Unconventional Ways To Grow Long, Healthy Hair


New Member
I wanted to start a post on other ways to grow our hair long and healthy, besides vitamins, diet, hair products and hair regimes. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and I'm open to "going outside of the box"
so to speak if something works.

I've learned that one way to increase the health of our hair and maybe accelerate our hair growth is to do increase the blood flow to our scalps by inverting our bodies on a regular basis, like everyday.

Yoga positions like Shoulder Stands (my favorite) or Headstands (can't do those very well) are supposed to be great and I'm now doing my Shoulder Stands all of the time. Several years ago, I used to do them 3 to 5 minutes (or more) at a time everyday and my hair was growing pretty long, in spite of the heat and other abuse.

Another way I learned is just hanging our heads over the side of the bed for about 3 minutes or so. There are inversion boards one can buy also, even though it's probably cheaper to make one. The main point is to get the feet above the head so the blood can nourish the scalp. Even 1 minute is supposed to be effective. There are other benefits to this also, but that's another topic.
Yeah I heard about the bed thing too. A few mins. with your head hanging off the sides. I can't do this though because when I'm upside down like that I feel alot of pressure behind my eyes. And plus feeling all tipsy and lightheaded when you're done. Scalp massages will have to do it for me.

what other benefits it could have? Just curious
Well, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it truly worked for me. In 2001, I was under a lot of stress and had very little time to eat, on the run more than sitting still. I took baggies of baby carrots with me everywhere I went. I would eat them throughout the day, all day long. Well, after about a month of doing this I noticed my hair texture had changed, as well as my skin and nails. I continued eating them almost everyday for several additional months (about 9 months total). I'm not sure if it was the carrots or what, but my hair had grown about 8 inch when I took my braids out. I'm sure my keeping my hair in braids may have helped, but I have had my hair braided many times before and NEVER got that kind of growth before.

I must say, however, my family said I was turning orange, literally, like one of those "umpa lumpas" from Willie Wonka
I stopped eating the carrots and I promise you my hair texture and speed of growth changed. I'm thinking about adding more carrots to my diet again.

HTH, if not, carrots taste great.
Yeah I heard about the bed thing too. A few mins. with your head hanging off the sides. I can't do this though because when I'm upside down like that I feel alot of pressure behind my eyes. And plus feeling all tipsy and lightheaded when you're done. Scalp massages will have to do it for me.

what other benefits it could have? Just curious

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My complexion was always clear and glowing - a great benefit! And my weight was kept just right for my body. The Shoulder Stand in particular normalizes the weight by stimulating the thyroid.

In the past, I took things for granted and allowed my schedule to get interrupted with other priorities and soon was still doing my other exercises (like walking daily) but not my regular Yoga routine.

After re-reading more about the importance and value of "inversion" (or upside-down) exercises like the Shoulder Stand, the Head Stand, the Plough, etc., I've started back into my Yoga routines. I've learned that the Shoulder Stand in particular is the best of all the Yoga exercises for your hair and easier to do than the Head Stand. The Head Stand is supposed to be best for the brain.

As I mentioned, I've learned that we spend most of our time upright with gravity causing our blood to flow down. By changing this direction for a few minutes with our feet up in the air, blood flows to the head, bringing all of its nutrients. Our brain gets becomes much more alert (I read that many professionals world-wide do Head Stands for as long as 15 min. ), and with the Shoulder Stand in particular, our hair follicles and face gets saturated with nutrients, our thyroid (it's located around the throat) which regulates our weight gets stimulated so we can maintain our proper weight.

I also learned it's important if one has health problems to see a doctor first before doing the Head Stand or Shoulder Stand.
hmm that's interesting. Well, I have my fair share of thyroid problems (being treated) so this info isn't particularly useful to be,but good to know.Thanks
Well, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it truly worked for me. In 2001, I was under a lot of stress and had very little time to eat, on the run more than sitting still. I took baggies of baby carrots with me everywhere I went. I would eat them throughout the day, all day long. Well, after about a month of doing this I noticed my hair texture had changed, as well as my skin and nails. I continued eating them almost everyday for several additional months (about 9 months total). I'm not sure if it was the carrots or what, but my hair had grown about 8 inch when I took my braids out. I'm sure my keeping my hair in braids may have helped, but I have had my hair braided many times before and NEVER got that kind of growth before.

I must say, however, my family said I was turning orange, literally, like one of those "umpa lumpas" from Willie Wonka
I stopped eating the carrots and I promise you my hair texture and speed of growth changed. I'm thinking about adding more carrots to my diet again.

HTH, if not, carrots taste great.

