Unconventional Ways To Grow Long, Healthy Hair

that scalp exercise and the word "vigorously" just frightens me a bit
No first hand experience but have heard about:
1.Laser Comb
"How HairMax works
The HairMax LaserComb sends nourishing laser light energy into your hair to revitalize it and improve its condition through the process known as PhotoBioStimulation. Your hair will thicken, strengthen and become healthier with better quality. It’s that simple! The end result is that your hair will flourish and you may start to like your hair again!
As we all know, skin cells 'like' light. Your hair is no different. Through the scientific principles of 'Photo-Bio-Stimulation', Low-Level Laser therapy progressively improves the quality, strength and thickness of your hair over time. Indeed, international experiences and studies of the results of Low-Level Cold Beam Laser go far beyond those that are described here."

2. Acupressure. I've seen some tremendous results with people getting help for acne, maybe hair growth could be stimulated.

3. Reflexology

4. Fung Shui (sp) A theory of removing anything from your home or environment that symbolizes retarded/stunted growth such as Bonsai trees.

5. Sex

Well...you did ask for unconventional....
Great suggestions Brooke007!

There seems to be something about all of them that makes sense and they sound very interesting, esp. the accupressure and the laser light energy. The sex is supposed to be good to keep our weight down, maybe it's the increased circulation that will help our hair too!

And I've been learning more and more about Feng Shui. Besides the importance of placement, there seems to be a big difference energetically when we remove (besides stunted things) all things symbolizing "death" from our environment, like dried plants and flowers and replace them with real, live plants or with artificial, plastic or silk plants (which still symbolize life).
that scalp exercise and the word "vigorously" just frightens me a bit

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It does seem kind of strange. When I do it, I'm grabbing my hair and moving my scalp back and forth, not my hair. It says vigorously, but not too quickly, 25 times. It feels pretty good and I'm not pulling my hair out or anything like that. It's like my scalp moving back and forth across my skull to stimulate it.
You're welcome Nekee. In fact, I'm just about to do it again before I go to bed. It really helps to relieve the crawly feelings on my scalp (it's supposed to be new growth) from the MSM I started taking recently.
Interesting recipes I discovered in my juicing book. I haven't tried 'em but I think someone on this forum has mentioned using cayenne pepper on their head so they can't be that farfetched.

Hair Growth Tonics

<ul type="square"> Ginger Juice Tonic
1- to 2-inch piece of ginger root [/list] Juice ginger root. Pour the juice on your head and massage into the scalp. Let dry for 10-15 minutes; then shampoo. Ginger root juice has been used naturopathically to stimulate circulation to the scalp. Your head will feel a tingling sensation, as if it just had a Certs!

<ul type="square"> Cayenne Pepper Tonic
4 oz red cayenne pepper
1 pint 100-proof vodka [/list] Mix red cayenne pepper with vodka. Let sit for two weeks, shaking the mixture several times. Then strain until the liquid is pepper free. (A nylon stocking works well for straining.) This makes liquid capiscum pepper. (This is not for drinking!) Each day, apply his mixture to thinning or bald areas of the scalp. Within five or six weeks, hair should begin to grow. (This may not work for hereditary baldness.)

Source: Juicing for Life by Cherie Calbom &amp; Maureen Keane
I can believe that about carrots turning your skin orange because when my doctor heard I was from Africa, he asked to see my hands and was baffled that they didn't look orange. He said he had noticed people from countries that cook often with palm oil (high in beta carotene, I think) have orangish palms. I didn't grow up on food cooked with palm oil and have never used it so I guess that's why.
I've heard about but not tried using birch leaves to grow hair faster. It is supposed to speed up hair growth, maybe because it increases the circulation. I would assume that those who are allergic to aspirin cannot try this one. Here is one source of info although there are others. I was looking for a really good source I saw in the past that had more details about how this works, but I haven't found it yet.


