the way. But I CAN do the shoulder stand! And that's the one I'm going to try for a month. I'm also going to try some of the herbs for growth that I read about on this sight.

I had another idea that I haven't tried yet--it was to use a lawn lounge chair and lie in an inverted position so that my head would be where my feet should be. I haven't done this one because of the space the chair would take up so I'm going to do the shoulder stand instead. Thanks again for this great thread!

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You're welcome, BrownSugar! I'm getting ready to do my shoulderstand right now while watching some TV (I can easily stretch out the minutes this way!
Kytrona & Hiza - when I tried this, I hung my head over the bed on my back or on my stomach, as long as blood was rushing to my head.

All that blood brings nourishment as well as oxygen to the hair follicles so I can see how breathing, especially deep breathing, can benefit our hair. Thanks Happylocks for sharing your info.
Happylocks - how is your breathing method working for you and your hair? Personally, my deep breathing is done as part of my yoga. I'm increasing this in my routine.
Isis said:
Happylocks - how is your breathing method working for you and your hair? Personally, my deep breathing is done as part of my yoga. I'm increasing this in my routine.

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Am doing eggs, and stinky Challenge, I really think it has helped me use weight, my skin clearing up, I think its good for over all health and mind, My day unfocused breathing is bad, when I focus and take time too breath, I feel the difference, and its hard trying not too deprive ur body of proper oxygen, am trying too change my whole breathing, because I do think it affects my health and even weight, It really does not take that long too just do some breathing, even if ur siting up in bed, hth
i like this thread...it may help others who are trying to achieve health and length for their hair...

I'm gonna start back eating my baby carrots and eggs...I already exercise every other day and massage occasionally...and Im gonna start hanging my head over the bed
I'm glad you like it. Many of the ladies have great suggestions. And if you're still doing Yoga, Poohbear, the Shoulder Stand is also great for getting nutrients fed directly to your hair follicles, as mentioned earlier in this thread.
Isis said:
I'm glad you like it. Many of the ladies have great suggestions. And if you're still doing Yoga, Poohbear, the Shoulder Stand is also great for getting nutrients fed directly to your hair follicles, as mentioned earlier in this thread.

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Well, I have slacked greatly on Yoga mainly because I dont have time to do it...I need to start back doing just a few of the Yoga moves again, but Ive been jogging on the treadmill for 30 minutes every other day so I wont get outta shape.
That's wonderful you're doing the treadmill. I do both the treadmill and the Yoga. I've learned it's the Yoga that will get us in shape faster. It does take time commitment when one is first starting out but it's well worth it. The Shoulder Stand takes from 1 minute to 5 (or more when advanced) and besides feeding our hair follicles (and brain - great to do for studies and exams), it helps us lose weight or maintain our idea weight. Even if I happen to slack of on my Yoga, I'll make sure I do the Shoulder Stand.
Hi Iris, your hair is so beautiful! I have wanted to try yoga for some time I went to a yoga class last year it was my last I could not move for 2 days no kidding it was a power yoga class not the calm one the instructor had heaters in the room it was 90 degrees outside. Iris, do I purchase a book? how do you do the shoulder stand? do you lie on your back with your feet in the air? Help me please and thanks in advance J
jancan7 said:
Hi Iris, your hair is so beautiful! I have wanted to try yoga for some time I went to a yoga class last year it was my last I could not move for 2 days no kidding it was a power yoga class not the calm one the instructor had heaters in the room it was 90 degrees outside. Iris, do I purchase a book? how do you do the shoulder stand? do you lie on your back with your feet in the air? Help me please and thanks in advance J
Thank you Jancan7! I apologize for my delayed reply. This links will demonstrate how to do the shoulder stand:



Okay, I copy and pasted this from another board.

what i have used to help my hair grow faster is the fat that is skined from the chicken ,fry it until its cripsed brown and then remove from the fire u then place the oil from the fat to cool,when the oil has cooled u then pour it into the hair oil that u have using for ur hair i used the dax hair oil but of course u can use any other and mix the amt of oil to the same amount of hair oil and use it in your hair i gaurantee u will soon see results, i had problems with my hair after i haid braided it and decided that i would not relax it again but i didd and started using back the hair oil that i had placed the fat oil in and it has improved the condition and length of my hair it has grown it and i am so happy even my hair dresser shocked at how my hair had grown back and what can i say it just keep growing.


That surely can't work...

can it?? :eek:
Porsche19 said:
Okay, I copy and pasted this from another board.

what i have used to help my hair grow faster is the fat that is skined from the chicken ,fry it until its cripsed brown and then remove from the fire u then place the oil from the fat to cool,when the oil has cooled u then pour it into the hair oil that u have using for ur hair i used the dax hair oil but of course u can use any other and mix the amt of oil to the same amount of hair oil and use it in your hair i gaurantee u will soon see results, i had problems with my hair after i haid braided it and decided that i would not relax it again but i didd and started using back the hair oil that i had placed the fat oil in and it has improved the condition and length of my hair it has grown it and i am so happy even my hair dresser shocked at how my hair had grown back and what can i say it just keep growing.


That surely can't work...

can it?? :eek:
I have no idea. It says she is using it on her hair, not her scalp. From what I've learned, all any oil does on hair is to lubricate it or lock in moisture. Special oils like castor oil stimulates hair growth when applied on the scalp, eyebrows or eyelashes. And of course the essential oils like rosemary also stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalp.
I haven't heard anything before about chicken oil mixed with hair oil. Thank you for sharing this Porshe19 - maybe someone else has done this before. :)
User Name said:
If you like dancing you could dance. Everytime i finish dancing my head feels all warm (blood rushing to it)
Isis said:
You're right about dancing! Maybe one can say dance is good for our hair too, as exercise is.
06-20-2004 06:14 PM

You guys I definitley right:) ! I have been a dancer for close to 13 years (and I'm only 20, so that's most of my life). I have not been dancing for a little while though because I have to attend a college right now that does not have a dance program, and dance is my second major, so I'm going to transfer. My schedule makes it hard for me to find time to even practice my techniques.

And I have indeed noticed a decline in my growth rate since I have been out of practice, and you guys just made me realize it! . I'm going to have to make time to practice in between class, work, and homework until I can get back in the studio! I already love and miss dancing, but the hair is an added bonus ;) !