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Yes! I forgot about the carrots! Many years ago, I started drinking fresh carrot juice every day. So delicious!
I learned that drinking only 2 ounces of carrot juice each day will give one great results and the skin doesn't turn orange. My hair was already naturally thick and it became noticeably thicker and more lush in a very short period of time, like less than two weeks! And my skin glowed! I was always getting compliments on my hair. It was growing pretty fast those days too but I didn't know yet how to care for my hair. Thanks for sharing your experience and for the reminder, I'm going to go buy me carrot juice tomorrow!
I forgot to add that the reason I've learned that the results show so quickly is because carrot juice goes directly into the bloodstream.
Thanks Iris, maybe I'll try the carrot juice too. But I did enjoy the raw carrots for their "moving" affects on my digestive system...heehee

Good luck and keep us posted.
Hey MissJ

If you are refering to carrot juice not tasting good, you can always just eat the carrots...even with some fat free ranch dressing

I don't know, I may be biased because carrots have to be my favorite veggie. Oh well.

Don't knock it till you try it...right
You go girl! And if you continue to eat those carrots the way you say, by the end of each day, you really will have to go...heehee
See, they so sweet and good, and are packed with so many benefits.

This topic was a great idea. I'm learning alot already.

MissJ, I don't like carrots either but I love V8 splash. I think that it's carrot juice spiced up with a splash of fruit.
You might want to try those.
You guys got me thinking. When I was younger my skin was BRIGHT ORANGE! I don't remember being crazy over carrots but I wonder if that was part of the reason
That's pretty cool, I wish I could do that...maybe I wouldn't have to work on my middle so much if I could. Keep it moving...

Cybra, u talkin to me?
I'm kinda lost. lol the bellydancing thing? (that's what it sounds like ur talkin about) It didn't do much for my stomach. lol. It's the stomach strengthening exercises I do before I dance that help. Majority of the bellydancers that I have seen have a belly lol. (i guess that's where the name came from
) It's fun though. If your looking for a fun exercise that makes you feel sexy
then I recommend it. (teaches you how to shake your booty sumthn serious too
I like this thread. Lord knows exercise, vitamins and products weren't doing much for me.
Nah, I've never listened to her tape, I just saw the article on longhairlovers.com earlier this week and like you, thought it seemed interesting. Psychiatrists and hypnotherapists use visualization for everything else from smoking to weight loss to breast enlargement, so maybe it can work on hair. I believe the mind is very powerful. I wish I could hypnotize my hair into growing like 3 inches a month
In the juice man juice book carrots are in the hair recipes and alot of the others, so they must be good for something,I have been trying to stick with carrot juice for a long time,

Do the hand stands really work ???????
, I dont want to do something that is not going to work, I have been doing that too much this year
Mona cherie -

I believe the mind is very powerful too. Maybe it isn't too farfetched to grow our hair 3 inches or more each month!! I wonder if anyone on this board has tried that tape or any hypnosis to grow their hair.

Happylocks -

Even if you just raise your legs up against the wall, more blood will go to your head and scalp and will nourish your hair follicles. I can't do a full Head Stand for some reason but in yoga, there is a partial Head Stand that most people can do. And again, just hanging your head over the side of the bed can give you almost the same results as the Head Stand. I really like the Shoulder Stand (I can watch TV while doing it, if I want to). For me, it's most comfortable.
Thanks for posting the links. The shoulder stand looks fun. When I first read your post I couldn't figure out how you can stand on your shoulders without standing on your head!

I know that doesn't make any sense, good thing I asked before I tried anything.
thanks Isis, I can do both, but I want to know if they really work, blood flow I do belive, but hair growth, doing them daily, will help hair to grow
I wish I could hypnotize my hair into growing like 3 inches a month

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Me too! You think it's really possible?(dang this forum got alot of responses QUICK!
You're both welcome about the links. Thank you too Mona cherie for the hypnosis links!

I believe our hair is going to grow no matter what we do but it would be interesting to see what happens when we intentionally add more blood flow to our scalps on a regular basis. It's important to start out slowly, just a minute or so at a time.
I found this on an interesting website. I've never heard of it before. Just thought I'd post it. Keeping options open!

"Kombucha Tea ... I used Kombucha Tea and must truly admit .. it made the hair on my legs, arms and underarms grow like crazy. And, the hair that grew in was heavier and coarse. Friends of mine who also drank Kombucha Tea said the same thing ... especially the women. We used to joke about having a 5 o'clock shadow on our legs, and ... we weren't too far off the mark because hair growth was definitely stimulated by drinking Kombucha Tea. "

"Another friend continues to drink it and has done so for years to prevent baldness, hair loss and for general good health. After all these years, I'd say he is convinced."

"Kombucha Tea can be used as a hair conditioner and scalp toner, being massaged into the scalp and rinsed. "
What's a shoulder stand?

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Here are some links:




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Thanks soooo
much for the yoga sites, I have been looking for yoga sites for a while on and off, and cant find any good, Now I just need to find some good dance ones

I dont think I can eat all those carrots, I think the drinking will be bettter, and alot easyer for me too do, both can work, One day drink one day eat carrots,
, but I dont want to turn yellow