Birch-Leaf Rinse
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp. dried birch leaves

Pour the water over the birch leaves; steep until it cools a bit. Strain.
When used regularly, this hair rinse will help to maintain the health of the scalp and may even be a good choice for preventing hair loss. It also keeps the hair soft and gives it a silky sheen.
Contraindications: Do not use this rinse on blond or gray hair, as it may darken the color.
Isis, could u describe the positioning for the shoulder stand please? I think i'd like 2 try that. i hang my head off the bed now forc 10 or 15 min but not daily. i'll have 2 do better
nonie said:
I can believe that about carrots turning your skin orange because when my doctor heard I was from Africa, he asked to see my hands and was baffled that they didn't look orange. He said he had noticed people from countries that cook often with palm oil (high in beta carotene, I think) have orangish palms. I didn't grow up on food cooked with palm oil and have never used it so I guess that's why.

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I have to disagree with this doctor. Virtually all food I consumed growing up was cooked with palm oil (my family even has palm tree plantations
). It has a lot of benefits especially for eyesight and I'm yet to see anyone from my place with yellowish palm. Besides, the palm oil is used in conjunction with a lot of fresh organic vegetable and whatever it is used in cooking is usually highly balanced in all the recommended food nutrients
Below is another yoga way to stimulate hair growth, among other benefits.


That's Using Your Head

Do-it-yourself Ayurvedic head massage stops stress and stimulates healing.

By Narenda Metha

Do you often come home from work feeling tired and worn out? You have the power to melt away pain and relieve stress in your own fingertips by giving yourself an Indian head massage.

Massage has always played an important part in Indian life, mentioned in the earliest Ayurvedic texts that date back nearly 4,000 years. When used in conjunction with herbs, spices, and aromatic oils, massage can encourage the body's natural healing abilities.

Indian head massage supports the nervous system by alleviating stress; stimulates the lymphatic system, encouraging the elimination of toxins; helps break down muscle knots; relieves chronic neck and shoulder stiffness; increases oxygen uptake in tissues; and improves circulation. Head massage can also be used to stimulate hair growth, improve concentration, and relieve migraine pain.

Begin by choosing an oil. Sesame, mustard, almond, coconut, and olive oils are most commonly used. Massage the oil into your head, starting from the sides and working towards the top. Work your way toward the front and back of the head. Gently massage the whole head with your thumbs and fingers.

Grasp fistfuls of hair at the roots and tug from side to side, keeping your knuckles very close to the scalp. Squeeze at the temples with the heels of the hands and make slow, wide, circular movements. Look down slightly and massage the back of the neck by squeezing and rolling the muscles. Begin at the top of the neck and work your way down, first with one hand and then with the other hand.

Place the thumb of your left hand under the left occipital area (base of the head) and the thumb of your right hand under the right occipital area and relax the tight muscles by using friction or a rubbing movement.

Place your left hand on your right shoulder near your neck. Using medium pressure, gently squeeze the shoulder muscle that starts at the base of your neck. Work your way outwards along your shoulder to your arm and then down as far as your elbow. When you reach your elbow, go back to the base of your neck and do this twice more. Concentrate on squeezing the muscle tissue.

Now place the flattened palm of your left hand beside the base of your neck on the right-hand side. Rub along the top of your right shoulder and continue down your right arm where you squeezed the muscles before. When you reach your elbow, go back to the base of the neck and repeat the action twice. Change arms and work the other side.

Finally, rub lightly with your hands all over the head; extend this movement to cover your face. You can use these movements without oil. If possible, allow a few minutes afterwards to relax.

Adapted from Indian Head Massage: Discover the Power of Touch by Narenda Metha (Thorsons, 1999).
MoezThunder said:
Isis, could u describe the positioning for the shoulder stand please? I think i'd like 2 try that. i hang my head off the bed now forc 10 or 15 min but not daily. i'll have 2 do better

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Sorry about the delay MoezThunder- I didn't see your post. Below are the links for shoulder stand positions. I would rather you get the best descriptions. They describe it very well and have pictures too.



Isis, thanks! I tried the shoulder stand before bed a couple weeks ago; seem like I rested better that night. I think the dizzying effect of the increased blood flow had something to do with it.
I bought some carrots the other day, but I have a question. Since veggies of the same color have basically the same nutrients would sweet potatoes work just as well as carrots?
I bought carrot juice today. All I have to say is BLECH! If you can pull that off more power to you! It smells awful and tastes even worse!
Did you buy it bottled or fresh or juice it yourself? I find that freshly juiced carrots taste great but the store bought stuff (especially if not refrigerated) tastes horrible. My mom used to used to make us fresh apple/carrot juice and it was great!
Serei said:
I bought carrot juice today. All I have to say is BLECH! If you can pull that off more power to you! It smells awful and tastes even worse!

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If you can find Naked Juice at your local health food store or market, or juice them yourself, I promise you the difference is like night and day. Fresh carrot juice has a fresh, sweet taste and is delicious!
Serei said:
I bought carrot juice today. All I have to say is BLECH! If you can pull that off more power to you! It smells awful and tastes even worse!

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I is very hard to stomach carrot juice for me too! Yuk. When I do attempt to drink it it take forever for me to gulp it down.
nekee said:
arent sweet potatoes off white ?

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Sweet potatoes are orange.
MissJ said:
nekee said:
arent sweet potatoes off white ?

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Sweet potatoes are orange.

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Nekee may be referring to what we call sweet potatoes in Jamaica. The spanish call them Batata, Jamaicans call them sweet potato or sweet yams. They are white on the inside but the skin is reddish/burgundy
I found this information about the effect of magnets on hair growth:


"Hair skin, and nails have definitely improved. My hair grows faster and has a much better quality to it. Within two weeks of using magnets on a daily basis, I was able to see new, thick, dark hair growing. My grays started falling out and disappearing. I was going to color my hair about four years ago, and I still haven't touched it with an ounce of anything. My skin definitely looks and feels younger. And my nails grow so well that if I break one, it doesn't upset me. I know that it will grow right back."

How can magnets do so much? Simply stated, magnets confer a wide range of benefits because we are magnetic beings who derive energy from the earth's magnetic field. Bucci explains: "One reason we get sick is that the earth has lost a good deal of its magnetism, which leaves the body in an unbalanced state. Additionally, we are bombarded by unhealthy energies." Magnets create overall benefit by restoring internal harmony.

It is important to realize that not just any old magnet will do. The negative pole restores health and good energy to the system, while exposure to the positive pole is detrimental. This has been proved repeatedly in studies where a variety of creatures, from earthworms, mice, and chickens to larger animals, live twice as long as untested control groups when exposed to negative field magnets, and half as long when exposed to positive fields. Bucci recommends unipolar magnets, marked by the Davis and Rawls system with an "N" or the word "negative" and a green label. "That's the healthy side, and that's the one we face toward the body." Negative field ions support biological systems, which help the body to heal itself "The body is an amazing machine with a remarkable capacity to cure itself," Bucci says. "Give it a boost in the right direction and it does the rest on its own. The negative field is completely safe and risk-free."

Bucci finds that magnets work best when worn on a daily basis. During the day she wears a magnet over her heart to improve circulation and oxygenation. "It keeps the heart open and flowing and sends all that wonderful oxygen throughout my body," she says. At night, she takes the magnet off and sleeps with her head on a magnetic mattress pad. She does this because the most important benefit while sleeping is increased melatonin production from the brain's pineal gland: "People are running out to buy melatonin, but guess what? We can encourage our own melatonin production.

"People ask me how long magnets should be worn. Generally speaking, the longer you wear them, the more healing takes place. You can wear them all night and during the day. Generally, the body will tell you when it has had enough. It also will tell you when a condition has healed, although you should check with a physician just to make sure."

My investigations found that the best magnets, as suggested by Susan above, were ceramic unipolar magnets used in sports therapy. (Don't even try this with ordinary magnets, you can get none or just the opposite effect from what you desire.) I obtained a neck magnet wrap-around band then removed six of the magnets from inside the ends of the band, leaving six still inside the front part of the band under the "Champ" logo.
Thank you Dontspeakdefeat. I have a good magnet too but never thought about using it in this particular way. I have it for making magnetized water, which is supposed to be really good for the body.
What a GREAT post!!! ONe thing I think is helping me right now is that I have a massager I got for Christmas and it has varying levels of massage vibration and I use it alot on my back and shoulders - BUT - one night I had a really bad headache, so I used it on my head and it really relieved the headache fast!! Plus it felt great! I ran it all across my forehead, then around my entire head several times and it was just a wonderful, gentle, vibrating, head massage and what do ya know - my hair has been growing like wild during my transition process!! It must be the whole blood flow thing someone mentioned here!!